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Made my breakfast waaaaayyy too greasy


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6 eggs w/ cheddar, bacon, and two slices of taylor ham, but I put way too much oil on the frying pans. Crap.... I want to drink my second 32 ouncer right now, but I'm afraid of throwing up, plus I think I just expedited any kind of heart related ailment that might stop me from getting to 100.

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When you're just straight up cooking bacon, you don't have to put anything in the pan. It makes its own damn grease, shit. You don't have to add that much oil in the pan when frying ham either. I honestly don't want to imagine what you're doing to your eggs after I had such a nice lunch, so someone else can chime in on that. 

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I made the eggs in the same pan that I made the bacon in because I figured I was going to eat them together anyway, and I didn't want to have to wash a third frying pan. Anyway, by the time I plated the eggs, there was a small puddle of oil on my plate. Whatever, I'll be fine. My body is strong, as would be expected for a lone wolf alpha male warrior, so I'll just let my stomach settle down for about fifteen more minutes and then I'll down this Milwaukee's Best.

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2 minutes ago, Drunkenwarrior said:

Heart attacks are so beta


Heart attacks are pretty beta, but the people who get them are serious alphas because heart attacks are basically just a swarm of white knights coming to the rescue of a hot blonde supermodel who would never go on a date with them because they see the alpha she's with taking her phone from her because he caught her texting some other guy out of boredom.

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1 minute ago, Zenigundam said:


Heart attacks are pretty beta, but the people who get them are serious alphas because heart attacks are basically just a swarm of white knights coming to the rescue of a hot blonde supermodel who would never go on a date with them because they see the alpha she's with taking her phone from her because he caught her texting some other guy out of boredom.

What kind of a low T beta bitch can't keep his heart in check.... That's like letting your emotions take over and crying because you didn't get a handy j

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