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Commander McBelch

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Everything posted by Commander McBelch

  1. So, punt that runt. That's the stunt.
  2. Cuba's mascot can be shown here: https://www.prageru.com/gloria-alvarez-who-celebrates-che-guevara?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=post&fbclid=IwAR1XmBEu0JHhjphf0X1bNeUHyGYY4JBww17cbvk3OBrVtaEDNFVP7ConQCY
  3. There you go again. Another patently false assumption. Based on what, exactly? Things you don't know: Where it was before I acquired it. The condition it was in before I acquired it. How old or outmoded it may have been. Whether its prior owner had any interest in keeping it.
  4. Not ram. Memory storage.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/30/baiae-naples-ancient-rome-party-town-
  6. Reportedly not open to the general public during elementary school field trip. Chuck E. Cheese could have stayed open for it.
  7. Oh, that's a riot.
  8. I didn't make that rule.
  9. Not secret at all. The admin is a former radio host. Any fan of the admin who knows how to be polite and stay on topic is welcome. You don't qualify.
  10. Not be a trolling shit head and stay on topic.
  11. No, it isn't. A phrase posted here ended up in Google search results.
  12. Why does a forum that doesn't allow spam, trolling, porn, racist shit, political rants or generally off topic posting have to be Nambla? Can't they just discuss comedy and share slapstick video?
  13. 'cause he probably ain't read it yet.
  14. I'm not inviting you to where you're not welcome.
  15. So, there you go again, with all your patently false assumptions. The subject is comedy, not Nambla.
  16. Like I said. It's not for you.
  17. Maybe not. The admin has quite a tight gate. Most of posts are video so, you'd probably just be bored there.
  18. In another forum, I actually found people who are very deeply offended by the visual presentation of wobbling two by fours. What? Were they supposed to be beach umbrellas?
  19. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j8grM3DXnX0
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