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Chapter 1 Apparition

After surviving a tsunami, having sex with a plant, and seeing fugg's wonderful chocolate pussy, Kagome decided it was time to go to a different part of the world. I suppose Inuyasha was supposed to take place hundreds of years ago, and I somewhat reflected that fact in the past segments, but let's just ignore that, for convenience and my laziness as a writing hack. It is now the 1990s, which was when Kagome was a schoolgirl in high school anyway, meaning in 2020 she is a crusty 40-something woman, lol

Anyway, back to the 90s, it just so happened that Harry Potter took place during this decade. Kagome, being somewhat magical and related to Kikyo, was not exactly a muggle, and not exactly a witch. I really don't know what the fuck to call her. A useless whore would be more apt, but we are referring to her magical capabilities here. Let's just call her a MaHoe. Mahou is Japanese for magic.

Kagome had heard from her father, Godzilla, a magical kaiju, that a school of magic existed in Scotland. He learned this from the Loch Ness Monster.

JK Rowling said there was some magical school in Japan as well, but I don't feel like looking up the details. Probably something stupid based on the geographical features of Japan she looked up on wikipedia, like all writers do these days.

One of the students of the Japanese school happened to be a neighbor of Kagome's. Her name was Kusai. She found Kagome walking home alone from school one day.

"Konnichiwa, Kagome," said Kusai.

"Who the fuck are you?" exclaimed Kagome. "And why do you know my name?"

Kusai grinned. "I am a witch from the Japanese school of magic. Your father told me you would like to get away from a while."

"Japanese school of magic?" Kagome's eyebrows raised.

"Yes, your father happens to visit our school frequently. Some of the mythical beasts we keep are his friends. Our school is on an island to the south, near Iwo Jima."

"Interesting . . ."

Kusai continued. "However, I have nout sought you out to inform you of our school. No, your father wanted me to take you to Hogwarts, the school in the UK. Seeing as though we are in Japan and speaking English, this should pose no difficulty."

"lol ok"

"Well, seeing as you're just accepting everything as is without being dumbfounded, let's just cut to the chase." Kusai grabbed Kagome by the hand and grabbed her Hitachi wand out. "We're about to apparate across the world."

"Wha-" and before Kagome could finish her thought, they were already in unfamiliar grounds.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Kusai.

Kagome looked at the enormous castle in front of her for a few seconds . . . before noticing the giant squid in the lake. Now, all she cared about was the lake. She was running towards.

"Get back here, Kagome," commanded Kusai. "I have to report to the despotic bitch Umbridge."

Kagome heard none of Kusai's words.

"Well, you leave me no choice. Imperio." Kusai controlled Kagome to come back to her.

"Did you just control me?"

"Yes, and I will do it again if you step out of line."

Kusai and Kagome walked into Hogwarts. Their adventure begins, I think . . . although I might not bother finishing this. Oh well.



  • 3 weeks later...

If you are worried about the age thing just hvae Kadome reincarnate again around the year 2000. Is she a reincarnate of Kikyo of a distant relative? It has been awhile since I watched the show.

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