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anyone else get inspiration to do stuff from random things

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sometimes if a song i really like that i've forgotten for a while starts playing in my head i find the motivation to get my workouts done lol

back in october i had gone a while from not running but i heard know ya wrong from schoolboy q and ran for like 35 min.

i was dying on the way home, but ya.

this happens with movies or tv shows too.

ive been writing since i was 13.

and i was really bad at it, and stilll am, but less so.

anyway, before i used to just sit down and write, but since i was about 15 i don't really do that that much

i usually write only when i get inspired by something, but when i do i can write a crapton of stuff.

i remember listening to eyelid movies in october and writing down like 10 poems/dumb ideas for songs.

one other night in october i listenend to loveless and combined with how shitty i was feeling + other personal problems i wrote a lot too.

and last year i wrote a ton of different ideas for a novel just from reading mahouyo lol.


tl;dr im useless at writing/being productive unless i find inspirations from outside things


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