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Such a long week almost.. I volunteered to be part of the set up for this national guard field exercise, and I've already  had two long ass days of work... The rest of the unit comes in later tomorrow to get bussed or shipped out to the site, but I got a wake up and drive down the same road I did this morning ....pretty safely, but trying to hurry and I was still late.. by 5 mins.. At least I wasn't alone though, and some people reported several flipped pickup trucks when they arrived.. I was trying to navigate through traffic that was pretty much all going 40 on a 75 mph highway stretch, and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow at fucking 3 am when I need to be on the road to make it by 4. Plus I have a narrow window to qualify with an M4 on top of all the shit I have to do.. Like the military job I'm supposed to know, but don't at all because of reasons...


Silver linings: I'm S6 (military IT) my job is easy, but usually integral, and my team leader is already trying to train me up for an NCO slot...  The truck I am in is an LMTV..A big ass cargo truck. THE HEATERS WORK UNLIKE MOST OF THE TRUCKS IN THE CONVOY, AND I'M NOT THE DRIVER I'M THE TC..Or the guy that sits in the passenger seat to make sure the driver stays awake, and that there's no approaching traffic from the right since military vehicles are blocky and it can be hard for the driver to spot traffic on the other side. The unknown unknowns with this mission plan at this point seem a bit stupid, but hell I guess I've seen worse. 😑

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