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I really got into the game on pc enough to get 2 or 3 warframes built and finish most of the planet nodes.. Then like most MMO's got bored of the grind and stopped playing long enough to completely forget about almost. Had a dude rent a room from for a little bit that kept playing shit like Apex legends and Fortnite so I decided to show him warframe on ps4, and now I'm kind of hooked again.. Now I'm thinking about at least maining my ps4 warframe account for a while since even though I got a new computer monitor it's not as clean looking as playing warframe on PS with a 50 inch TV. Anybody here a big Warframe player? I'm still working out how to get down with actual players a bit better on ps4 though. 

Also apparently I'm not really sure why, but if I try to claim offers via ps store using the cash shop they'll end up going  to my pc warframe account if I'm not careful because that's the only one I have tied to email I guess and I'm not sure how to even do that for ps4. (I probably just have to log into warframe's website from ps4 under a diff email than I did for pc) The game isn't completely cross platform so I can't just jump on my pc account on ps4 either. There could be something I'm missing there though. I still have Nidus on PS4 through bying a little starter pack on the market, and he's a beast at doing defense missions.. That pack gave me platinum that I used to buy Nekros.. A god of the dead like warframe that I should've remembered a lot of people just use for team support since one of his abilities lets you basically clone loot from pieces of dead enemies that already dropped their base loot.. 

My ps4 account is so set up to be a noobs starter account now it isn't even funny though.. Started with mag that has a passive ability that draws loot and all in game pick ups toward her every time she bullet jumps..Got Excaliber built for free even though I didn't start with him cause I am a sword guy.. and now I have Nidus and Nekros for more player team support and goth/gory 'to the victor goes the spoils' glory... Good shit. 


Edited by PhilosipherStoned
It'd be nice if Warframe was more cross platform compatible even NMS can get that right..
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