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Everything posted by smiradenius

  1. Looks like my drawing is without the circle. Is that why you couldn't identify it?
  2. Show me the books, whether mirrored or not.
  3. H H = H H L = L L H = L L L = L What is it?
  4. Nope. You're just throwing a tantrum here, Karen.
  5. In other words, you're unable to identify an LED in a schematic, even when it's literally spelled out for you in the book. Thanks for playing.
  6. I'd have to see one of those magical places that have stuff levitating above them. I'd have to see any building at all, whether irl or on the cover of a science fiction novel that looks one hundred percent identical to what I posted. Anyway, Google Images shows what a natural bridge really looks like. There are none in my post. They are columns and buildings, not natural bridges. https://www.google.com/search?q=natural+bridge+state+park&sca_esv=deba1d0118d8a222&sxsrf=ADLYWIIOidO_ACttNvSD3rR_eG13dzqm_g:1732476927400&source=hp&ei=_39DZ_z0FrzJkPIP0IWK0Ao&oq=natural+bri&gs_lp=EhJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWciC25hdHVyYWwgYnJpKgIIADIIEAAYgAQYsQMyCBAAGIAEGLEDMggQABiABBixAzIIEAAYgAQYsQMyCBAAGIAEGLEDSME2UO8FWLUrcAB4AJABAJgB1wGgAdoOqgEGMC4xMS4xuAEByAEA-AEBmAIMoALlD6gCBcICBxAjGCcY6gLCAgQQIxgnwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAgUQABiABMICDhAAGIAEGLEDGIMBGIoFmAOeAZIHBjAuMTEuMaAH0ig&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&udm=2
  7. Total assets minus total liabilities equals total net worth. There is no other way to define wealth.
  8. You didn't see the photo of a book page?
  9. Alright, then... try loading a game that doesn't match your system requirements. Either way, it's software.
  10. Upgrades come with system requirements. My current computer is more than eight years old with no upgrades. I don't use it online, which of course blocks those upgrades. It still works like new. The CPU is not accessible to the user. It has to be fully disassembled by a techie to be cleaned.
  11. I showed it to you, in a book. Same stuff.
  12. It's usually the "upgrades" that cause the problem. That's part of what killed my first two computer back in the late 90's. The techie said the upgrades were not at all compatible with the hardware.
  13. It's not a "Spidey sense" and it does not represent power. It's an indicator marking that distinguishes between a diode and an LED. Sometimes, they are printed with arrows above and sometimes they are printed with wavy lines. A non light emitting diode has nothing printed above it.
  14. Not on the way to Walmart. This is going to the Herb Denenberg Dump.
  15. Okay. I got a pm for you, btw.
  16. Did you know there's no obligation to publish obituaries?
  17. Nice if I could have found a block switch in there.
  18. I've seen a lot of epic fail videos on slipshod construction. It's refreshing to see a guy who knows his trade. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1236621130880390?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
  19. Okay. And Andre still can't read a schematic.
  20. He's not even trying.
  21. Anyway, let's look again at some Ai and try to figure out what's behind it. Did I take a picture of a real car and alter it with Ai? Did I download a picture of a random street and alter it with Ai? Did I just tell the Ai to draw a fictional car? Is the car really scale model on a stand with the street Ai drawn around it? These are all questions a person should be able to answer if Ai had actually been stealing images from around the web. Somebody should be able to pick it apart and definitively say something like "That's Bourbon Street in New Orleans." or "That's the same toy car I saw for sale at Amazon." But nobody can. Any external image that Ai uses outside of the prompts gets so heavily sliced and diced that it's impossible to determine what or where the source image is. Even my current icon has a story. The face you see in it was a blotch of dirt on a store window in real life. The blotch had a very crude face shape. So, when I took the picture and added the prompts, the prompts used Did not even mention a face. I just used descriptions of colors along with words like "spooky" and "surreal". The final print came out with the face you see.
  22. Did you find the stinking diode yet? No? Then stfu.
  23. You're the guy here who doesn't know the difference between an incandescent bulb and an LED in a schematic. The picture I just posted here proves that an LED in a schematic does in fact have either wavy lines or arrows printed above it. That is of course if YOU can find a diode at all in the picture.
  24. It wasn't even a bulb, Mister Engineer. A bulb has an entirely different shape in a schematic than an LED. The LED has two arrows printed above it to indicate light, not energy AND to distinguish it from a non light emitting diode. But since you don't know how to read a hand drawn schematic, I'll show you one from a book. Also, when you see "+4.5v" followed by a straight line leading to an LED in a schematic, followed by another straight line leading away from the LED to a ground symbol, that is NOT an option circuit. It demonstrates a flow between positive and ground. This is useful in circuits with multiple ground connections at various points in a complex circuit.
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