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Everything posted by Jeffchao228

  1. Guess Science Experiments seem to be the case of this.
  2. Sweets, sure sounds like this is unusual.
  3. Sounds like a New Character and a new Story.
  4. And looks like Goku will need to take it easy.
  5. A little Slow to start tonight, that is for sure.
  6. And Fleeing they go, stealing Pan is not a good idea.
  7. Sure, Scamming people, force Goku to ruin the place due to his power, dang, what ugly this will be.
  8. The Emperor is back, and wants to try more crap again.
  9. Back to the talk of 2 old friends, and baby Pan too.
  10. Gyaos , Time Warner is getting Screwed up in many ways than one, but back to the show.
  11. Dang, I guess a Game Review with a Classic Theme to it Animation wise.
  12. Well lets hope Goku won't Screw up, again.
  13. Well I do know that that this is getting interesting.
  14. And the House is gone...
  15. Stop fighting is not an option, surely in that manor.
  16. Looks like this will be hard for Goku to control his energy.
  17. Looks like a big Comedic Moment is surely being seen.
  18. Looks like the energy is letting lose in this mess.
  19. Well I am here, and no doubt it seems things are back to normal, some what.
  20. Sounds like his Brother is even more powerful.
  21. And now back to the rather uneasy scene in this.
  22. A Gundam Game Review, looks like Banpresto and Atlas USA with Bandai are at it with this.
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