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Anime/Manga characters, etc Drawn by Other Artists of the Industry

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To start us off, we have Kubo's versions of Luffy, Naruto, Orochimaru, and various Dragonball characters.




I think Luffy looks pretty cool here.  Kubo's slender figures work for Luffy's physique, too.  Still don't know how the hell I never heard about this.  I lucked into coming across it through the ole Google Rabbit Hole.






Naruto looks pretty cool and Orochimaru looks even rapier and creepier, if that were possible.  I like Kubo's versions better here, honestly.




This was done in Kubo's earlier art style, obviously.  Interesting the characters Kubo chose to draw.  Piccolo, Vegeta, Trunks, Tao, all great characters.  But Zarbon and Recoome, of all people? ;D I mean, they're cool, but...  He must like these characters, in any case.  I notice none of the Son family are present, LOL.




Yeah, he definitely likes Tao.  So do I. 8)


Literally everyone serialized in Jump when it ended this year drew their versions of the Kochikame cast for the 40th anniversary, plus others including Akira Toriyama. Here's Yuna of Yuragi Manor's author's version:




Here's a group shot of them:



Toriyama, Kubo, Oda, Tabata, Horikoshi, etc...they're all there.


Here's the main cast with each drawn by a different author:



Oda and the JoJo guy's stand out imo.


And here's the cover of Jump when it ended where Tabata, and Horikoshi, and someone else(maybe Oda) drew their versions of the mc along with the actual author's:




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