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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Gordon made it and wants u to be his first customer.
  2. Have u ever even been to a Trader Joe's
  3. You shut your whore mouth.
  4. And then reheated it to eat
  5. It had greens and chicken and corn and beans and BBQ sauce and cheese and tortilla strips
  6. Anything from trader Joe's is worth eating.
  7. Trader Joe's is an amazing store full of amazing food items and their salads are the best.
  8. It was from trader Joe's tho
  9. I went to shake the container up to mix the dressing. The lid wasn't on all the way.
  10. Also what does being a redneck have to do with eating spam. Never heard of that correlation before.
  11. It was hilarious awhile ago but it's gotten so old. Like he hasn't had any new material since he first graced our presence like, 10 years ago or however long it's been. It's always juat been "Herp derp I'm better than you all herp derp".
  12. Mods can you just start auto-banning Tic any time he makes a new account? Plz? Ooh, or here's an idea that might slow him down. Minimum reputation requirements to make threads. And maybe some requirement before people can even post replies, too.
  13. We literally have the same address <_<
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