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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I like the way this fight is animated.
  2. Where the hell was this skill when he fought Super Buu?
  3. An ape that only seeks to destroy everything and everyone in its path, if you're talking about that kind of ape.
  4. Lol, I don't think Buu has slept in a long time, actually.
  5. Final round begins now.
  6. Lmfao, was that some attempt at speaking?
  7. Yeah guys, just make it bigger. That works.
  8. Krillin is getting Krillin'd.
  9. Oh yeah. Buu is in Otherworld.
  10. Trunks still had to go back to the future to destroy the Androids in his own timeline even though 17 was killed in Goku's. It's not over. There's just no way.
  11. So does this mean Zamasu doesn't exist in either timeline, or is it like what happened with the Androids? I have a feeling he isn't done yet.
  12. The Destroyer is tired of Zamasu's shit.
  13. This is almost Detective Conan tier mystery stuff.
  14. Lol, this guy's in serious shit.
  15. I was in middle school when FLCL came out. I didn't understand it then, and in my second run, I understood it more, but it just didn't..."stick." Didn't get what made it so interesting. Then again, I saw weirder shit from Japan BEFORE FLCL was even something I knew about. That may have had something to do with it.
  16. Agreed. I prefer when he was coming back to the past because androids were a thing.
  17. "You have got to be kidding me!" We say the same thing about your relationship with Trunks, kid.
  18. More comic relief filler.
  19. Black didn't always have a British sounding accent, did he?
  20. So...they just left him there? To die?
  21. Either they suspect nothing, or suspect something and are getting the hell out of dodge.
  22. Lmao, everyone's staring him down.
  23. Seen it a dozen times already, so I'll probably tune out of this during its re-run.
  24. "Memories of You." How much do you want to wager that 90% of this episode is comprised of flashbacks?
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