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You smile you lose


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Laughing is for people who over exaggerate their emotions.  Much like the lyrics to Kung Fu Fighting. You are trying to tell me that everyone was Kung Fu Fighting. I mean surely not everyone was Kung Fu Fighting, and Might I add that the claim of their moves being as Fast as Lightning has to be a gross exaggeration. The striking speed of lightning is over 220,000,000 mph. The fastest recorded punch was recorded at 43.3 mph. So your are trying to tell me that not only was everyone Kung fu Fighting, but that there moves were also 1/3 the speed of light over 5 million times faster than that of any recorded martial artist. The legitimacy of these claims is highly suspect; as is the integrity of your character if not your recollection.


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Laughing is for people who over exaggerate their emotions.  Much like the lyrics to Kung Fu Fighting. You are trying to tell me that everyone was Kung Fu Fighting. I mean surely not everyone was Kung Fu Fighting, and Might I add that the claim of their moves being as Fast as Lightning has to be a gross exaggeration. The striking speed of lightning is over 220,000,000 mph. The fastest recorded punch was recorded at 43.3 mph. So your are trying to tell me that not only was everyone Kung fu Fighting, but that there moves were also 1/3 the speed of light over 5 million times faster than that of any recorded martial artist. The legitimacy of these claims is highly suspect; as is the integrity of your character if not your recollection.


But I (unfortunately) laughed at this...:|

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