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So, just as the move came in phases, the post-move period will be a series of phases.


We're in the middle of post-move hysteria phase, which should pass fairly quickly (if it's not already over).


next phase will be about:


1.  stabilizing the server (which I'm fairly confident we will do, possibly very soon, but absolutely by the end of this month or thereabouts).


2.  tying up some of the loose ends, plugging the holes and exterminating the bugs.  I will be trying my hardest to do what I can (which isn't as much as I wish I could do), and Viper and KN will fix stuff as they are able.  So not sure how fast that process will be.  But we got a list of the stuff that needs fixin, I'm pretty sure all of it is doable.  So we'll get there eventually.


3.  setting up the volunteer ranks and tutorials so we can get some of that going before we begin to seek to expand the audience of the board.


so during this next phase we will require:


1.  patience children.  we'll get there.


2.  continue to let us know about stuff you think we need to fix or add. 


3.  if you want to volunteer as a general helper, event/contest organizer, green ghost/techy person, news seeker or eventual recruiter, board stat organizer/tutorial maker/archiver, or some combination of those things, PM me.  We're not really looking for Mods atm, because the moderation is pretty simple here, with relatively few rules, and I don't want to go heavy on the moderating just now.  If we need it, I'll open it up.  But for now we got enough mods I think. 


I already have  few ongoing dialogues going with users about volunteer ranks, I will continue those discussions and hook up some of you as soon as I can get some sort of rudimentary tutorial/help thread up for the volunteer roles (which should be sometime tonight or tomorrow?)  I was gonna do that sooner, but other stuff popped up.


so - that's where things are and what we're up to for this next phase of unevenedge stuffs.

  On 11/13/2016 at 2:17 PM, monderaptorpat said:

Do any phases involve a mobile view


this is the announcements section PAT. >:(




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