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Everything posted by HamStation

  2. Cheating is bad. Disappear.
  3. You and I know that is not the case. She escaped from you because you are a pedophile disgusting fuck. She left you because she has seen what you do in your spare time.
  4. He aint lying... You are a moron.
  5. Shame you will never date.
  6. You yourself went on so many videos on YouTube begging for a girlfriend... Yeah... You should shut the fuck up...
  7. Surely you are talking about yourself now, hmm? Mr. Ask an underage girl for a date? You are 30 and you try to hit on 16 year old girls... Fucking creep.
  8. And let me guess, you gonna pester someone with your bullshit now, right?
  9. Okay if you seriously just fucking corrected a slang (Short LANGuage) then you seriously have something wrong with you. Please just stop using technology, you're too retarded how to use them correctly.
  10. Why didn't you quote me? Also, these Discord bots are not meant to be sold, and shut the fuck up, because I can make a single functional server running Linux distributions and make good money like that. Honestly, you underestimate how much you can earn for these shit. You can create a whole network and earn almost 10k for that assuming you do it properly with proper security, of course this is talking of big servers. Or if you go really big, data centers, they are really good. So please, you got nothing on me, and yes I am still learning but I will be learning all the time, no matter how old I am because guess what, technology never fucking stops moving. Also you say you're nearly 30, and you also said; So you admit to having sexual contact with a minor, of course this is a lie because let's face it, you are a pathetic human being afterall, but regardless, you said this yourself, I have photo evidence of this too and this was on this forum too, so don't go deleting like you did on your YouTube videos. You also consider 16 year olds women when they have not even hit adulthood yet, do you see the problem here yet or not? In short, you're a full on pedophile. No denying it. But after all, you still fail to realise how stupid you sound. It's a shame really. You feel that we failed generation Z when in reality, you are failing at it and blaming others and don't see your own errors, it is disappointing that we will be stuck with retards like you. Damage control is important because there are people like you that ruin lives out there with having sexual contacts with underage girls. This includes 15-17 year olds. You are the one that is ruining generation Z, not us. Don't put the blame on us when you are filled with self ego and your pedophile desires. We never needed you and never will. We don't need pedophiles.
  11. What the fuck are you talking about? You are now comparing how much I type? Fucking seriously? I fucking type fast on my keyboard so this doesn't even take much time so why the fuck do I need to filter down what I want to say? Seriously you are actually fucking retarded and I feel bad for your parents that raised this failure, it's okay, your parents are not at fault, it is you that is at fault. Your parents did what they could, you just are not smart enough, it's okay. Also what the fuck does crying have to do with anything? Please, do yourself a favour and shut the fuck up, you make yourself look like some retarded moron.
  12. Okay you have a really depressing mind. You automatically assume that I make fake online dating bots, I am guessing that is something you encounter a lot right? But no, this bot is in Discord and basically just plays music, pretty simple bot. So no, I am not talking about actual AI robots. If you think making and owning a bot is "dorky" then be my guest, because you are one of those morons that think new technology is bad and shit. Please, just get the fuck out of here and don't talk. ¬_¬ Honestly, you got nothing useful with your life. Also this hobby of mine is turning into a career because this is something actually worthy for businesses.
  13. "Nerdy moments"... Okay are you actually a fucking degenerate? What do you see that is so fucking nerdy apart from owning my own bot? Sorry that I have an interest that is actually fucking worth something. Also what the fuck do you mean by edit? I don't edit shit unless I made a typo or incorrect grammar.
  14. Yes. I am that Ham. One that owns HamsBot.
  15. You are actually the most retarded moron I've seen... Jesus Christ... Please consider changing your lifestyle as it really makes you look like a creepy 37 year old pedophile. Oh wait, that is exactly what you are. Fucking disgusting little shit.
  16. Shut the fuck up, if I was there I wouldn't have cared what you said, I would have fucking destroyed you if you said that to me. But regardless, you are a pedophile.
  17. You forgot to add an option; "Creepy pedophile".
  18. Oh please, you cant even get an ugly girl for fuck sake. You are a virgin, and look into your own age group you pedophile. God you are sad.
  19. Zeni, you legit try too hard on little girls. Get the hint she hardcore motherfucker rejected you like the pig you are.
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