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A shoegaze gf so is that a girl who stares at her feet while she sucks your dick?


Also wrap it up quick. Remember I'm the famous person so this thread is suppose to be about me.

i thought you already had a youtube




How else do you become famous? I don't know all the ways. I need to know all the ways. If you know any of the ways, speak up. How do I get on the Jimmy Fallon? Should I get up earlier or stay up even later? Does it matter? What do I do?


Well I've heard God watches out for Drunks and Babies, so I'm hoping to become Jack Black's stunt double.    I'll rock that for about 12 years until the aging process catches up and then just kinda roll my neck one day and collect unemployment for the rest of my life while being miserable. 




How else do you become famous? I don't know all the ways. I need to know all the ways. If you know any of the ways, speak up. How do I get on the Jimmy Fallon? Should I get up earlier or stay up even later? Does it matter? What do I do?


increase your connections


While there's a bunch of famous people at parties talking to each other like it's one big club, get to know more of them - have your friends introduce you to them, who will later introduce you to *their* friends, so on and so forth.

Get dinner, breakfast, or drinks with them afterwards etc

This one I hate - being found in pictures with them helps your image. (*since you use twitter, tweet those pictures/retweet them)


Talking to famous people isn't anything special until you become friends with them, and the more high profile people you're friends with, the more lurkers would be interested in you.


Personally, to me, this kind of behavior is too much like fishing and I sorta find it rude to the person ??? but people do it and it works

And if it's cause you're tryna get your name out there and make it, it's oki to do so imo. In the end, fame bois support one another anyway so np



okay, why do ? ? ?  get translated into a ??? face

I'm tilted

who ever made this - i hate u


well I know how I make connections, I get drunk in public, usually at cons and go to every party I possibly can. So far for famous I've met John Saint John, half the cast of teamfourstar, and the ceo of cosplayer nation who is now a close personal friend of mine, and the governing board of at least two conventions, one of which would be right up your ally if you ever feel like taking a trip to MA in may. Also a shit ton of none famous people who are pretty cool guys and don't afraid of anything.


Its good to branch out, meet people from other backgrounds, different industries, you never know when you might need their skills or influence. Plus it doesn't cost anything to make friends, save time and a modicum of effort.  Beyond that just do the things you already listed and try to avoid politics unless you want to become infamous, normally I wouldn't say that but the internet is absurdly sexist and you will get death threats if you offend their delicate sensibilities. However if you don't care about that, becoming controversial is a good way to get more notoriety, as they say all publicity is good publicity.


Ask a director to put you in a movie. When he says no, have some friends cut off the head of his favorite horse or daughter or whatever. Keep that for a trophy, and leave the rest of the body on his front lawn.

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