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Yumudas Beegbut

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Everything posted by Yumudas Beegbut

  1. @clackymcklackin... I mean @crackymckrackin I don't mean to annoy with mentions... just tryin' to be racist
  2. The Koji-ribeye was Star Trek's no-win scenario Starfleet cadet dick-over test, right? IIRC
  3. S'right! After every 16 months of lost time, I wake up and change my avatar to Excalibur.

  4. I can barely remember me either... Or what we did... Are there ASMB eras or anything? I assume my sarcastically glorious era of something like 2005-2008 would be called the orgASMB. Summary: I was not very popular. Or unpopular. Or replied to. Had my niche carved out pretty good.
  5. Heyyyyyyy, blurry people I kinda remember with my broken memory... I went by MrPlanetUrectum on ASMB for a lil bit. I'm now going by my younger XBL Gamertag, Yumudas Beegbut. My nephew kinda took over older XBL account, Yusgoda Beegbut, which is about as old as my good ol' ASMB account, which maybe a few peeps will recall... prolly neither fondly nor nauseatingly. I'm gonna be asleep or in sickbed mode most of the time & a little outta it & distracted for most of what remains, but that'll be good 'nuf. I'll get around to things eventually. Maybe.
  6. AKA MrPlanetUrectum... yo ho hoes

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