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Everything posted by Oda

  1. Pale Blue Dot - Carl Sagan
  2. Titanfall 2
  3. Tell me how you liked that one.
  4. Balder's Gate 3 Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013 is hilarious Just made it to Dondoko Island in Like a Dragon
  5. How are you liking it so far?
  6. Palword
  7. Halo Infinite
  8. Jedi Survivor
  9. Cyberpunk 2077 Shenmue 2
  10. Metal Wolf Chaos XD on Xbox
  11. Gang Beasts 2023-08-08-013141877.mp4
  12. Oooo those two are great! Do you build gunplay?
  13. What's your favorite Gundam series?
  14. Ooooo I really want to read that one.
  15. Paranoia Agent
  16. Yakuza: Like A Dragon
  17. Chivalry 2 because I love being cannon fodder
  18. Yep. I've just gotten around to watching it. It's really good. Definitely have to watch it once if you haven't.
  19. Tremendous: The Life of a Comedy Savage.
  20. I just finished Space Dandy last night.
  21. I've been playing a lot of Remedy games of late. I just finished Control and Alan Wake. Next is Quantum Break. Once that's finished maybe Max Payne
  22. Control - My introduction to Remedy Games. Once I'm finished with this I'll move onto Alan Wake. Midnight Fight Express - Definitely give this a shot if you like beat em ups. Dragon Age: Inquisition - 4th or 5th time playing this. Also playing a little D&D. Never played but I have a penguin character...Lord Flappy Flippers.
  23. I really miss Alex. I was just reading our messenger chats recently. Red-Eyes Nipple Dragon. That was said to me.
  24. This year was my first time watching the OTA. It's really really good. Great series.
  25. Don't remind me. It just goes by so fast.
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