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Receptionist "Thank you for coming in today" (Doesn't tell me what happens next)

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As I'm leaving, I ask her, "So what happens next?"



And she looks flustered then quickly says, "We'll contact you next week... probably by e-mail."



And I think about saying, "By e-mail? Usually you get rejected by e-mail and accepted with a phone call", but I bite my tongue even though I want to destroy her right on the spot. I'm in rage mode. Just went through an hour and a half long interview process, dominated the grammar and Microsoft Word tests, dominated that 150-200 word book summary test, and now I'm being told, "F--- off" by this OkCupid caliber receptionist? My violent impulses were raging.




Think I got the job? There's a cute blonde who works there, a little nerdy, but I want to make kids with her.


A lot of jobs inform you of getting hired via email these days









Well she didn't look like she wanted me to be hired!  :|



Also, at this job you have to ring a bell to be buzzed in and there's a security camera that shows the receptionist who's at the door. It's very sketchy. It's like they wanna reject me and now let me go on my raaaaaaaaaampaaaaaaaage. :(

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