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Elephant quest was designed to be more cute than anything. You can even max out your cuteness as one


of the stats. Not sure what it does because I just beat it by maxing out the weapon damage and minion swarm.


should be an option to resume game towards the bottom. The only glitches that ever happened to me was

getting stuck in the wall/ceiling a few times because all the minions and I put a lot of points into the jump ability.


should be an option to resume game towards the bottom. The only glitches that ever happened to me was

getting stuck in the wall/ceiling a few times because all the minions and I put a lot of points into the jump ability.


It wasn't a glitch, I just didn't see it


That cave is just the first area.. theres  five different areas to explore with tougher enemies.


completing quests gives you more turrets to string behind you. I think there's only one quest.


to do there when you first start. The final boss is in the door with all the blue keys. not much


to it honestly.. I just liked collecting balloons and all the elephants shooting lasers.  :D


I got bored and looked up flash games to play and only played it for a few hours last week.


It saves your progress so I just clicked back into it and finished the thing in a few minutes.



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