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Everything posted by Panda_Kabob

  1. My dream little sister? Thats a very good question. I would imagine so, as it was a dream. But then again I could just be super thirsty cuz I havent been able to fap since in my time in the hospital. What with having an IV on my right hand and all. So it could be that even my dream self is just desperate as all hell. To be honest, the first thing I did after I awoke was check if I had a nocturnal emission. But nah it was just more bleeding from my ass.
  2. I loved it. I didnt see the movie with Jim but I really think the show fit better as a series than a movie. But I also liked NPH He fits well IMO, as hes very theatrical on his own. Anyone else watch it yet? ON A SIDE NOTE HOW DO I CHANGE MY ICON?
  3. Back when I was a normal person and not a lost soul, I had a girlfriend. One time I snuck over to her place, as her parents were very religious and against the idea of her daughter getting penetrated outside the holy confines of matrimony. I asked her to call me "onii-chan" as a university aged chuni disgusting POS panda I am. Damn that shit was boss. She didnt know the fuck she was saying of course. After, she asked me what it meant... She apparently had a older brother who she didnt like. She hated him so much she kept it from me until this point. He was a single wall between us as well. Pretty funny I thought. She on the other hand... Did not. Kicked me out of her place and was mad for awhile.
  4. Only issue is im an only child. Who did I bang in my dream? Why did I KNOW it was a little sister? Little sister fantasies are reserved for those without one...
  5. You dont wanna be an AssMan too Zeni?
  6. Thank you. At least SOMEONE thinks the worst of me!
  7. My biggest hope for Nobama Dayis for absolutely nothing interesting to happen. That its a normal, if not boring event. No buttmad libtards rioting. No problems at all. At this point everyone expects it to be some sort of bad that I think it would usurp expectations more if absolutely nothing happens and it goes off without a hitch. That would be funnier.
  8. Honestly the worst part right now isnt the pain as much as the nausea caused by all the antibiotics i gotta take. The ass is a dirty place, so I gotta take even more than for an external surgery. It was cray tho. One second im getting my lumbar sprayed with alcohol for the anesthesia talking to a guy about how nice the room is, next its 4 hours later. As far as I know, I could have been killed and replaced with a person with the same memories as me!
  10. The top replies arent AHAHA I BET HES THE GUY IN ONE GUY ONE JAR! Im disappoint. Its a really funny story though. Grade 4 External Piles with Thrombus is the fancy term to say so I dont sound gross. The other way of saying it is, i had really fucking bad stress induced hemorrhoids with burst blood vessels. The procedure is done, but I went under the knife... FOR MY ASS! Tons of pain, but since knowing my comically addictive personality, I chose not to take opioids. In good news, maybe im going to specialize in proctology now! I always hear that docs usually specialize in things they have a personal vendetta with. And right now... Its my very own ass.
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