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I actually kinda dug GT. Oddly enough, I didn't see much of it on old Toonami but I DID see most of it on NickToons after they picked it up following the success of Kai. Baby was a FIERCE villain with a tie to an old rival of the Saiyans, and the Super Android 17 saga was interesting. Omega Shenron, as the name implies, was the result of an unfortunate backfire of the overuse of the Dragon Balls!


Of course, Super also has its Dragon Ball tendencies, as exhibited by the presence of Emperor Pilaf through the Beerus arc, though he's the lovable conniving screw-up instead of the big bad like he was in Dragon Ball. Also, we actually got Goku vs. Krillin in this episode, just for old time's sake:



yeah the flashback to little Goku and Krillin was the best part of the ep


also they got little Krillin's original voice back....but not little Goku's

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Lil' Goku in this recent episode was instead covered by Colleen Clinkenbeard.

I hate her boy voice, not to mention it sounds nothing like Goku's original voice

I forget... do you like One Piece?

I do, her voice works for Luffy because Luffy's Japanese voice also sounds like an elderly woman with a cold

I do, her voice works for Luffy because Luffy's Japanese voice also sounds like an elderly woman with a cold


Come aboard, and bring aloooooong! All your pills and geeerms!


Gt aired in 2004 where toonami switched from airing on weekdays to Saturday nights for 3 hours.i was very excited to watch it but alot of it was underwhelming


There was  just something about that fight animation the animators were using,the lack of Bruce falconer(but this one I don't care much for anymore), pan not interesting  enough of a main character,the  acceptance of the character design of super Saiyan 4 and how different it looked compared to the last three SSJ forms.  no amount of rewatching changed how I felt about it  </3 besides the last arc,the shadow dragon arc. It felt like something new and fresh.


it just dawned on me that Super must've removed the Bingo Dance scene



which is interesting because it means they made a concious attempt to make Vegeta less Out of Character in Super's adaption of BotG and RF

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