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The ASMB turns 20 years old this year!

It's time to put your ASMB fandom to the ultimate "survival" test... without leaving your home!

Have you...

  • ...wondered what all the noise about AI art is?
  • ...wanted to make your own meme like that one funny jerk?
  • ...wished you could make Tom Brady's ugly face kiss Brock Sampson's are?

Well, no more!  Your cherished memories of the Golden Age of [adult swim] are on the line and it will take all of your creativity and your obsession with cartoons (and cartoonish jokesters) to outlast your fellow ASMB fanatics, win the idol, and become...

....the ultimate UEMB Survivor!

Visit us here.

Our first challenge is underway, so come join us and see what it's all about!

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