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Everything posted by CrazyMax46

  1. I actually came here because all the Twitter drama drove me off the site. I was going to wait til the 20th Anniversary of me signing up for the ASMB to sign up here but I decided not to wait anymore. This whole part of my life is so strange. There are really good friends that I made through the old ASMB. People started dating, got married, had kids and grew together because of the ASMB. People challenged others to fights because of the ASMB. The ASMB was really one of the first places I started talking to people on the internet. I was thinking of this a few weeks ago, but the first time I ever had this avenue was actually playing PSO1 back on the Dreamcast back in the day. I grew to know people I never met personally, knew things about their lives and grew up with them. And one day was the last day I ever talked to them, and I didn't even know it. I guess I want to make sure that never happens again. Back on July 23rd, 2013, we lost a good guy. Moparman, real name Jeff Murdock, sadly took his own life. He was a good, funny dude. I still miss him to this day a decade later. It feels like yesterday we were on Skype watching the Giants/Cards NLDS in the middle of a rainstorm. I hope your soul has found peace Jeff. I still follow you on Twitter and we're still friends on Facebook. And until those sites crumble I always will. Matane Jeff.
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