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Posted (edited)

Just as I was about to leave for work there was a loud explosion. Hopefully it was a transformer or fuse in the alley, and I didn't blow something out at my house with all the shit I have plugged in because it sounded close as fuck and now I have no power in my house. That's it! Either way I'm calling it. This is a non working Saturday for me. 😬

Edited by PhilosipherStoned
Posted (edited)

The powers back on. A bucket truck from the power company drove by not too long after I decided not to go to work...My employers are probably pissed. I got a call from MY bosses boss..What was my first line supervisors bosses boss...Saying yeah calling in on a saturday. I can't do much eveybodies packed or something like that. I gave him a fairly detailed description of what's been going on here, told him I live alone with pets and a tenant that's gonna come back expecting shit to work and I even beefed it up.

Having a main water line leak in my back yard and a transformer blowing up and cutting off my power with both utility companies onmy property still wasn't a good enough excuse, so I said fuck it. Kind of done at that point though I try to never call off... I worked a day with an ant bite that had my lip about to explode, and made me look like a fucking cown. Nah... I'm doing house maintenance today fire me..

Both the power company worker in the bucket truck, and this ISP here's competition have given me contacts and numbers and said fuck them basically come work for us. xD

Edited by PhilosipherStoned
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