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Everything posted by mookielady

  1. and found out I'm allergic to the ink so I'm bumpy and itchy. I tried some home methods to remove it but I'm pretty sure that's not even the problem. I had it done yesterday so I'm thinking this is just a delayed allergic reaction the ink which was scraped off like an hour after it was dry. I have showered and used cortison but still itchy.
  2. I suddenly remembered Tougsa's name. I also haven't watched any of it in years.
  3. Those used to bring me so much joy like for real.
  4. I'm surprised this is actually happening. Wasn't it like dropped 3 times over a course of like 10 years?
  5. This one is going to take a little getting used to. I know you had to move and why so I'm not complaining or anything just stating that I transitioned from ASMB to the other one no problem and this is taking more time.
  6. It's possible I forgot the # when I tried it.
  7. That's close to the color I use. I tried to do it this way before and it didn't work]
  8. I still trying to figure out the notification system.
  9. I didn't want to bring the other thread more off-topic so I'm making this thread to request more font colors.
  10. Is there a way to use HTML to pick my font color?
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