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Everything posted by Lord_MiDeentor

  1. This is my daughter, Freyja.
  2. Wow! Congrats! He's beautiful!
  3. It's too early for sweet talk.
  4. Yeah. That was a bittersweet time.
  5. He makes wine? Cherry does sound good.
  6. Best times. Wish we could do it again. I don't know how it'd work now, though. And everyone's so busy.
  7. I miss Beezo. I found a birthday card from her that had fallen behind some furniture last year, never opened, and I felt so... homesick?
  8. Oh, my gods! How are you?
  9. I only really like beer and ciders. Never got into wine. Got sick on it once.
  10. That's so good to hear! You got your happily ever after. ☺️
  11. I thought this was code for bumper cars at the outlet mall.
  12. Aw, cutie. I like the shirt.
  13. I miss those Saturdays. Still talk to Crimm every couple of months, but that's it.
  14. It's out of this world.
  15. Happy for you, Odin. She's lovely.
  16. Hey, Odie. It's been a long time since the drive-in.
  17. I wonder what the in-flight movie was.
  18. It's been an age since I saw Gheelnorys' name mentioned. Jurassic Era memory foam. So soft.
  19. Jack says he died on the way to his home planet.
  20. He's the one who linked me to this board a couple weeks ago.
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