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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Since when did she go ga-ga for Jotaro?
  2. Are they really surprised that the fucking car from hell could get past that tiny gap?
  3. ....Control Freak from OG Teen Titans?
  4. I still think Tom switched places with some alternate reality version of himself.
  5. Okay, so maybe not sentient. That car has a driver.
  6. We had a rapist ape with an interest in children not long ago. I'm pretty sure sentient automobiles isn't a stretch for this show.
  7. Christine's after them....now there's a big truck.. .......MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE. That's what happening. Stephen King is canon in Jojo's world!
  8. How are they coughing when they have a windshield?
  9. Same. No fucking clue who her name is. Doesn't help that everyone keeps calling her "Kid." Should be her name by this point, really.
  10. Now to find out who's following the boys!
  11. Okay, so next episode will probably be the one where
  12. Downside: Side effects of Fusion can include an over-inflated ego, lack of common sense, and impatience. Please consult your doctor if these symptoms become common.
  13. Now he's the exact opposite of what he previously was.
  14. LMFAO, he was running, but he actually just took a few steps! >
  15. Hopefully the fusion stuff is taken care of quickly. I'd rather they didn't spend two more episodes trying to figure out the technique.
  16. The bumper is not as creepy with Old Kai doing that ritual.
  17. 25 hours for a ritual. Wonder how much the power up would be?
  18. Goku = Harvey Weinstein, confirmed. Damn. Beaten to the punch.
  19. Wow, Goku is unusually filthy in this episode.
  20. Oooohhhh, that's right. I forgot he was in the sword the entire fucking time. The Z Sword is part of the series so briefly that I just shrugged it off as a BS part that Toriyama included.
  21. Again, it feels like this happened much longer ago than two weeks. Feels like it was three weeks ago when they broke the Z Sword...
  22. I know how awesome this is, but it still saddens me to know that this is pretty much something Toriyama just pulled out of his ass.
  23. Sean's screaming is so epic for this episode.
  24. Vegeta is certainly familiar with Kaioken, since he almost lost to it.
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