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This is prob gonna be known as one of the biggest fuck ups in the game world

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Guest The Hound









Leave it to an actual good dev like Epic to "fuck" up.

I think they did it to spark a debate, knowing them.

Either way good job Epic. You've proved it's that easy.



I would love to be able to play with gamers on consoles via my computer if it ment lobbies full of same control configuration.

We all know you can get a mouse and keyboard to work on console - the hardware and software support is there - and most PC games allow controllers to be plugged in.

Whatever way you wanna look at it, just looks to me like more money to be made.



GG Epic. 10/10 troll.


Microsoft is already allowing cross platforming with PC.


It's a well known fact that Sony is the only ones holding PS4 users back from playing with Xbox/PC users


Yeah, Minecraft went cross-platform a few days ago on Xbox One, PC, and Mobile. And it'll eventually be on the Switch, as well.


But Sony was like "Nah, man."

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