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the raytownian

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  1. I am all but useless for Hip-Hop recommendations. The genre is not my wheelhouse, and I only know mostly old/widely recognized artists you likely already know yourself. Electronic music in general isn't really my wheelhouse. The smattering of artists I'm familiar with are mostly dated House, DnB, IDM, Industrial, etc. producers from the 80's-90's. I am the definition of a "filthy casual" regarding most of this stuff, particularly when it comes to stuff released later than ~2005. I still don't know what a "trap" beat is. Frankly, I'm okay with that. But here's some songs (including a few random tracks that have no relation to what I posted above): https://www.mediafire.com/?7gfmse37ddul8oa I promise I won't be offended if you don't like any of them ::]::
  2. Mhm, also good. Really depends on my mood which of these two songs I'd rather listen to, though. "Catch the Rainbow" is better suited to sitting on the porch and staring up at the moon introspectively, where as "Rainbow Eyes" is better suited to crying alone in your room after watching Watership Down.
  3. Yeah, 2011-2016 was a stupid time for and mostly because of me. I was a bit of a mess, but I'm doing a lot better these days. Haven't touched music in three years! In all seriousness, I've gotten my drug/alcohol problems under control since last year. I have a much better perspective on how relatively fruitless, unsustainable and self-destructive wallowing in a drug and alcohol-induced hikikomori haze for several years has been for me. I'm not a teetotaler or anything, it's just a lot easier to resist the temptation to be a wasteoid now. Being broke because I threw away all my money on generic Robitussin and Aristocrat vodka helps, obviously. I can't afford to do that now even if I really wanted to. I'm still a miserable bastard, but I'm making an effort to correct that now, as opposed to just running away from the problem like I used to. Growing the fuck up, basically. Anyway, I remember you (Nabraniel, right?) and Doom Metal Alchemist too. Thanks for all the welcomes + confused stares from those who don't know or remember me. <3
  4. What kind of music do you generally like?
  5. Wow! That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you! I do hope this will become a regular place I go to waste time, maybe. Just like the old days, only with less shitposting (and censor-dodging). Anyway, I just remembered that I still have a bunch of my old custom ASMB avatars on an external HD. They're all pretty stupid and embarrassing, especially without seeing/understanding them in their original context:
  6. "Power ballad" to my mind means pure, unadulterated cheese, so the choices that come to mind are pretty sappy. I legitimately, completely unironically love this ridiculous song: Random aren't even a good band. They're totally unremarkable, grade D (D is for "Dad") metal slop. I mean, they were on Metal Enterprises, FFS. But, for some reason, I really like this goofy song. I also genuinely enjoy Black Sabbath's "Spinal Tap album", Born Again. Especially the closing ballad, "Keep It Warm": If nothing else, Iommi's familiar (and awesome) 80's skronky, octave fuzz guitar tone is all over the solo, so there's something for the alienated Sabbath fans to find comfort in. And, if it counts for metal, I'd like to add this syrupy Rainbow fluff piece (seems a lot of people hate this song, but I think it's fantastic. I've lovedit since the 7th grade):
  7. Neat. I really love those early MBV singles. Even Geek!. I think their first LP is 90% derivative, boring :poop:, but the EP's were pure pop magic. Also, while I have nothing against unironically twee lyrics, I appreciate how they subverted that approach to songwriting by using it to make oblique references to necrophilia and stuff. PS: In my experience, it seems like a lot of BRI'ISH people refer to records as "vinyls". I think elsewhere, most people only use the word to describe the material as opposed to the object itself. So "vinyl" as a term for the object (record) is not "incorrect", it's just a regionalism that sees very limited use elsewhere. Some half-baked food for thought.
  8. Hey. If none of you remember me, perhaps you will at least recognize the username. I used to be a very, very (almost embarrassingly) prolific poster on ASMB, though I became pretty scarce for some months before the old BBS format switched to an unusable, redditized, mobile-centric mess. I more or less completely gave up on it after that. Only checked the new version of the site about five times all together. But I was sad when I realized they had gotten rid of it. Still, I moved on with my life. I hadn't even thought about the boards at all until recently. What made me think of them was a bump on as. I don't remember what it said, but I think it was a twitter response thing. I guess that reminded me of how they used to respond to selected forum posts on air, which got me feeling all nostalgic for the olden days. I ended up googling adult swim message boards, half hoping to find that old Pillow Fort forum. I ended up looking at some Reddit topic discussing the board closure instead, which linked to an old version of this forum. I came here from there. Interestingly, when I signed up here, I browsed a few threads and saw at least one poster who ended up here the same way I did. Anyway, I created an account a little while back, but this is my first time actually popping in to say hi. I recognize a lot of old names. It feels a bit like a class reunion, only not terrible. My life hasn't changed much since the ASMB days. I should be ashamed of that, but I'm not really. :fap:
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