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Your brain is the besht mushcle, yesh

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It gets stronger like any other muscle in your body.

Reading an advanced text and getting bored or tired is akin to lifting a heavy object over and over and feeling sore & out of breath.

Push through the pain and be rewarded either way...

1 minute ago, InsaneFox said:

Master level chess players burn as many calories as professional athletes.

Same for professional writers, or what have you, any creative work, really. Your brain needs calories for neurons to fire, and the more they fire the more connections they build associated with the pattern they had when firing... a.k.a. "The accumulation of ki"

It sucks when you're good at learning lessons the hard way, been handed the shit end of the stick in life, and have strengths

not apparent to untrained eyes, whereas most trained eyes are hostile at least to some extent... got to be resilient.

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