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Everything posted by matrixman124

  1. Actually he made the donation in January 2021 when Biden was inaugurated then when he turned 18 that Fall he registered Republican
  2. I have just seen the ActBlue donation. Where is the evidence for the other one?
  3. I found the record for that too. He donated when Biden got inaugurated.
  4. Only 15 dollars too! That's so weird
  5. I was able to put together enough info from Twitter to get into the PA voter record. It's legit!
  6. Holy shit it's not over
  7. I heard shooter and one rally attendant
  8. Pretty much my thoughts
  9. You know it won't matter
  10. This isn't good
  11. Honestly the guy has a stutter and it's gotten worse as he's gotten older. People should not just be focusing on that. Focus on his policies and his actual shortcomings. In 2020, we all talked about pushing Biden left and now everyone is more focused on his age than focusing on pushing him left! Because he is a status quo vote!
  12. He also called Kamala Vice President Trump Not a good time for these verbal gaffes
  13. It sounds like the connections disconnect over time At what point do you replace it before you lose full functionality?
  14. It's very weird all and all. I'd love to see more info about it
  15. We have never worried about a candidate this old before
  16. I'll say it again, literally anyone can run against Trump. I'll vote for them so we don't get more conservative justices.
  17. I don't know if he has dementia but he was acting like an old man who was there past his bed time. It's not a great look if you only have your shit together during the day.
  18. No he had a lot of stumbling. He got visibly flustered and had issues with cutting down on Trump's bullshit even stooping to the same level with him on name calling and the whole golf handicap debacle. They're both old but Biden was off the whole debate. At this point I literally just need Trump to lose so he doesn't pack the Supreme Court further. That is it.
  19. It's actually very easy to be president - Trump was fucking president. The problem becomes if you're likable and which party's policies you're going to push. Becoming president is not about capability unfortunately. And yeah that's fucked.
  20. I found the polling which does include the 70% black voter approval dating back to April beyond that it's not the best picture https://www.latimes.com/projects/kamala-harris-approval-rating-polls-vs-biden-other-vps/ I do think she was put in as VP as a diversity candidate next to old super white guy Biden. The whole reason we're talking about her as a candidate is because of how it impacts the black vote. I'm very curious what the current polling is of her after the debate.
  21. Sure but running primarily on your VP being your guaranteed replacement isn't the kind of thing that will make voters enthusiastic. *Cough McCain Palin cough*
  22. Kamala is another Hilary. The left hates her because she was a pro-cop state attorney general. The middle and right hate her because she presents herself as a progressive. And frankly she just doesn't have the charisma. When she's faking it it's very clear she's faking it. And no I don't think it would be racist or sexist to pass her over. She is just poison for voter numbers. I am sure there are plenty of other women of color out there that could pull better numbers.
  23. Literally the only reason to vote whoever is not Trump is the Supreme Court. We can't let him assign more conservative justices for life.
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