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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. people instigate problems and cause fear. they can attack you, ruin you, and worse
  2. I don't want to be harassed, remembered for my stupidity or mistakes, and I realized somehow that its too dangerous
  3. no way im scared and these people don't like me
  4. I cant stand it anymore, they are mean and heartless and probably impersonating me and stuff I don't know what I did to them
  5. I was here checking something and saw that he's not me I am also wondering if I should be scared of getting harassed or anything by people here who don't like me I have 95% quit this site now but I am scared I made enemies somehow and I don't want to have their hate following/lingering
  6. she tried to eat herself
  7. she thinks her last name is her occupation
  8. her face measurement looks like a waist measurement
  9. oh I get it what a funny bastard
  10. that's nice but in reality, under 21 is a minor. legal age of adulthood is usually 18, I think don't quote me on it because I believe some places its 19. and I think in some weirdo polygamist incest states it 17 or 16. but if you ask me under 30 is legally retarded
  11. @Admin_Raptorpatthere is a member birthday on the site landing that says 14 years old. you are an adult only site right? how is that even possible to have permission to post? are you going to remove that accounts permissions are erase that embarrassing birthday notification pat?
  12. im pretty sure this is positive peer interaction im experiencing here. so ill stay confused to be safe.
  13. and I don't mean it lightly, I study the inner self and explore the conceptual reality constantly, its in my nature to find meaning in things, and I am always seeking a better understanding, that thing is: don't seek yourself because yourself is not always true, seek the Buddha and what you find will always be true.
  14. either way its shit and shit is better than shit mumbo out
  15. alright. seeking common ground or downplaying me?
  16. like ten thousands missing fucks were found wandering right?
  17. am I supposed to be objectionable or misunderstood to you darkside?
  18. its a joke about social media hatred? why? does my opinion all of a sudden matter or something?
  19. show, also merlin is good except I don't like the guy who plays Arthur, I like the haunting of hill house, and saw some good movies too... Netflix ftw
  20. be sure to ass me on likeface, because I'm perfect!! ok? amen. https://www.facebook.com/help/224562897555674?helpref=search&sr=2&query=delete account (just wanted to shout out that I updated my sig and status, same time, I found out someone (vjs) liked my old sig thread recently, weird coincidence so I posted this thread.) ok mumbo out.
  21. see the question was supposed to be implied by asking if rants has common and useful meaning, because the no answer would be like terrorism "no we have no useful reason to exist" was what I was hoping I would not hear so we're the good guys, ok
  22. alright fine call me stupid! after almost a decade of being a member, I don't know the answer to this. this is the last time im paraphrasing it though, if no one understands, idc, relax I will be away for the bards for a while but ill be lurking and reading well one things is you take all the bullshit seriously and forget to look at the rest of the thread. Im asking if rants is where most of the pressure to convey some kind of secret agenda without really saying what that is takes place, like some kind of liberal vigilante site, or social movement its really a very simple question, I was just wondering if the influence has a cause of swaying one way or the other on certain issues because I don't know if Goldberg has a lot of really close friends here, and im asking if uemb is an extremist/ultra left site is uemb a secret society and if so is its cause to cause harm or do evil? I don't want the fbi to bust down my door because I post here please don't think into too much I also am taking a break from the boards so my drivel is nearly over
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