I'm about 8 hours into the gaming.
The biggest problem with the game honestly is the incredibly high expectations that were placed upon it. A lot of folks viewed it as the second coming of Christ.
It has a metric fuck ton of bugs. I'll encounter a visual bug every 10 feet or less. There was one point while playing as Keanu Reeves where the game bugged out and didn't load a scene right, me having to load up a previous save that was a couple minutes before it.
I'm able to look past the bugs cause I really do like the game, but there's so many things that annoy me tremendously. The difficulty spike shot through the roof at a certain point, the game dumping like 50 possible side jobs on me at once, and damn near all of them feel like late game difficulty, where you're expected to be a very high level, and have high quality gear. Every single "very high" danger mission I've tried I immediately get 1 punched or 1 shot killed. One time I managed to kill an enemy by cheesing things a bit, the guy dropping a weapon thats damage is around 800, compared to mine which are around 150. Of course I can't use the nice gear yet since I don't have the level or street cred.