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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. you would enjoy it it gets very good even brings in a few characters that never showed up in the anime
  2. actually the manga ending was alot better then the anime ending
  3. hey Sarada is freaking sweet the tempter reminds me of sakura
  4. it was only I shorten it because I was on a tablet
  5. mangas seem to either help or kill a series quickly unless its shounen
  6. Soul Eater who doesn't like the Blair fanservice?
  7. anyone would be better than the 2 choices we had
  8. you've never had bowel issues?
  9. the fact you are using trump to back up your words you are no better than stalin
  10. it started at the end of the naruto manga 700 and lasted to 713
  11. thank god they don't let you have any powers on here also gits is much better than bleach it doesn't troll you
  12. thread is becoming sad .... well at least it ain't looking like a wall of words yet
  13. thanks
  14. .... why did this comment made me think of Oni Chichi?
  15. been there you?
  16. Tough shit
  17. Depends on how much tiolet paper you have on hand
  18. Without
  19. you will enjoy it
  20. it would mainly be a battle for green ghosts myself and starpanda
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