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and I'm just going to remake one of the raps I did ages ago with a cheap gamer headset with better quality.

This thing is free, and might work there. I'm kind of embarrased to even shed light on some of this old stuff.

You think my newer stuff is bad.. :| The flow here is pretty good though.. I think it's just the mic quality and

how loud and precise I had to be with that cheap mic. It's worth a shot anyway.


I want to have a better version done in an hour or two that I can upload not that anybody cares it just sounds

like a good way to be productive with my music without trying to hard..and this thread will be a good place to

look at the two side by side and see if I did better..worse..etc.


If anybody has ideas for sound effects feel free to post them along with your constructive criticism.






well I think I may have to extend the flow that track is an odd length, and for a beat that short I should

flow through till the end right? maybe.. or maybe I can just throw some audio clips in there related to

the flow . The full beat is 3 min plus with no twists and turns though.. seems like it'd get too stale

so I cut it short to make that rap whebn I did it.


It doesn't sound half bad I guess actually. I was obsessing over it so much and repeatedly listening to it when I first

uploaded it that it was harshing my vibe honestly. Here's another one I need to redo that'll probably sound dope AF

with real eqiupment..I guess I'm just talking to myself at this point, but it wouldn't be the first time I did that here

and I don't really give AF.



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