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Everything posted by FoleyisGood149

  1. The problem with the chastity belt is that the creep would keep the key. Jotaro is in no mood to be sensitive to a dog when his human friends are injured. Sadly, I feel like the time for therapy is long past for Iron Flower. They still have Iok and his forces to kill in order to fully avenge Amida and Naze's blood. Given that the NGL 1. strikes me as a crappy country founded by a nihilist and run by hypocrites, and 2. has a rapidly dwindling population due to the C.A.s killing and eating everyone, I would be more inclined to go with carpet bombing with nukes as a first option rather than sending in three guys with special powers. Maybe it would be different if the special powers were on the level of Superman, Hulk, Green Lantern, Thor, or the Human Torch, but these guys don't seem to be on that level. DBS - It was tough watching lil' Trunks get jealous of and try to imitate his future self. I find it a little difficult to believe that Mai and Shuu knew what these pieces of equipment Bulma named were by sight, unless each thing was labeled. Regarding Trunks meeting the adult Gohan of this timeline, I'm glad for what Trunks and we saw. Gohan fought to help save the world so many times in the course of Z, and I feel like he earned this happy ending - a peaceful life with a loving family. I also had a huge smile on my face when Gohan called Pan a cutie-patootie. It's a little unfortunate for him, Videl and Mr. Satan that Pan evidently remembers how to fly, but Gohan made a game out of it when she didn't listen. It was good for Trunks to see with Gohan's family the kind of thing for which he and the resistance are fighting. It may take generations to rebuild society, but once the threat of Black (and looters) is (or are) gone, then loving families living in peace will make a surprisingly quick return. My understanding of Whis' travel method across space and between dimensions is that he makes a transportation bubble, so Goku wouldn't really need to hold on to Beerus. All Goku needs is not to exit the bubble, if it's even possible to exit without Whis dispersing the bubble. DBZK - Gohan did well to survive Buu's attacks. He's still tough, despite his comparative lack of training. Also, thanks for the world-saving assist, Tien. Buu should know who Dende is and what he did to Gohan from Piccolo's memories. This was the explanation of the Potarra earrings I mentioned a few weeks ago regarding Black. Goku and Vegeta coming back to Earth should be fun. BC - I'm mildly surprised and a little disappointed that Vanessa does have actual clothes, but the outfit was still revealing and flattering, so I can't complain too much. In the job I had before my current one, we got paid every two weeks, and either my supervisor or I, who was first-level management, would be tasked with passing out the paychecks to everyone in our area at the start of the shift on Friday. That said, payday was an exciting thing for a lot of the people, but I would put it in my wallet without opening it until I got home Saturday morning. In my current job, we are paid every week, but everyone is required to have direct deposit. We still get paper copies of our pay statements mailed to us, but it doesn't have that same feel of having the payment in-hand. I can only imagine having a cash payment like the Bulls got would be even more exciting, and what we saw would support that. The characters who came from humble backgrounds got more excited about it than the one from affluence. I can't say that any of the Bulls' plans for their pay was terribly surprising. Huge guy and Mumbles might do something unexpected, though, because they don't speak or don't speak at a volume level anyone can actually hear. I will say that Magna and Praying Mantis guy gambling with their wages isn't a good idea, especially if one of the opponents claims to be a fortune teller. That said, even if she is using a special power, it is a world of magic, so her marks should expect it and try to devise their own magical defenses to counter her power. Somewhat related to that last point, in a world of magic, I would expect Magic Knights to go after purse snatchers like the guy at the end of the episode, since the criminals may use magic to perpetrate their crimes or to facilitate their escapes. Thus, law enforcement with notable magical ability would likely be necessary to stop the crimes in progress or track down the culprit. Fight junkie guy flirting with every pretty lady was fun. As for the first one, I can't say that I wouldn't have made the same assumption that the children were hers, given the resemblance, rather than siblings, but he missed the chance to say that it was a relief that she didn't have a husband, meaning she was available in that regard. When she rejected him, he was unflappable in moving on to the next pretty lady. I'm a bit jealous of that kind of confidence. In Noelle's position, I'd be reluctant to trust any magical artifact found in a black market to enhance my control over my magic, but she must be more desperate than she seems. Also, since the gaudy necklace didn't work, that means it's time to try something else. At least the vendors are willing to let her try the items before buying them. JoJo: SC - Just to get the complaint out of the way, N'Doul hearing the vibrations through the ground is even more ridiculous than feeling them. Using the sound of the sand hitting the Fool at distances over 100 feet is somewhat more believable, but not by much. Avdol did have a clever idea. It's a shame N'Doul figured out the ruse. Jotaro's plan worked, but I must wonder what experiences Iggy had that it would conceive of making a bird glider to stay off the ground. Yes, Iggy is a small dog, but unless it had seen a large bird of prey in action, how would it know what to make with the Fool? How did it construct the bird-like glider so that it was light enough not to fall out of the air quickly? Iggy also did yelp after Jotaro hurled it at N'Doul, which is exactly what Jotaro wanted. Though Iggy was forced into helping Jotaro, it did play its part in the plan well. Given the dick move with the gum in Jotaro's hat (I am relieved that it wasn't some form of waste product, which was my suspicion at first), I can't say "good dog" to Iggy, but at least it didn't actively undermine Jotaro in the fight. N'Doul should've died much sooner from a large head wound like that, but, despite his intention to deprive Team Joestar of intel, he did live long enough to clue Jotaro that they were facing a total of nine more Stand-users (eight other Egyptian god-themed Stands and The World, which they already knew was still out there). The post-credits scene was strange, but the kid with his clairvoyant comic Stand and his older brother must be a team of Stand-users. I strongly suspect the traveling manga artist was styled after someone. Poke can probably tell us who. MSG: IBO 2 - I didn't expect the ginger gangster to have that many mobile suit pilots at his disposal, but since he hired mercenaries and had slaves with the A.V.S., then it's more understandable that he and his forces weren't quickly crushed by Iron Flower. I mean, the fight still seemed mostly one-sided, but the ginger gangster's forces held out longer than I thought they would. It's regrettable that the slaves had to die, but Chad and Dante stated it perfectly; the slaves were the enemy, and if Iron Flower's pilots didn't kill them, then the slaves would kill Iron Flower members. It wasn't ideal, but it was necessary. I liked how and what Orga said to the ginger gangster about only answering the hail to watch him beg for his life. Maybe Orga did get a good look at the sheer terror on the ginger gangster's face as he realized his death was imminent at Mikazuki's hands. I liked the visual of Orga being on the display screen with Barbatos behind it outside the ship as the order to kill came and Mikazuki executed it. Thank you, McMurdo, for making a deal which would keep Iok and his forces out of the battle. I'm not sure how much that will benefit Iok and Rustall, though, given the announcement of their documented involvement in framing and murdering civilians in what could be considered a war crime. I'm not sure about the wording of the announcement from the Earth-sphere. It sounded almost like a call for general mutiny against all of the Seven Stars rather than just an ouster of Iok and Rustall. I doubt it would go the first way, but I must wonder what McGillis' plan would be if it does turn into that scenario. No, Julietta. Don't get the A.V.S. or completely merge with your mobile suit like Ein did in the first season. Yamani may be hot, but she wasn't giving you a good option there. HxH - Well, crap. It can't be good that the squad leaders are having their nen activated. I didn't expect my bad feeling about Kite's fate to be realized so soon. Sure, it was telegraphed by Kite giving Gon Ging's license and asking for Gon both to use it to find Ging and to return it for him. At least Killua did as Kite ordered and got Gon and himself out of there. Maybe Kite could've survived if he got his scythe on the spin, but that didn't happen. Poor Kite, but he does at least have himself partly to blame. Poor Killua. He did not only the sensible thing in the face of the threat, but also as he was told by someone who likely would qualify as a nen master, and yet he faced condescension and ridicule from other nen masters for it. At least Netero was understanding and offered Killua a chance to redeem himself by getting the instruction he and Gon would need to be useful in the coming battles against the C.A.s. Poor Gon. He's convinced that Kite is still alive, hiding, and waiting for them to get strong enough to return. It'll be rough for him to learn that Kite died covering their escape. Wait. How did Killua sneak a beetle phone into the NGL? Shippuden - Yep, the distraction provided by Orochimaru's attack on Konoha coupled with Hinata's weakened state would present an opportunity for unscrupulous visitors to seize upon a tempting target of opportunity. However, I have a hard time believing that Hinata's father would speak of her in such gentle terms in the presence of others. Neji did have a point. He was nowhere near Naruto and his exploits during those events, so if Konohamaru and co. wanted a story on him, then they were talking to the wrong guy. I feel like the Earth-style wolf pack jutsu would take a lot of chakra to power, and I have trouble believing the one guy had the power to keep it going through multiple iterations of the wolves like that. OS - The history of Tenrei was told in an adorable fashion. It strikes me that it may have been the inspiration for Rukia's bunny drawings. Gene is lucky that the Anten assassin was hapless. Jim sure was popular with the ladies. He didn't even need to do anything other than ride trains and enjoy the soothing soaks. Regarding the running gags, the conclusion of Aisha's was a no. That's not a hot spring. That's just a lava pool. As for Gene, he did finally defeat the traps, but had one last snowy plunge into a spring anyway. Gene's bagain and wager were both sensible, but he and the two male wizards were foolish to ignore the countdown. I do like the idea of the casters being spell guns, with casters being the wizards who used them and made the spell shells. It makes sense why they're effective against Tao magic. As for mana on Tenrei fading, I think it might have something to do with the displaced local population and their possible extinction, or at least dwindling numbers in light of their planet being taken over by humans and their widespread development. The rare shells taking some of the shooter's life energy to activate sounds like a stand-in for the natural mana being unavailable to include in the spell. I watched the dvd version of this, so the broadcast may have differed somewhat, but there was plenty of fanservice between nameless extras, Urt, Suzuka, and Aisha, who gave us full-view toplessness. SD - I'm inclined to side with Adelie on the over-easy eggs. Salt (and pepper) is the way to go, but at least taste part of the whites before adding seasoning. It's insulting to a chef or cook to add table seasonings before tasting the food. Condiments, however, are a little different, since those are added specifically for the taste of a topping that isn't (likely to be) included in the preparation of the dish. Adelie's attention-getting tantrum when Dandy first caught her brings up an important alien rights issue. Alien Hunters are licensed to pursue, capture, and abduct aliens for the purposes of registering them. We know from the second season that incidental deaths of aliens are considered professional negligence, and thus don't carry as stern a sentence as they otherwise might, but I must wonder why the rights of these frequently, but not always, sentient beings are ignored. Maybe, in the future, we've had a regression of society in that the rights of these sentient beings to be secure in their persons, papers, and effects, or not to be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law aren't recognized, because no one is recognized to have those rights. CB - If my understanding is correct, this is twice the Bebop crew has used an artifact of the historic hyperspace gate explosion to deal with some hyperspace mishap or the consequences of one. The idea of Jet being more like Meifa's older brother isn't that far-fetched to me. In my grandmother's family, she was the youngest child, and her oldest sibling was either 17 or 18 when my grandmother was born. I'm not the oldest grandchild in my family, and my youngest cousin (I know, not the same) is 20 years younger than me. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Yep, it was another dialogue-heavy Tachikoma episode. What did it really accomplish? The revelation that the Tachi's use a cloud for memory and processing. That, and two other things: 1. the Individual Eleven tried too hard, and 2. a reminder that company-/government-sponsored scientists don't usually retain any intellectual property rights to discoveries or inventions realized when using equipment, software, or work product provided by or created when working for their employer.
  2. As I said, we know some details of Jet's history, thanks to Ganymede Elegy, going into Black Dog Serenade. However, I think of those two stories telling different parts of his history. In B.D.S., we see the kind of man he was professionally - the honest cop who was too good at his job, and thus threatened the operations of the European Syndicate. His zealousness in pursuing the known hitman Udai led him into the set-up that cost him his natural left arm, but my understanding is that he still kept with the ISSP for some time after that. My basis for that is what we learned in G.E., where we saw the man he was in his personal life. In his memory of finding Alisa's (sp?) note, it looked like he already had his artificial arm. He told her that after she left him, he made a pledge to himself that he would leave and start a new life if she didn't return before the pocketwatch stopped. I interpret that to be his transition to the life we see now, being a nomadic bounty hunter. While his attitudes, principles and traits are consistent across his personal and professional lives, the events of one story don't cause the events of the other. He successfully kept his life compartmentalized, leaving his work at work, if you will. We can contrast that to Spike. The events of his story show that his professional and personal lives are inextricably connected. He wanted to leave with Julia, and Vicious wasn't willing to let them go, so Spike was sent into an ambush on top of what he was already expecting to be a dangerous hit job. The subsequent struggles against Vicious' plans and Spike's search for Julia are tied together, since, despite their animosity, Vicious is Spike's best bet on catching a lead on Julia, as Vicious seeks her for "retribution" for her "betraying" him by trying to leave the life, and he has more resources to throw at his search effort than Spike does. Thus, Spike's overarching story is just that, one long story told in multiple parts. Jet's backstory episodes can each stand on their own. Still, I like the way you called them companion episodes, since together they give a more complete picture of his character than either would give alone.
  3. Ballad of Fallen Angels is the episode title, and while it is great, I think that it's stronger when taken as part of the overarching Spike storyline. For a stand-alone episode, I love Black Dog Serenade (yes, I realize we know pieces of Jet's backstory going into it, and this mostly finishes fleshing that out). As for the song during Tongpu's backstory, it always reminded me of On the Run, but that might just be me.
  4. I loled. Hopefully the awesome of Jonathan's body will prove too much for Dio's head to control and it will propel his head off of it. That would be a startling and completely unexpected, to Team Joestar at least, way to end the big fight. Yes, Mikazuki going on a battle-murder spree would be satisfying, but I really want Akihiro to get to end Lafter's murderer brutally and to at least set Iok up for Mikazuki's finishing strike. Teamwork on killing the ginger gangster is also welcome. We can only hope so. Maybe he'll get to kill rabbit guy in the process. DBS - I'm not sure what those flashes across Black's body showing images of Goku in his gi mean, but it's somewhat like the same kind flashes going across Goku's body in one of the show's OPs showing him with Super Saiyan god power, and that would be a very bad thing for Black to achieve. Dr. Briefs helping his daughter make sense of her own notes is fine. Perhaps his future self even helped her with the mathematical and scientific basis for the time machine. Poor Krillin and Piccolo, getting tasked with cleaning a mess they had no part in making. Yes, show. We remember that lil' Mai is simply a de-aged woman, so her reacting like that to a handsome young man paying attention to her and speaking well of her future self is perfectly reasonable. As for Future Mai, she had a bigger part in the struggle against Black than I would've expected. It sure sounds like Beerus and Whis may have some insights to Black and his powers, if they can manage to remember where they felt such power at some point in their long lives. DBZK - I feel like both Gotenks and Piccolo failed in two ways here. First, they didn't dodge Buu's ambush. Second, they only struggled physically, when unleashing a large energy attack could've blasted it off their bodies after they were engulfed. Mr. Satan also failed, because while Bee alerted him to the approaching danger, he didn't call out a warning to either Gotenks or Piccolo, which could've been as simple as yelling, "behind you." Yes, a Buu with Piccolo's intellect is trouble, but thankfully if Gohan can outlast Buu for the half hour that the fusion lasts, then he wouldn't be more powerful than Gohan anymore. Probably. BC - Yep, Asta's tenacious, but he should learn not to shout when attempting a surprise attack on his opponent (or just not to shout either in general or at least not as much as he does). I liked the teamwork between Asta and Magna. As for the head of this villainous squad, he should've died from the wounds Asta inflicted on him. Using an implanted magical item or items to kill themselves was cheap. I'm also curious as to for whom he was working and what this mysterious master's plan is, even though we know it will involve the magic stone that Asta's permanent pest bird retrieved. JoJo: SC - A dog that uses a Stand. I'm willing to accept that, since we did have an orangutan Stand-user. However, the dog's personality quirks are completely ridiculous, and one might even kill it, since coffee-flavored gum might include actual coffee, and caffeine is very bad for dogs. Its sense of smell being remarkably keen might prove useful, though, and a Stand made of sand would be ideal in a desert. N'Doul being blind and walking with a cane is fine, but I'm a bit reluctant to believe that he could locate the elevation and distance of a helicopter in flight to target it with his Stand. Also, as to him feeling the vibrations of Team Joestar's movements through the ground, I see several issues with that. For one, he'd need to be more sensitive than a seismograph. For two, I've already addressed the transmission of energy by impacting the ground back with Father and Pride in Brotherhood, and N'Doul isn't even connected to pipes to have a direct line for the vibrations into his body. For three, there are tiny air gaps in the sand which would serve as baffles to disperse the energy and direction of the vibrations, making it even less likely that the energy would reach N'Doul. Lastly, it's totally ripping off the mutant worms' hunting method from Tremors. As for the water Stand, it has no eyes. Even if it could locate where someone is, it couldn't tell whether they were standing, crouching or sitting. Thus, it shouldn't have been able to target Kakyoin's eyes. All it could reliably do is swinging attacks at the location, like to Jean's leg, at a height of one foot, since only someone laying on the ground could get lower than that, and that would produce a larger impact footprint, but soften the intensity of it, since the same amount of force would be spread over a greater area. Speaking of pressure, since the Stand is made of water, it would require a lot of force, meaning a high velocity, to create lacerations. Taken as a whole, the story is asking me to suspend a lot of disbelief on ordinary science things to accept the premise of N'Doul, his Stand, and his combat method. MSG: IBO 2 - First, the positive developments. For one, Akihiro and Lafter did get their date, even if she had to be the one to ask him, and he botched it completely. However, he at least did genuinely flatter and praise her by saying how much he admired her as a person. It was a start for a relationship based on respect, not just attraction or, like her relationship with Naze, gratitude. For two, awww, that was a cute lil' drool monster that came over to play with Mikazuki. For three, that scene led to Atra and Mikazuki having an important discussion, and Mikazuki was open to the prospect of having a baby with Atra. I can completely understand if she, when faced with the gravity of that responsibility, isn't ready to have him impregnate her in the immediate future. For four, at least Atra has someone reliable in Hash to assist her with ship duties when she's overwhelmed by the events of her life. For five, things may not work out well for Iok, since McGillis may be able to find records of Iok taking the railguns that his forces used to attack the Turbines. For six, the Barbatos is now repaired and ready for action. While the Latin may be a mouthful, I think that the new name, Barbatos the Wolf King, actually sounds pretty badass. Now for the negative developments. The ginger gangster was out of line. I'm not talking about him helping to frame the Turbines and thus having a hand in Amida and Naze's deaths. That's an old development. I'm talking about him being so brazen as 1. to attempt, as McMurdo noted, to tell his superior that he couldn't hold a memorial for a dead friend in his own home, and 2. to send a lackey to commit a broad-daylight murder of one of his now-dead rival's surviving subordinates. I find it hard to believe that no one witnessed the shooting, nor was it captured on some sort of surveillance camera. I can, though, believe that any witnesses would've been intimidated into silence. While Saisei (sp?) may be the headquarters of Teiwaz, it's also essentially a colony, and there would be a substantial non-gangster population there to keep the ordinary society and the colony systems functioning. Any local authorities may be on the payroll, but when there's internal conflict with Teiwaz, I feel like there would be the understanding that pertinent findings are to be presented to McMurdo directly, so he can handle the strife in his own house. This said, I find it hard to accept that we truly have a situation where everyone knows that the ginger gangster is behind this all, but no one can prove it, and so any action that Iron Flower takes against them could be decried by the ginger gangster as "unprovoked aggression," making him and his lackeys the grieved party. That said, if he, his lackeys, and his other supporters in Teiwaz are all wiped out by the paramilitary might of Iron Flower, then they won't be around to protest this supposed injustice (which is actually natural justice) against them. As to the details of Lafter's murder, the killer wasn't that great. He was firing from a distance of around twenty or thirty feet at a stationary target, and he only hit her, from what the shot of her lying there on the shop floor showed, no more than three times (we saw what looked like two entry wounds to her torso, and there were two pools of blood under her - one centered on her torso and one that looked to be coming from her head, which could indicate that one round hit her somewhere in the head, but it could also simply be the result of her head striking the floor) with a total of six shots fired. Yes, he was firing through glass, which could alter the trajectory of some of the bullets, but his accuracy likely would've improved, and thus his mission would be more likely to succeed by inflicting more damage on Lafter, had he bothered to use both hands for added control in his firing stance. I can't fault Lafter for dying as she did. She was doing an ordinary activity in friendly territory and was thinking about the man she loves after seeing something that reminded her of him. It's not her fault that she was betrayed and ambushed by an unscrupulous fellow who was supposedly a professional associate. It's made more disgusting by the fact that the betrayer sought to use her murder as a pretext for taking over the Turbine group, claiming that it was proof that an all-female group wouldn't be respected, when he was the architect of this disrespectful and dastardly deed. Regarding the reactions to Lafter's murder, I can understand Akihiro wrecking the weight room. He had to lash out, but he couldn't move against the the aggressor without approval from Orga. Between this and Amida and Naze's orchestrated deaths, Mikazuki looked like he was ready to go and straight up murder everyone involved, but he was frustrated that he couldn't do it without Barbatos. I like that he explicitly asked what kind of retribution he was allowed to exact, since he knew that Orga's station in Teiwaz and his aspirations for Iron Flower could be jeopardized if Mikazuki took things too far and slaughtered everyone when merely putting them in their place (the gangsters are just criminals. Iron Flower are trained to kill their enemies and destroy the infrastructure of their organization) might suffice. HxH - While I like that the rabbit guy got put in his place by sensing the power of this Royal Guard catgirl, it can't be good for the approaching Hunters that Royal Guards can generate and access nen from birth. I was surprised that Pokkle survived, but now I wish for his and the other Hunters' sakes that he hadn't. That way, he wouldn't have been tortured by having his skull opened and his brain probed to make him divulge secrets of nen. However, I have serious doubts that the catgirl would've been able to find the right place(s) in his cortex to stimulate, and I'm also unsure that non-electrical probes would've been able to make him access those memories and speak when he was unwilling to answer their questions. The C.A.s getting more powerful and using strategy in the field, coupled with some of the OP visuals, make me worried for Kite. I'm surprised that neither Gon nor Killua was able to detect the C.A.s following them in the air. Maybe they were too focused on trying to detect foes approaching from ground level and neglected to remember that many of their enemies can fly. Shippuden - The Lock kunoichi reminded me visually of Haku, but she was still pretty. Her introspection jutsu is a clever stratagem, but I find it hard to believe that Inoichi couldn't tell she was poking around in his mind while he searched hers. Yep, Ibiki was there to remind us that even under the "moderate" Hiruzen, Konoha still used torture during interrogations of captured enemies . It's a shame that's probably the most play Kakashi is going to get in the show. I did like that it was based on him being kind to the woman back when they were younger. OS - Hecaton Chairez (sp?) is part of an existing idea in sci-fi that there are plenty of planets where the conditions would normally be fatal for a human, but inside the prison life is possible. The idea is to discourage escape attempts by making it a matter of survival to stay confined. Warden guy was a plain sadist. He also had the one thing that would make living in high gravity easy for a human - a fluid suspension tank. It makes him neutrally buoyant, meaning he doesn't feel the effect of the gravity on his body like the inmates do. However, he would be breathing the liquid, which is possible, since we saw no breathing mask for him. There would need to be some kind of frequency modulation from the microphone in the tank to make his speech intelligible. The warden might have trouble adjusting to breathing fluid at first, but his intercostals and diaphragm would acclimate to the additional exertion with time. The enhanced gravity would make movement difficult, or nearly impossible for Gene's first trip to the polar facility, but with time the inmates' muscles and bones would strengthen in response to the added stress of the higher gravity. However, they would have chronically high blood pressure, which could make them more likely to suffer heart failure or stroke, but it wouldn't necessarily be a guarantee. Now, the food they were served, which they would have no choice but to eat, might be designed to increase their risk of heart disease as well. I don't think extra gravity alone would do it, but it could contribute to otherwise premature death. A magnetic field that strong could also interfere with the function of red blood cells, making inmates sent to the polar facility more likely to pass out and/or die. SD - Dandy's nurse song is still magical, and the nurses were bombshells prior to zombification. I particularly liked the brunette with pointy ears. Q.T. and other A.I.s catching zombie still doesn't make sense, but eh. The zombie hunter carrying his rifle in public says to me that this is a universe of open carry or constitutional carry, and I'm fine with either of those. The universe full of zombies being a peaceful place sounds like it's saying there's equality in death, when everyone is free from the desires and wants that cause competition, strife and ambition. It would also be a world with no drive or incentive to innovate and advance. It would be peaceful, but stagnant and boring. CB - I can't put my finger on it, but there's something about Ed's line, "peek-a-boo... I see you," that I love. I have no idea how Pierrot's nanomachines generate his forcefield, nor how they enable him to fly. The thing about the forcefield, though, is that it would be operating on a limited power supply with a limited recharging rate. It would technically be possible to overcome the forcefield by continuous bombardment, but he can still move while it's active, and it's tough to keep sustained fire on a moving target, especially when it can move as erratically as he can. Spaceland would need to be closed for weeks, if not longer, for comprehensive inspection for damage and repairs. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Regardless of whether Saito's tale was true or not, it does make for an engrossing story. Even if someone has a full-prosthetic body, there would still be some time required to process the input of the incoming bullet's flight path and to aim the cyborg's weapon and fire. The Major and Saito were probably around 100 feet apart. Maybe as much as 120 feet, but I wouldn't think farther than that. Even a comparatively slow round like a .38 special (130 gr FMJ) still has a velocity of 852 fps at 150 feet. Simply using that number, which is lower than the muzzle velocity, with the greater distance I mentioned, it would take the bullet 141 milliseconds to cover the distance. I find it hard to accept that the cyborg body, even with the correct firing control software, could adjust the point of aim in that little time to fire a shot that was close enough to the first bullet's flight path to alter its trajectory. The story also asked us to accept that prosthetic eyes have sufficient visual acuity to locate an object that is less than half an inch in diameter at a distance of 120 feet. Even if we grant that they were closer than that, which would make it easier to spot Saito's bullet, it would also reduce the amount of time the Major had to locate the bullet, adjust her aim, and fire. The bottom line is that Saito, in his haste to fire first, simply missed when he had to emerge from cover, locate his target, and fire. The Major simply had to aim in the general vicinity of where Saito was likely to emerge and adjust her aim when she saw him start moving out to fire.
  5. Poke: I had forgotten the clacker balls. Also, it's a shame that the ship Iok lost wasn't his own, but one of his other battleships which took a hit from the deflected Hammerhead (steam-of-consciousness moment: when I wrote "Hammerhead," I also thought of Jet's personal spacecraft).
  6. The good thing about Noelle's water-wall defensive spell is that it doesn't need to be aimed, since it just has to form everywhere around her. The only way to mess it up would be to make it form inside her... which I guess would technically be possible, since most of the mass of a human body is water. I forget what the child's toy Joseph used against Kars was. It's a surprisingly difficult call for me to make on worst character between Iok (war criminal nozzle from this episode) and McGillis (aspiring child molester). Pro for McGillis: he only intends to molest one particular child, and he has not done so yet. Con for him: it's still child molestation. Con for Iok: he knowingly and with premeditation attacked civilians with banned weapons. Pro for Iok: he only sought to callously murder children from a distance, not leave them with the physical and psychological scars of being sexually abused. Killing every insect they see might be overkill, but they also can't know which ones are spies scouting out the rest of the world for the C.A. Queen. However, if they look insect-sized and have no readily-discerned ant attributes, then they probably aren't spies. Yeah, it's profiling, but the alternative is the eradication of innocent, or even beneficial, species out of rampant paranoia. DBS - Black v. Goku was fun, and I can completely believe that each would hold back to feel out the other. I find it interesting that only Supreme Kai's get Time Rings. It might be connected to Black having a Potarra. Also, now I'll need to look for such a ring on Shin's fingers. Krillin's idea of using Whis' rewind trick was good, but unfortunately too late. It also would've had the complication that Black would still be there ready to destroy the ship if it would've been within the time limit. I think that Bulma sold herself short on her ability to build a new time machine from the notebook's contents. It wouldn't be easy, nor would it be quick, but I think she would've figured it out eventually. For convenience of moving the story forward, though, I must recognize that Bulma remembering she kept the rendition of the time machine that Cell used was good recall of something she did several years ago, even if finding it took a lot of searching. The manual will still likely be useful in repairing the time machine and constructing the device to produce its fuel. Wait, what? Future Mai is still alive. I'd say good, but she'll have to face the terror of Black seeking to complete his extermination of humanity with no Trunks to help her fight or lead survivors. DBZK - Yep, Gohan is stronger and faster that Buu now, but it doesn't matter how much he beats down Buu. He needs to be able to obliterate every molecule of Buu, perhaps even reduce him to subatomic particles. Buu's self destruction clearly didn't do it, so he'll have to come up with something more powerful than that. In other words, Mr. Popo saved the potential for everyone on Earth to come back and have a future by saving Dende with quick action. Thanks, Mr. Popo! Beer wouldn't be the best thing for a dehydrated Mr. Satan or Bee, but it would work in a pinch like they faced. It's too bad Buu wrecked that possibility, however unintentionally, for both of them. BC - I'm cool with the mayor guy being Magna's first real teacher both in how to be responsible with his magic and how to be a man. It's a fine background story for how close they are now. I hope the mayor guy isn't actually dead. Asta made himself useful not only in dealing with the boar problem, but also in getting the trio in and defending the townsfolk, and he did it without an inordinate amount of yelling, since yelling during attacks is to be expected. Oh, hey. It looks like Noelle is about to learn some control out of necessity and her sense of being ashamed that she was about to abandon a defenseless child. If that's what it takes for her not to be a spoiled, insecure brat, so be it. I'm slightly curious about this stone that the villains seek, but I'm more struck by the inherent injustice of the society that people who have little magic power are almost banished to this Forsaken Zone of the country, wherein they are prime targets for predatory criminals, both in that the citizens are mostly incapable of defending themselves (which says to me that this world needs firearms as an equalizer, but the society is far from that technological development, since they have and rely on magic so much. It's like, if memory serves, how the development of the societies in the world of FMA were dependent upon alchemy and alkahestry. They had firearms and munitions, but it took a lot of firepower to confront powerful alchemists. These people don't even have bolt-action rifles, much less the automatic weapons and explosives they'd need to truly defend themselves from ruthless magicians) and that they are far from the help of authorities like Magic Knights, even though they're the ones who would be most likely to truly need such assistance. JoJo: SC - Joseph's crash-course instruction in scuba-diving was helpful and informative. I already knew about the Bends, but the ratio of depth to atmospheres was new information to me, as was the exit port on the regulator doubling as a spit valve. I want to call shenanigans on High Priestess taking the form of Jean's regulator, but I don't know enough about the materials involved in the construction of the tube to the tank (the tank obviously being metal) and the regulator. Perhaps the distance of the tube length was sufficiently small for High Priestess to jump unnoticed into some appropriate component in the regulator, but if there is no metal or ceramic in the regulator itself, then it would be impossible for High Priestess to disguise itself as that piece of equipment. Regardless, after using H.G. and H.P. to save Jean, they would still have a huge problem in the form of Jean needing to share the air of the others for the rest of the swim to land. High Priestess disguising itself as part of the mineral-rich sea floor, however, is completely acceptable. I'm not sure how it was able to generate an air-filled cavity in the ground to provide a place for the water to flow as a whirlpool, nor how or why it would later fill its mouth with air for Team Joestar to breathe while they were held captive for High Priestess' user to flirt with Jotaro and gloat, but it did give them the chance to provoke a response, which Jotaro and S.P. turned into an offensive opportunity. Once Team Joestar made it to land, I can agree with Jean that High Priestess' user had a hot body, but her mouth would be a bloody mess with all those shattered teeth. I can understand Joseph not wanting Suzie to worry about Holly, but Suzie knows about the vampires and Pillar Men, so would it be that terrible to let her know that there was a resurfaced vampire threat and a new complicating aspect called Stands? I was unaware that Egypt was 97% desert. I knew it was mostly so, but not to that drastic an extent. To me, that's a big strike against it for any future international tourism plans I ever might make, regardless of the archaeological locations with their historical significance. That guy from the Speedwagon Foundation spying for Joseph and finding a group of nine and the promo for the last arc say to me that the battles in these last few episodes will be fast and furious. MSG: IBO 2 - I'll admit it. It was a failure of imagination on my part to realize why railguns would be banned. Even knowing that this show is set in a universe where ready travel between planets and artificial space colonies is a reality, I didn't consider that railguns would be used in space battles. As referenced in an episode of MSG: Unicorn (which I recently finished rewatching from the dvr), I'm bound to the Earth and gravity, and I didn't consider what railguns would do to a spaceship, because I only thought of them being used on a planet or against targets on a planet's surface. After seeing them in action, I can fully appreciate the concern that killing your opponents by exposing them to vacuum via attacks from projectiles which can't be dodged or deflected would be considered inhumane. In that context, I can understand the ban. That said, Iok isn't a dick. He's a whole bag full of them. He planted one banned weapon on a seized Turbine ship, which they were merely charged with transporting. Then he had and used over a dozen of them with multiple volleys against ships which not only signaled an intent to surrender, which he, once informed of this, denied happened when it was on the word of his deployed mobile suit pilots and later again when he had to lie about what he himself and his bridge crew could see, but also against ships laden with non-combat personnel and young children, including on emergency escape craft. As near as I can tell, the nature of railguns being banned weapons and their use against unarmed civilians here would make Iok and at least some of his men guilty of either a war crime or a crime against humanity, if not both. It's no wonder he would need to eliminate all the Turbines; there could be no witnesses he couldn't order to secrecy. Even if only his men survived, if enough of them objected out of conscience, they could preserve recordings of the operation to prove Iok's guilt. Hopefully that's a moot point, though, since Iok, in his arrogance, didn't convert the bridge into combat mode and hopefully died when the Hammerhead's momentum crashed it into his ship. At the least, he lost one ship of his fleet, so he'd need to answer for that tactical fiasco, should he survive. What I take away from the combat between Amida and Julietta is that Amida was an amazing pilot who was unlucky enough to be in the line of fire of an unblockable, undodgeable weapon. I'll miss her and Naze. They were likeable characters. I hope that Azee, Lafter, and the rest of the Turbines (as well as our Iron Flower trio) fare better in the next episode. Akihiro, you dummy. Lafter meant a hug, not strangling you. Maybe, if you play your cards right, it'll be even more than a hug. I can understand the various people who cried upon hearing of Amida and Naze's demise reacting that way, but I think that Mikazuki's reaction was that he was getting angry over it toward the perpetrators. If Iok does survive and isn't locked up for his crime, I feel like Mikazuki will look for any excuse and opportunity he can get to pilot Barbatos against him, if not against anyone and everyone associated with the Ariannerhod (sp?) fleet as well. I'm not sure why Barbatos was in that skeletal state. Maybe it was necessary to strip it like that to effect the extensive repairs it needed. HxH - Well, crap. If partly-human C.A.s are attacked with nen and survive, then they'll gain the ability to use nen. As soon as the boys and Kite learn this, they need to inform the H.A. as quickly as possible, since a large number of Hunters are about to, well, invade the N.G.L., border regulations be damned. It might be couched as the Hunters dealing with a threat to humanity, so the urgency of the threat would supersede that country's absurd entry regulations which could hinder the Hunters in their extermination efforts. Still, something didn't make sense to me. It sounded like Netero and the H.A. were waiting for the show's equivalent of the U.N. to give them an order to go. I thought that the H.A. and it's members were essentially above the law (with the possible exception of kidnapping, murder and rape), so they wouldn't really be under the authority of another international body. Maybe this go-ahead was to grant them the permission to enter the N.G.L. without regard to the entry criteria, since any ambassador that the N.G.L. would have to the show's U.N. would be party to the decision to allow the Hunters unfettered entry. I don't think that's how ant colony propagation works, but the point remains that more Kings and Queens would be very, very bad. Plus, the designs painted on Spinner's fingernails made her look even cuter. Okay, at least not all of the C.A.s are as tough as the one that can use nen now. That's good news. Shippuden - If memory serves, Naruto in the present of the show is still technically a genin, like the old man. Naruto may have the training, skills and special jutsu of a chunin, or perhaps even a jonin, but he doesn't officially hold either of those ranks, meaning he shouldn't be tasked with leading missions. His skills can be recognized, so he can be sent on B, A, or maybe even S-ranked missions, but he wouldn't lead his team. Of course, there's also the concern that the Nine Tails will overwhelm him, so having a jonin like Yamato around on missions is also a good idea. Yes, the old guy was right. You can search for signs of enemy activity and find wild edibles at the same time. Regarding all the traps the big dude set, isn't it technically possible that wildlife could trigger the ground-level ones? If the traps are designed to go unnoticed by humans who are looking for them, then I could fully believe that an animal of sufficient size could trip one. The enemy ninja leader, who looked like she had something resembling a Stone headband, was hot. That's cool. OS - Yep, it was all ancient alien intervention or assistance on all those planets. The survey team did make some good findings, but it's a shame the pirates used their ships and influence to cut the team's supply lines, forcing them to abandon their research. The timing of the earthquake sure was peculiar and terribly inconvenient for any future archaeological expeditions. Harry was still talking like a controlling and possessive boyfriend, but he wasn't quite as creepy about it as last time. The McDougalls also brought a lot of hardware. Gwen was not quite as enigmatic as usual, but he was every bit as scummy, turning Melfina "off" like that. SD - Dandy, it's called "aiming." Learn to do it. Yeah, Mamitas' disguised form sure is hot. It's too bad she'll eat you to death. Given how well Dandy runs away and the star on his jacket, perhaps he's a descendant of the Joestars. I don't think he has the hereditary birthmark, but that could fade away with enough generations. Like one of the title pages from the first run of Futurama read, "you can't prove it won't happen." I still love the line about the native aliens getting out of Dandy's poofy hair. Hooray for a successful registration getting Dandy and Q.T. paid! CB - Yeah, Doohan was just a little on fire. No big deal. Thinking about the virus the pirates use, it could be considered to be stranding the people in the targeted ships, in essence leaving them to die. I'm fine with shooting first, especially on a second engagement. It's a shame that they stole the appearance of a legitimate delivery service. Spike is magic to keep his cigarette hanging from his lower lip while speaking with a fully-open mouth. It's a shame this couldn't happen exactly as shown, since Doohan's ship is in pieces. That wouldn't be restoring it. That would be completely reconstructing it. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Good work, crime lab guys. You noted a peculiarity that led to identifying the mystery man. I think I have a different idea of face sculpting than what the show intends by that phrase. To me, any unique face, which is to say the face of anyone seeking to have their own face on a prosthetic body, would need to be sculpted. If I understand correctly, though, the meaning in the show is that the sculptor is creating an entirely new face which isn't styled (at least not intentionally) after anyone. It's peculiar not only that the face sculptor's murderer had Pazu's face and build, but also that she was wearing the same suit, so I can understand the local cops' incredulity. If the obsessed ex-girlfriend succeeded in killing Pazu, I feel like the equivalent of a VIN on his prosthetic body could be checked to detect the impostor, as well as the subsequent lack of job-related knowledge, skills, and memories which would doubtlessly become apparent.
  7. If I understand the superstition correctly, Sister Lily probably sneezes a lot. I'm cool with it being a nickname, but some kind of reference to that in the show would be appreciated. I would hope that even IN SPACE, politics normally doesn't consist of framing a third party for violating a weapons ban treaty.
  8. Since I'm watching CB, GitS, and OS on dvds, I get the previews and Tachikomatic Days, which are fun. The Ein and Spike preview for Wild Horses made me smile. Ang: Vanessa being a lush does make it more likely that she'll force a bottle down Asta's throat and have her way with him while he's drunk. Maybe getting laid by a hot chick like that will cure him of his obsession with Sister Lilly. Also, I expected you'd be jealous of the full-frontal view Noelle got there. Smokey seems like the best politician NYC could hope to have. I too am very worried for the Turbines' lives. I would guess that the one with the best chance of out-crazying Gon is Ging. Plus, the little girl C.A. is probably least likely to cause humans to flee in terror at the sight of her, so she may have killed more people than the others in her group on an individual level, since she'd have to work the least hard to catch her targets. DBS - Yes, it was wise of Future Bulma to send her construction journal in the time machine for her past self to use. Fish sausages seem like a simpler food bribe for Beerus and Whis than past ones. Still, I guess that deities should be strict about traveling to the past from the future beyond Whis' little rewind trick to undo undesired catastrophic happenings. Yep, Goku is still stronger than Future Trunks. At least they got Mai, Pilaf, Shuu and young Trunks straightened out that the two Trunks are the same person. I call shenanigans on Black having a ring that reacts to temporal anomalies and pries them open. Still, it did accelerate the confrontation with our group from the present. DBZK - Yeah, ordinary Gotenks was outclassed. It was good that Piccolo was willing to fight with them, even if it would do little to no good. When Buu fell asleep, Piccolo was exactly right that the separated boys were looking a gift horse in the mouth with their efforts to determine if it was a trick. Yeah, Gohan is stronger now, and he's brimming with confidence as well. I like that he wanted a gi like his dad's, even if Goku didn't bother to reciprocate what he had every reason to suspect would be the last hug he'd get from his son for a long time. Hooray! Dende is still alive and laying low somewhere. There's hope for everyone that died after all. BC - Asta doing chores is fine. I can also buy Noelle refusing to do them due to her royal status. As for Asta getting excited over Vanessa's underwear, it makes me think that Sister Lily probably washed those herself to avoid just such a scenario. Plus, hopefully Asta will eventually learn to toss the meat to the magical beasts in the cell. If she were quicker about how she eats, I'd be tempted to say Goku would meet his eating equal in Charmy. I don't understand why Magna is now calling Asta "Rasta." At least, that's what it sounded like to me. Continuing to gamble that far indicates that Magna and Yami have a problem. One of my co-workers enjoys going to a standing game (whether it's weekly or monthly, I'm not sure), but he's responsible about it, never taking more than he can afford to lose. At least the village mayor (or whatever his office was) gave them back their uniform capes. Those wild boars were not what I expected. Evidently there are plenty of magical animals in the show's universe as well. Asta, Magna and Noelle going to this village which looks like it's about to be raided by Ice-Magic dude and his cohorts says to me that Magna and Noelle are in for especially tough fights, since the dude showed that his ice can overcome fire. JoJo: SC - Yep, even now aged, Suzie is still bubbly. I'm fine with Joseph checking in with her, but I feel like Jotaro didn't do much to put her mind at ease when she called back later. No, Avdol. Of the things you listed, only glass and metals are derived from minerals (if we consider ores to be mineral resources). Plastics are derived from petrochemicals. Still, the point remains that High Priestess had plenty of options for how to disguise itself. However, in that case, I feel like Magician's Red would be the Stand most suited to fight it. The problem there is that they do have limited oxygen in the submarine, so fire powers consuming that would be very risky. It might just be me, but it looked like Joseph and Kakyoin's wounds would've been more serious than they evidently were. It looked like the pieces of Joseph's artificial fingers were driven into the bottom on his jaw, where there's nothing but soft flesh to stop them until they would reach the hard palate roof of Joseph's mouth, and Kakyoin looked like he took a slice to the side of his neck, where large blood vessels aren't very far below the skin. It's amazing they aren't gushing blood. Jean had a point. Vehicles don't seem to last very long around Team Joestar. Still, I can't blame this crash on Joseph, since he was never at the controls. MSG: IBO 2 - No, show. We don't need a shot in the OP where it looks like McGillis is moving to kiss Almira on the mouth. Just no. Also no, Iok. Iron Flower is not to blame for the deaths of your subordinates. Yes, they uncovered the mobile armor in their mining endeavor, but it remained dormant until you ignored the direct warning to keep back from it, which resulted in it activating. Your men died protecting you from the consequence of your willful action. I have no idea why railguns would be banned weapons. Yes, they have immense destructive potential, but they do, as the show mentioned, fire conventional weapon projectiles. Actually, they aren't even explosive munitions. They rely on sheer kinetic energy to destroy targets. I'm not sure where Gjallarhorn got the one they planted on a Turbine cargo vessel as a pretext for seizing their ships, but I would think that there would be some kind of surveillance footage either at a loading dock or on the ship itself to prove that they didn't take on that cargo in port. Of course, that data would likely be erased or manipulated to show the contraband cargo being loaded once Gjallarhorn forces took control of the bridge. I have a bad feeling for the Turbines. It seems to me that they're being set up to die in order to remove Naze as an obstacle to the ginger underboss's ambitions. Plus, if Iron Flower loses their advocate in Naze, then they'll be that much more vulnerable to the internal politics of Teiwaz. I consider Vidar's admission that McGillis killed him to be confirmation that Vidar is Gaelio. As beautiful as Amida is now, she was still mighty pretty in the past. I wasn't expecting her to be a bodyguard back then, and I'm not really sure how mobile suit piloting was a part of that, but okay. Maybe it was considered an additional skill to make her services more valuable. I'm fine with the Turbine organization starting as Naze offering strategic leadership to an existing group. That it developed into more speaks to his game, and especially so given that all his women know about each other. However, the bit about Lafter also being like a daughter who grew up and was going to leave for another man was a little weird. Still, Naze has a good grip on the openness of his relationships, so he can't really get jealous if one of his women want to pursue another man. Dagnabbit, Akihiro! Take the hint that Lafter digs you and wants to hook up! Good. Mikazuki is spending time connected to Barbatos to keep moving and maintain muscle tone. However, I'm not sure how much he's working his muscles in a low-gravity environment. As for Atra's idea of her and Kudelia having children with Mikazuki to tether him to them, and thus hopefully rein in his recklessness, two things occur to me. First, I doubt it would accomplish the end Atra hopes it would. Second, the general premise of that is stereotypically manipulative in about every negative sense we can apply to it. HxH - I'm not sure what the real-world analog drug for D-D is, but the NGL secretly being funded by illicit drug and gun trades makes me think it of it as being a narco-state under the guise of environmentalism. Like Kite said, most of the ordinary citizens may live by the principles, but I disagree that they would largely be unaware of the shady dealings of their leadership. What we saw from the rabbit monster and the spoken revelation that "rares" are overflowing with life energy say to me that the human-based C.A.s can detect and use nen. That's probably going to be a problem. It's interesting to consider that ever since his first Hunter exam, Killua has been handicapping himself by not using his full power, as evidenced by him thinking that it's been a while since he "flipped the switch." His fight against the mosquito woman was short and sweet. Plus, she evidently wasn't a mosquito, since those don't have venomous stingers, so I guess she was more properly a wasp woman. If Gon's Janken Rock is a crushing punch, and his Janken Scissors is a severing slash, then would his Janken Paper be a defensive wall of nen? Oh, and Kite was right that Gon should've kept fighting until the threat was certainly dead and not just dying. I'm willing to grant that Kite's Stand, a luck-of-the-draw weapon called Slots, being described as having a roulette wheel in its mouth for weapon selection is simply a bad choice of wording for the dub script. Still, the boys have a point that Kite could've designed it with more control in mind than that. Shippuden - This was dumb. Sure, the task had emotional significance for Sauce since it was completing something assigned to him by Itachi, but who was on what drugs when they came up with the idea of ninja cats? Yes, it is in keeping with the idea of sentient animals with human-styled societies, but why would those animals, such as the toads or Katsuyu, be capable of human speech while the cats require those ear devices to be understood? Plus, the pawprint analogy they gave is flawed. It would be more like a fingerprint or a signature. How dumb would ninja cats need to be to be fooled by humans putting on a set of cat ears? Naruto's transformation jutsu would've made much more sense as an infiltration method, but then the animation studio would've needed to work with even more new and unique character designs, which would put more strain on the budget and the animators to complete the work. OS - Jim is a good kid, but it sure is tough for him to be the responsible one for Gene. Hanmyo is a cute girl, but I must wonder what experiences in her life led to her learning not only her fighting skills, but also to become an assassin with some highly specialized technology and some (likely) genetically modified cats (like Ein being a data dog) that use a combat interface and can communicate in a human language. I'm not sure which would be tougher for Jim, thinking that Hanmyo didn't show of her own choice or knowing that his crew executing his plan killed her. SD - Hellooooo, Scarlett. She is an amazing woman. She and Dandy are my preferred ship. I feel like Meow's quest to try all the ramen to find the Phantom Shop and its rare alien chef would only work in anime, where characters have bottomless pit stomachs. It's a shame they didn't have bottomless wallets, but the various commotions the Gogol troops caused helped cover our crew's several escapes, so that didn't really matter. There is such a thing as oversharing, Meow. While Dr. Gel may be styled after Jet in his sweet suit, Dandy showed the same sentimentality toward the old alien as Jet did toward Hex. CB - Were I Jet and Spike, I wouldn't want to go back to that building. It looked like it should've been condemned. Another venture in there could've been deadly. I must wonder how far the effects of the Gate explosion went. If all data on Earth encoded prior to 2022 was lost, then I would hope that most of the large library-type data repositories would've been backed up on multiple off-world colonies. Obviously any on Luna would also be gone, so the best bet would be for ones on Mars, and perhaps also one on a major asteroid like Ceres or on a large Jovian moon like Ganymede. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - If Goda's role in manufacturing the string of crimes committed by the Individual Eleven could be proven, I would call that grounds for arrest as an accomplice in several murders, and perhaps additional charges of treason since at least one national-level elected official was killed. It strikes me as a glaring oversight that only a digital "copy" of the Individual Eleven essay ever existed. It would be a huge red flag to an overarching conspiracy that people were convinced there were printed editions, but no one could ever find one.
  9. Ang: Is Magna (punk Dandy) one of the two people? No nude Avdol for you, because the author hated you when you were still a small child. Also, I'm glad for you that you got actual Avdol back. It turns out that the line at the in-hospital pizza restaurant really was that long after all. I liked when Mikazuki landed on the mobile suit of McGillis' new bodyguard/second-in-command and said he needed to borrow the sword. This is going to be gross, so if you don't want to read about bathroom "business," skip this paragraph. I'm tempted to call shenanigans on the C.A. Queen in a similar vein as to the shenanigans of the Saiyans. She's eating a LOT of people. Even if she's converting most of that to energy being infused to the embryonic C.A. King, I refuse to believe that her digestive process is 100% efficient. She'd be crapping horse stables full of people-poop every day. In regards to the Saiyans, the energy they generate must come from the food they eat. For them to generate the energy of atomic blasts, they'd need to eat literal tons of food, meaning they'd have time for nothing but eating and pooping. Witchy: I have the volume at a decent, but not what I'd call loud, level for BC, and I can't tell what that guy says either. I don't remember Avdol being that jovial either. Maybe it's because he constantly had to lecture Jean about his impetuousness and how it would get him or someone else killed. I wouldn't bet on McGillis dying, barring some blindside ambush or betrayal, like Almira shooting him for trying to kill her brother in the first season. Ging is the only dad in the show who could give Gyro's dad a run for his money on Worst Father in the World. DBS - Black seems to be as powerful as Goku in his current baseline Saiyan state, which is still more powerful than future!Trunks' Super Saiyan state. I would guess that Black got that name because the color of his aura looked black when he powered up a bit. Trunks was lucky that Black's reaction time wasn't a split-second faster. Yes, Pilaf was, as the tutor said, correct on the order of operations for the equation. However, while he, Mai and Shuu all look like children, they are only physiologically so. They were adults back in DB, and since this is around 25 years later, they would be older adults if not for them being de-aged by a Dragon Ball wish. They shouldn't have lost any of their knowledge, but their neurological development for dexterity and coordination may have regressed to that of children. That means there wouldn't necessarily be a need for them to be educated, despite their outward appearances, unless they never received such instruction in the first place. Awww, looks like Trunks is forming a relationship with Mai. We know she's loyal and grows up pretty, so go for it, Trunks! Shuu is right about the "normal person" reaction to our Saiyans' skill sets. Heh, limbo. Although, I'm not sure that cat spines are as flexible bending backward as they are going forward (like when a human would pick up one). Even for someone as short as Korin, 1 foot is a pretty low limbo bar. As for it not being that fun, it means they need more music and rum. I can understand future!Trunks lashing out at Goku. What I don't understand is how young Trunks hair changed from light purple to blue. DBZK - Yep, Gotenks wasted his time at Super Saiyan 3 by consistently underestimating Buu's resiliency. The lookout being wrecked made me wonder who built it in the first place. If memory serves, Kami said that it and Mr. Popo were already there when he split himself to become Kami and Piccolo Daimaoh, so it wouldn't have been Kami's work. Oh well. As long as the Earth, Dende, and the Dragon Balls survive, it can be restored easily with a wish, which may include repairing the door to the H.T.C. Gohan may have a point. The process may not take so long if Elder Kai would stop reading his comedy manga. BC - Wait. Does Vanessa never wear actual clothes? I'm not complaining if she doesn't. I'm just curious whether we're dealing with that level of fanservice all the time. Noelle sure had a lot of attitude. If someone she's never met doesn't know who she is, and she doesn't properly introduce herself first, I say she has no reason to get irate if they address her with what she thinks is an inappropriate level of familiarity. As for her control problems, I do say that's a matter of instruction and practice. Some people have natural talent for shooting. I'm not one of them. I need to remember my instruction on trigger control and grip, or my shots go off-target. Just because Noelle's captain brother may not have needed instruction is no reason for him and/or others to denigrate her. I like that Vanessa offered to teach Noelle to develop control. Good work, Asta, on saving Noelle from her backfiring magic. You did owe Yami for his assist on getting you where you needed to go. If Yami throwing Asta is going to be a recurring thing, I'm fine with that, because it's funny. While I will admit that the walls and rooms shifting around in the Bulls' H.Q. is strange, Asta really was dumb and clumsy to go running out his door and into a plainly visible column. Yuno looks like he's going to have a much more difficult time building relationships with his squadmates than Asta has so far. JoJo: SC - I'm glad I was wrong. Team Joestar didn't need to fight zombie Avdol. Avdol has been alive all this time, and he took care of the golem of him and helped Jean fight the golem of his sister. When they found the breathing tube for Judgment's user, I feel like they took it pretty far in urinating down the tube. The guy had to know before that that he'd been discovered. A little dirt, a spider, or some ants falling down the tube could be considered unfortunate (for him and the spider, at least, since the ants could burrow to the surface again) happenstance, but the lit match would certainly clue the guy that someone was up there and dropped the match down the tube deliberately. Regarding everyone else knowing that Avdol's head wound didn't kill him, I can understand why they would lie about his fate. Yes, Jean is a blabbermouth who couldn't be expected to keep the secret. Yes, Avdol was facing at least weeks of recuperation, and they couldn't leave him defenseless, but they also didn't have time to wait for him to recover. Thus, the only course of action was to trick their adversaries into thinking Avdol was dead. It was unfortunate that they needed to deceive Jean to make that happen, but I feel like the growth he experienced as a result of his sense of guilt was a positive change in his character. MSG: IBO 2 - Mikazuki and Barbatos were astounding in combat against the mobile armor once the limiters were disabled. However, he paid the price with even more nervous system damage, paralyzing him on the right side, presumably below the neck, since he was able to lift his head and didn't have Bell's Palsy in his face. When we couple that with his lack of change in disposition, it says what Atra, Kudelia, and Orga all fear: that Mikazuki will keep fighting in Barbatos to whatever level is required until either he no longer needs to fight or he dies. I can understand their hesitancy and/or fear about him continuing to pilot Barbatos. I'm not sure about what Atra has done, but she's certainly committed to the harem ending, since she asked Kudelia to get pregnant by Mikazuki, presumably before it's too late. Considering a point of functional concern, I hadn't noticed before now, but since Mikazuki can no longer walk, he's going to experience notable atrophy from simple disuse of his muscles. Back in college, I broke a bone in my hand, and I required a fiberglass splint with a wrap to keep it aligned, removing the splint only to bathe. This precluded most of the use of my hand beyond writing and eating. A friend who was in (if memory serves) a physical therapy program asked at one point after a few weeks to squeeze that forearm, and he described its tone as being like a bag of water. After I was allowed to be out of the splint, I noted an easily visible size difference in my forearms and a significant reduction in strength and stamina in the atrophied muscles. The strength and stamina returned in a few weeks with no specific therapy regimen, but that's not the case for Mikazuki. To prevent atrophy to the point that he wouldn't have the strength or stamina to pilot Barbatos, he would regularly need to be connected to Barbatos for strenuous exertion. That doesn't necessarily mean combat, but long hours of training so he could keep the tone he would need in combat. I'm cool with McGillis blaming Iok for the mobile armor's rampage, because it was his reckless approach which caused it to awaken. I'm not sure what Iron Flower being sovereign of Mars means for Teiwaz, but Orga offering his ceremonial cup to McMurdo with permission to disown him if he or Iron Flower became a problem for Teiwaz was obviously foreshadowing. I'll believe that Gaelio is dead and cremated when I see Vidar's face and it turns out not to be Gaelio. Until then, I'll keep thinking they're the same person, show. Hi there, redheaded Gjallarhorn mechanic lady. I'd like to see more of you. HxH - The increased demand for food by the C.A. Queen is bad news for humanity. Yes, we have a large population, but at this rate, the population of the NGL will be eliminated in a matter of weeks, and especially so if the other C.A.s are killing and eating people or simply killing them for sport. The Hunters having the nutritive value of 1,000 ordinary people because of their nen is even worse news for Gon, Killua, and Kite. I can appreciate Buzzkill (I don't remember his actual name and don't feel like looking it up) and Penguin being dismayed at the conduct of the other C.A.s and their captains, since they are effectively poaching their queen's game and doing so in a wasteful fashion. It looked to me like Killua put his index fingers on the triggers of those rifles when he picked them up from the ground. That says to me that firearms training was not part of his assassin's education, which strikes me as meaning it is incomplete. Wow. The C.A. Gon and Killua fought survived their specialty attacks. Presumably C.A.s know nothing about using nen to protect themselves from nen attacks, so that means a simple soldier C.A. is that physically tough. The boys will need to get better at delivering killing blows in order to survive this conflict. Like Kite said, he can't protect them all the time, so they need to be able to fight and win unassisted. Shippuden - Blah, blah. Inspire the people, especially the kid, to fight their oppressors. Yadda, yadda. A giant conch seems like a strange creature to control. It's a marine creature, meaning it lives in saltwater. This inland lake is most likely freshwater, especially when we consider the amount of green deciduous trees and grasses around it, meaning it gets notable rainfall. Oh well, thanks for running interference on it to give Naruto time to build his large Rasengan, Jiraiya. OS - So what they're saying is that mercenary forces and bounty hunters will be crucial for maintaining order and safety for far-flung colonies. Okay. It's completely in Gene's character to help fight the pirate raid given what they did to that civilian crew. There's no way he'd let that slide. Dooz and Gene thankfully reached an understanding. Oh, hey. The crew finally got paid. SD - I completely forgot Dandy's line in this episode by the time the last episode of season 2 came. When QT said the Narrator phoned it in, Dandy agreed and asked how he could get that job, which is a great hidden gem, since he was offered that job later, but turned it down. Honey playing dumb to butter up the customers is an ingenious manipulation. Yep, Meow is absolutely a space cat. Those giant aliens had better flee. That mobile armor Dandy freed from the cliff will straight up murder everyone. CB - Food rage is real and will be the cause of tens (or hundreds) of millions of deaths in the event of civilizational collapse. I'm not sure which trip is funnier, Ein's or Faye's. Spike's is just boring (even with the talking frog), and Jet's feels like we're missing part of a conversation. Even a train with only 3 cars after the engine shouldn't be able to stop that quickly. That cow must've been magical. What we never learn is how our crew manages to get the Bebop fueled so they can reach a repair shop (maybe Jet fixed the damage himself) and leave. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - In the story of presumably Kuze and the Major knowing each other as children, I don't think I would be able to pass his crane-folding test. That sure would've been a boring day on the job for Batou and Togusa, to sit in the car and monitor the trainees as they tried to tail the Major.
  10. Ang: I feel bad for you about Team Joestar likely having to fight zombie Avdol in the next episode. I don't think that protecting humanity from ravenous abominations is enough motivation for Silva to fight the C.A.s. Now, if the Hunter Association paid him enough, he'd give it his all. Plus, I'm more scared for Kite than the boys, because he's fairly new to the story and supposedly has the most nen of anyone in the group. Witchy: You're right. A lot of people are dying in this Hunter arc. Poke: My impression is that it was a panel of judges at remote locations linked to those output devices with the green and red lights. Since this was a hearing to determine if the evidence would warrant a full trial, a jury wouldn't necessarily be involved. DBS - Wait, what? Have I not been paying attention? Why is future Trunks' hair blue like Bulma's? I thought it was that pale purple on his younger self in the present. Even in a ruined world, future Bulma was still a good looking woman, as was future Mai, but that makes sense, because prior to her de-aging (along with Pilaf and Shuu) from a Dragonball wish, we know Mai was a pretty woman back in DB. It's a shame that evil Goku, who Trunks called "Black" for some reason, killed them both. Regarding Black, what is going on there? Did his brain get unscrambled, and his Saiyan bent toward destruction and conquest return? Why is he wearing a Potarra (DBZK will explain it in a few weeks, I think)? Maybe it's not actually Goku, but a clone or android made in his image. We need information, show. Those lettuce heads would be badly bruised from being thrown into those containers. DBZK - Buu's yell to get out of the Hyperbolic Time dimension looked a little tame compared to the manga. Chill, Bulma. The reason the boys were selected to fight is because no one else would last more than a few seconds against Buu, and there's no reason to rush off to such a death when they could survive. You are dealing with a galactic terror here, capable of devastating planet after planet with the only reprieve from his devastation being the time it took to reach the next inhabited world, after all. Well, I guess Cell could have qualified as that, but Gohan, who was still a child then as well, was the one who defeated that threat back then. BC - I'm probably going to take a while learning the names of the other Bulls beyond Vanessa and Yami. We have a battle junkie, a punk, a girl who constantly eats, a sister-obsessed guy, a silent huge dude, and Vanessa with her boobs and underwear. I think Asta may have picked up on something when he noted that Yami was the only one not described as being good people. I like that they already told Asta to be quiet. As for proving himself to the rest of the squad, yes, his physical conditioning was excellent. I like that the sword can both cut magic and block/deflect it. All it takes to switch approaches is a quarter-turn of the handle. No, Asta. Give up on Sister Lily and get with the voluptuous woman who made an advance on you. Well, given her technicolor yawn, Vanessa may have still been drunk at the time, so maybe you should wait to see if she's still interested when she's sober (if that ever is the case, that is). JoJo: SC - Oh, so Avdol's dad lives on the island. That's fine, but why does he live in such isolation? I like that Joseph, a man seeking to save his own child's life, considered it his responsibility tell this man of his son's death. Jean, you idiot. Haven't you ever heard to be careful for what you wish? Now you, in your ill-considered good intentions, are making it so that aside from your own physical and psychological agony of having to fight your zombified sister, Avdol's father, who is about to be informed of his son's death, will be faced with the cruel prospect of seeing him "alive" again after that, only to confront the very real possibility that they may have to fight to the death. Jean, you really messed up here. MSG: IBO 2 - Iok is an idiot who romanticizes heroic sacrifice, and I feel bad for Julietta having to protect him from his own willful stupidity here. I didn't notice that McGillis was piloting Carta's repaired mobile suit, so I can absolutely understand that bothering Gaelio, Vidar, or whatever he wants to be called now. Barbatos and Gushian (sp?) having conflicting protocols when facing the mobile armor make sense only in context of protecting the pilot from nerve damage through the A.V.S. It would explain why Iok's suit didn't stop operating. HxH - A few things struck me about Gyro's backstory. First, we spent several minutes on it to come back to the man being dead in the present, and it's tempting to think of that being a waste of time. However, then we come to the second thing, which is that given his horrible childhood, it's no wonder that he wanted to make a place that felt as cold and unforgiving for the rest of its inhabitants as he felt the world was to his younger self, even if he had to impose that on them by way of forbidding modern technology. Third, I must wonder how the NGL was established. It looked on the map to be an area with a sizable land border to another country, which makes me think that it was either conquered, usurped, or otherwise seized from that other country by force. His personal army was armed with automatic weapons, after all. That brings me to the fourth thing, which is that Gyro and his personal army were hypocrites who died (well, at least some of them) through the instruments of their hypocrisy. Last is that his alcoholic father was a terrible parent, both in the example he set, the lack of care he provided, and that he sent his son to be a child laborer. With that in mind, 1. where was Children's Services to remove Gyro from the custody of an unfit parent, and 2. are there no child labor laws in the world of HxH? I think we have more evidence that the show is set in a crummy world for anyone who isn't a Hunter here. I hope that none of the C.A.s can figure out how to load magazines, but I would expect that they will. If that hope for our group doesn't pan out, maybe they'll catch a break in the C.A.s not being able to manufacture new ammunition or operate reloading equipment. Crap. Pokkle and Ponzu are dead now. I'm not sure why Hunters would more nutritious than other humans. Maybe it's because of nen. At least Ponzu's bee got the information to Kite. Given the threat, I can understand Kite sending the other two from his group back to the border to inform the Hunter Association of the news on the C.A.s. Gon, Killua, and Kite running because they're faster than the horses is a little funny. Lupin - It's sweet that the memory of wanting to be Mrs. Lupin was what saved Rebecca. It was sentimental that she tore up the marriage certificate, because she wanted to become a woman worthy of name Mrs. Lupin someday, and that marriage certificate would be even more meaningful to her. It sure was convenient that Lupin's use of the link unintentionally made him appear to everyone in the Dream. I'm going to presume that he somehow inspired them to leave as well. After the plan was foiled, Leonardo sure started dying quickly. I'm not sure whether that was due to a flaw in cloning process or a planned mortality on the part of the cloners to keep some measure of control, even if he did escape. It wouldn't be a Lupin show if he didn't need to flee Zenigata. I smiled when Lupin got a face full of Fukijo's magnificent rack after diving through the car's open sunroof. In all, this was an enjoyable show and a fine addition to the Lupin franchise. Even when it had completely ridiculous moments, I couldn't be too hard on it, because the show made the ridiculousness so much fun. Shippuden - I do remember Naruto having trouble with breaking genjutsu. As for he and Jiraiya going into this forest with magnetic fields that disorient like a genjutsu, I feel like little wildlife would live there, much less people. Of course the village in the forest was invaded. It looked like Jiraiya and Naruto plan to help, and the plan involved a transformation jutsu. If the show didn't call him Mr. Gamariki, I would've presumed that was a female toad. OS - I don't understand why Fred made that promise in the first place. Still, the woman is cute if you can get past her bodybuilder physique, and she seemed nice, too. Haaaa, Jenny Starwind. Of course Gene lost once he stopped dodging. Aisha impersonating Firecat struck me as taking a page from Goten and Trunks with Mighty Mask, although Firecat's costume fit Aisha well. I can respect the Ctarl-Ctarl being barred from competition because of a past rampage by one of her people leading to them being deemed too dangerous for the other competitors and spectators. Iraga is a werewolf. That seems like a useful trait for a hitwoman. Aisha's full beast form looked more like a tiger than a wolf to me, but her face was a little long for a tiger. CB - There are times at work when I find myself having to fix the things that coworkers have done incorrectly, and when some particular thing is done the same or a similar incorrect way four or more times, I find myself thinking of Faye's line, "this is the fourth time. The fourth time! Even Buddha gets upset after three times," and that lightens my mood just a little for a moment. Jet would've left a lot of forensic evidence on the hijacked ship, and he knew it, so he probably had to face a long interrogation by the ISSP after this. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - This is tough one for Togusa legally. While he was obligated as a member of Public Security to intervene and protect the woman from an armed assailant (the part about him being off-duty at the time is irrelevant, at least in America), and he was informed by the assailant that his pain receptors had been turned off, he did fail to disarm the suspect. My impression of the witnesses sitting and the attorneys standing is purely about the power dynamic of the courtroom. Refusing to follow the judge's instructions could've gotten Togusa a contempt charge, though. I would say that the assertion by the defense of a prosthetics control system malfunction is easily disproven. After Togusa had shot the assailant several times in the limbs at joints, which should've immobilized them, we saw that the assailant did, with great difficulty as evidenced by the slowness of his motion, raise his weapon toward Togusa (at which point Togusa could've fired at center-mass in defense of his own life). That the assailant was able later to repeat that action and align a shot on his victim indicates to me that he had exceptional control over his prosthetic limbs.
  11. Nichijou v. 7 and 8. Since the chapters don't have titles, it took me a page or so into the flashback arc to notice from context that we were seeing the girls as junior high students. Plus, I like Yukko's interactions with the Professor. They're so adorable together. Oh, and Mio has some strange dreams. That's all the manga volumes I have right now. I might follow Hidden's example and re-read Claymore, though. It was a good title, but there were a lot of developments. I'm sure I've forgotten a lot of it.
  12. Ang: Yeah, if the dudes with guns are citizens of NGL, then that's massive hypocrisy. Forget that country. If the C.A.s get out of control there, I'd be remarkably cool with the rest of the world deciding to make it a radioactive crater before they can spread to attack other countries, if that is an option in the show's universe. Witchy: Your son's comment on BC is funnier because I can imagine Yami thinking something like that as he threw Asta. Poke: The mobile suits skysurfing down like that makes me want to say that those are literal heat shields, which brings me much dorky glee. DBS - It was fun to see Vegeta chastise both purple!Vegeta for not putting up a better fight and Goku for not putting his all into it when his (Vegeta's) life was at risk. Hooray for Monaka accidentally saving Vegeta's life! DBZK - The ghost bombs were clearly the inspiration for Starrk's Cero Wolves. Gotenks clearly overthought things and thus negated all the impressive damage his moves inflicted on Buu. Bluffing Piccolo was a bad idea, Gotenks. BC - Spoiler visuals in the ED aside, of course Asta would eventually be picked by Yami for the Black Bulls. For Asta's sake, I hope he picks up on the clue to simply walk through the teleportation portal when a teammate makes it after this throwing incident. Yuno was perfectly polite in accepting the bid by Golden Dawn. Even if Yuno hadn't intervened, I feel like Asta would have good enough reaction time, even when on a toilet, to escape the poison magic lizard. Thankfully, though, Yuno did intervene and likely saved us from a frantically fleeing streaking Asta. Even I am tiring of Asta's frequent yelling. Less volume, dude. JoJo: SC - I feel like Kakyoin should've shown his carved warning to the other's as soon as he woke up, meaning they would know that he couldn't have done that to his physical body as he slept, and they would've seen the freshly flowing blood, meaning the cuts had just happened. However, due to the quirk of H.G. being active when Jean rendered Kakyoin unconscious making it possible for H.G. to properly manifest in Death 13's dream world, it didn't matter that the others didn't believe him, because he was able to save them anyway. I'm not sure why his hair was almost white at first in the shared dream state, though. Again, b.s. the 11-month-old would have the knowledge of what a scorpion was, let alone the word for it, and the speed and precision to stab it in the air with a safety pin. Kakyoin's punishment/warning for the baby was disgusting, but I feel like it would be incomplete for consequences if the baby came at them again. There would need to be more, like using H.G. to kill him afterward. That was some weird slapstick and S.D. humor with S.P., but it was funny. MSG: IBO 2 - I was watching some things off the dvr earlier this week so I could free up some space, and included in that were some episodes of MSG:U. Aside from feeling like I got more out of it, I had an added appreciation for the power of the mobile armor Loni piloted. Also note that mobile armors can be piloted, but they don't require one. Seeing this mobile armor in action, ummm... no. There wasn't really any running from something like that. The nearby civilians never stood a chance, barring the mobile armor being destroyed before they were within its range. For a moment, I thought Ride was about to die. Thanks for saving him, Mikazuki. No, McGillis. I get that you didn't have an Order of the Seven Stars in mind when you came to apprise the Iron Flower guys of the danger the mobile armor posed, but trying to turn this moving atrocity to your advantage after Iok mentioned a way to do so strikes me as slimy. HxH - Piss all over you, NGL. You keep people with eyeglasses and tooth fillings out of your country. While a filling can be considered the result of the person's actions, there are still some genetic components to their susceptibility to tooth decay, but eyeglasses are another story. That is wholly genetic. You're barring someone from entering your country based on something completely out of their control. Well, I suppose that the person could leave their glasses at the border, but given the dangers of your land, that would be extremely dangerous. Plus, there's no such thing as elastic in your country, so all pants would need drawstrings or a rope belt. Also, I'm tempted to call hypocrisy on the "no metals" thing, since I know I saw someone use a hoe, but I can't definitively make that call, because I didn't notice at the time whether the hoe's head was metal. Koala guy killing people with spat water is impressive, but something about him (other than killing people) rubbed me the wrong way, though I can't quite put my finger on it. Also, there's no way his suit was made of 100% natural materials. I refuse to believe those pants didn't have a zipper. I didn't expect to see Pokkle and Ponzu, but there they were. At least they didn't get killed already. Lupin - What really impressed me was Leonardo's preparations. Whatever technology he used to induce sleep and the proper brainwave patterns to make everyone enter the Dream of Italy, he would need to be able to send that signal across the whole country simultaneously, and somehow make that signal stop at the country's borders. Even good AM radio signals don't go much farther than 150 miles at night when the mass of the Earth itself blocks energetic interference from Sol, and given that Leonardo needed to transmit his signals farther than that, he would've needed to set up multiple transmission sites around the country. I'm also impressed that his genius mind was able to interact with each dreaming person at once. That is, unless each manifestation of the Dream included an imprint of him capable of engaging the person, like Kou did with Lupin. However, I'm curious as to how he would know what happened in each dream. Were the manifestations programmed to relay the developments in their Dream at the conclusion of the conflict? Even then, I'm back to Leonardo impressing me with his ability absorb and process what would likely amount to years of experience in a matter of no more than hours. However, I call shenanigans that each instance of Leonardo, and therefore Leonardo himself, would be proficient, if not expert, at each thing (or the counterpart to it, in Nyx's case), whatever it was, that was the person's specialty. Shippuden - Someone was tripping when they thought of the iridescent rainbow medicinal herb flowers. Of course Naruto went off on his own and caused a problem when he could've simply stayed on-mission and accomplished his sidetrack objective anyway. That's what happens when he doesn't read, or even listen to the mission briefing. I feel like it would take almost all of Guy's time to make all that tonic and food pills for Lee. Plus, 5 liters of any fluid in a day is a lot. I feel like Lee would need a catheter and/or an adult diaper because of the combination of how frequently he'd need a toilet, the urgency of the need, and his limited mobility. OS - I didn't notice in prior viewings that Melfina is 17 and a part years old. For all Ron's talk, he still didn't really give Gene any new information. Big cats are impressive predators, so A.I. weapons based on them should be formidable against human opponents. Harry was way too persistent. Take the hint that she didn't want to see you, let alone leave with you, dude. Caster weapons being able to defend against caster weapons sure is convenient for Gene and Ron, but it made sure that nothing would be resolved in this fight. CB - While hologram advertisements haven't happened yet like the second Back to the Future movie predicted, maybe they will be a thing by the time of CB. Even for convicted criminals, I don't like the idea of identification tattoos. It's too much like what Nazi Germany did to those in the Camps. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Batou calling Borma and Ishikawa "old-timers" is funny to me, since he strikes me as being close in age by birth date to them. The Major's sensorium mask sounds to me like a way to accomplish invisibility to automated security, but if we combine that with the Tachis taking over several humans' cyberbrains, then she might actually be functionally invisible to those people as well without using her thermoptic camouflage. Of course, though, the obvious flaw in this approach is that if someone doesn't have a cyberbrain, the thermoptic camouflage would be the only way for her to hide from them, since, as we saw in the first season, "invisibility" by data manipulation doesn't do a thing to simple cameras, so a non-cyberized person would see her plainly on a monitor with such a feed. Batou was right. As long as that last bomber was able to move, she was a threat to him, Togusa and the other police officers. Togusa was thinking of it as a hostage situation where the culprit could be talked down, not as being a (mostly) premeditated attack in progress.
  13. Nichijou v. 3 - 6 and in v. 7. The first few pages of each volume are colorized, and in one of them (I want to say number 6), Mio looks younger when we can see her actual intended hair color. Mai's deadpan humor is masterful. I feel like the actual move sets and rules for Go/Soccer would be thoroughly confusing.
  14. I had to work last Saturday night, so I had to record everything up to OS. I messed up that, though, and ended up recording OS instead of Shippuden, but given the preview, I don't think I need to watch that on my own. It's also been several days since I watched anything, so my memory is fuzzy, which should lead to shorter comments. Plus, I haven't watched Lupin yet, so I'll get to that some other time. DBS - I can't say that I liked Gotenks' antics when fighting purple!Vegeta, but I did like that purple!Vegeta proudly resisted his "boss," even killing him, when ordered to kill the boys. I'm not sure whether it's Vegeta's baseline state being that strong now or his training with Whis about keeping his energy contained, but purple!Vegeta, who had Vegeta's power, was able to beat Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks without looking like he powered up. The purple stuff actually being a way to turn invaders' strength against them is clever, but that it will almost invariably kill the invader is rather severe. DBZK - There's only so much stalling that Piccolo could do, but he did buy the boys more time. Patience isn't any version of Buu's strong suit. BC - I'm not going to remember those Captain's names or their units, but I do like the one who Asta encountered. Of course the birds would swarm Asta. Yep, Yuno was great at each of the tests, and Asta failed miserably. However, once battle magic was up, Asta made short work of the duplicitous guy, and that was satisfying to see. I feel like this princess girl will become associated with Yuno. JoJo: SC - I should've expected something horrible to happen to the dog in Kakyoin's dream, because this show hates them so, so much. I know that the show has "bizarre" in the title, but this Stand user is a "no." An 11-month-old doesn't have a firm enough grasp of the concepts of what is and isn't a fun time, or what an amusement park is, or the words that this one used though his Stand in Kakyoin's dream. Asking us to accept this kind of adult intellect in a baby is absurd, show. Also, I'm not a fan of Death 13's catchphrase. Jean was dumb as a brick. Has he really never changed a diaper? Did he not understand why one was necessary? Wow. Kakyoin was clever to find a way to warn his waking self of the danger. I'm going to defend Joseph here. Yes, this was his fourth plane crash, but I would only truly fault him for the first two, since he 1. deliberately crashed the plane to handle the threat of the hostage-takers, and 2. tried to use the plane to put Kars into a volcano. The other two times he was under attack, and the attack put the plane into it's rapid descent, so I'm going to say those weren't entirely his fault. MSG: IBO 2 - First of all, I've been using the wrong term for a while now. Thank you for presenting me with the information I needed to recognize my error, show. Mobile workers aren't the same as a mobile armor. Mobile armors are the cautionary tale of why humans should never give A.I. autonomous kill authority. Soooo, if I understand correctly, a ton of people are in danger of dying from the mobile armor's upcoming rampage, and it's because the ginger mafioso felt jealous of the power and influence of a P.M.C. in Iron Flower. HxH - I'm not certain whether the masked men with guns were a criminal group protecting their vested interests from the C.A.s, a militia, or an actual military unit. People really aren't that nutritious, since we have comparatively little fat content, outside of America, that is. Still the C.A. Queen demanding 50 per day is a lot. This NGL country sounds a little like the Amish, but with a militant edge to eschewing technology. Lupin - Haven't watched it yet. Shippuden - Nope. OS - Poor Melfina. She had to sit there while Gene and Jim talked about the guy and the job at a volume which wasn't nearly as quiet as they thought they were. Poor Aisha. She could've lost her job reacting to the deadly threat which came after the old man. I'm not sure I'd call an alien sea creature a demon, but eh. As for the sea creature attacking ships trying to salvage the Dragonite cargo, it makes sense that it would attack shiny ships with bright lights. CB - I can believe that Edward would stay awake for a week playing the game. Of all the crew members, I feel like Jet is the most sentimental. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - It's not just the Taiwanese monks. There are plenty of vegetarian dishes that try to simulate the texture and flavor of actual meat. The reporter on the news program certainly did have a good source.
  15. True. It is tough to be strict on realism with Lupin, because the show is so fun, even when it goes almost to Looney Toons levels of absurdity. I would say that it isn't just in filler that Naruto can be as dense as a brick. I won't watch either marathon the next couple weeks, since I'll be traveling on both Saturdays. I could take my dvds for CB and watch those beforehand, but I won't. I might record the most recent DBS episode on the dvr to refresh my memory for when the regular schedule resumes next year, though.
  16. Ang: I will laugh and be impressed if Asta can brute force his way through all the tests. No, they have the Sun guy's water now. It's not much, but it's something. The Iron Flower guys will miss the Turbine women when they leave as well. Hopefully Akihiro and Lafter hook up at least once before that happens. Yes, the dog made me smile as well. Lupin and Zenigata probably work so well together because of how well Zenigata knows Lupin and his skills. Witchy: I frimly believe that the plane wouldn't crash at least until Team Joestar was over the Red Sea. Maybe you blocked out Almira and McGyllis' arranged marriage because it was a creepy and terrible thing to add to the show in the first season. With any luck, those cute kids died within seconds of being struck by the monster. A swift death is the best we could hope for them. DBS - Monaka sure is making a lot of trips to Earth now. I can't imagine that business picked up for his company that much. The boys should've banged on the wall separating the cabin and the cargo area to alert Monaka to their presence. Also, I guess his company doesn't transport live animals or things with liquid content, since the cargo area isn't climate controlled. This strange liquid has an impressive power, but I feel like desiccants or heat would be its vulnerability. DBZK - Manga Super Buu was far less patient than his animated version. Yep. Now both the boys have the motivation to avenge a dead parent. Chi-Chi was brave, but foolish. I would think that the memory of Goku carelessly smashing her through a wall by failing to hold back with a slap on the back would've made her aware of the kind of power difference at work here, even if that did happen seven years ago. It's strange that Gohan's eyes changed when he powered up after losing his temper, but his hair didn't. BC - The battle between the first Wizard King and that giant demon was cool, but somehow I expected it to be more taxing on the guy. It seemed almost effortless on his part. I guess his mana magical potential was just that high. Really, show? Did we have over 30 seconds of two characters saying the same things to each other three times? The old wizard dude may be senile and/or nearly deaf, but we aren't. That was shameless padding of the episode, and you know it. I can't say it's surprising that the snobby guys gave up their aspirations to knighthood after that encounter in the first episode. Okay, I'm going to side with Ang on this one. Using magic for fairly simple, but time-consuming or physically strenuous, tasks like fishing or splitting firewood came across as lazy here. Shame on you, Yuno. I'm far more impressed by Asta striking that boulder enough times with his magical sword to weaken it to the point that he could shatter the boulder with one serious swing. I'll also say that I like that he's taken a page from the Guts training manual of swinging a huge sword a lot of times to build up astounding physical strength. JoJo: SC - It was a gamble to take a water route to the U.A.E., given their earlier encounter with Strength. Whether that was a riskier gamble than the plan to get on a Cessna with Joseph is debatable. However, since there would've been armed conflict between Iran and Iraq at the time that the episodes are set, the land route would certainly have been perilous. Joseph has a point that barter can be easier than exchanging currencies, and if the item offered is valuable enough, like the new car, it would be very difficult to turn down the offer. I knew that camels can be stubborn, so Joseph having that difficulty was no surprise. The pleasant surprises were that the camel only licked him rather than spitting on him, and it didn't bite him either. I had previously heard about camels being able to close their nostrils, but I had forgotten that I had. The Sun was a powerful Stand, but 70° C is 158° F. At that temperature, our group would suffer oxygen deprivation, because the interface between the air in the lungs and the tissues of the lungs is a moist one. At that temperature, it wouldn't take long for the lungs to dry out to the point that the exchange would be inefficient and eventually ineffective, which would result in a painful asphyxiation process. If our group was under those conditions for very long, they would die by suffocation, not the longer dehydration process. In light of this, I can understand Joseph thinking the young fellows had succumbed to delirium when they started laughing. As for the actual reason for the laughter, that the Stand user was hiding so obviously in front of them, I don't think that we got the same view that they had for nearly as long in order to figure it out for ourselves, but I'm a little put off that Joseph was the only one who couldn't spot the clue. That's saying he isn't as clever or observant as Jean. You know, the guy who spent a/an morning/afternoon (I forget when it was during the day in the show) in the company of an enemy Stand user hiding in the corpse of a woman. I find that difficult to believe. The Sun's user being a weakling is like when the car dude was a wimp other than his beefy arms. It is a little funny that a simple rock thrown through his mirror cover was enough to knock him out cold. Once his Stand dissipated, the new threat to our group would be hypothermia, since they would now quickly be plunged into the cold of the desert night when they were likely soaked with sweat. MSG: IBO 2 - First and foremost, regarding Nadi dating Merribit, good for him! Mask guy seemed to take the training exercise far too seriously. I expect one of the opponents died in the last explosion. While I can appreciate that McMurdo was looking for the positive outcome of Martian independence for Teiwaz, namely a cut of all Martian business, I feel like that would be hard to get without forcing Iron Flower to collect by force, which would de-legitimize them as guarantors of an independent Martian government, or it would need to come out of Iron Flower's budget, paid for by taxes, which would also be subject to governmental audit. Thus, I don't think that things will go as well for Teiwaz as he said they might, which could end badly for Iron Flower and Naze, given his pledge in this episode. Almira and McGyllis' discussion, with her sitting on his lap face-to-face was creepy and made my skin crawl. On a more pleasant front, it's nice that Kudelia misses being able to work with the orphans on the farm, but her responsibilities keep her otherwise occupied. I'm impressed that not only the major hardware of a Gundam, but also the presumably more sensitive technology of the Ahab reactor survived intact and functional though being buried for 300 years. HxH - I'll try to mention this only once, but even as a fantastic premise associated with a fictional creature, I call shenanigans on the idea of phagogenesis. No. Just no. That said, it would be a good way to create an army of monsters with various abilities. I liked the somewhat scientific approach Kite's group took to analyzing the C.A. Queen's dismembered arm, but trying to call the mutation a response to climate change was crap. I would much more readily buy it being the result of radioactive or chemical contamination of the area, either of which is far more likely to simply kill the exposed creatures, than this. Wow, show. I don't think you could have telegraphed the deaths of those cute, innocent kids any more clearly. I fully expect Kite's group to have an encounter with the kid's hysterical and/or grieving mom. The people in Kite's group seem like nice people with no strongly objectionable qualities or traits. The one guy having hair styled to make him look Mickey Mouse-eque is a little strange, but it's hardly the strangest quirk we've seen. Banana is a little on the cute side, but Spinner is prettier. Lupin - The flashback to Lupin saving Rebecca was fun and all, but so, SO much with the car chase and the train derailment were plain wrong, it was ridiculous. The car would've crashed, blown one or more tires, killed the engine with water, and been shredded by the passing trains. Also, once the engine jumped the track, it would've pulled the rest off the track with it and continued in the direction of its momentum, which it to say off the cliff and into the lake. Movie!Robson looked like he could've simply been a younger version of Robson. The movie take on the smitten hijacker, though, was excessively kind. I thought Zenigata eating the pieces of sushi which flew into his mouth was funny, and in Lupin's place, I don't think I would've wanted those pieces after they had been in someone else's mouth. While I spotted when Zenigata's key flew out the window, I didn't spot when he lost his pistol. As for shooting the handcuff chain, it would've been far simpler, safer, and more effective for them to stop driving for a few seconds, shoot the chain, and resume the chase. As for the hijacker's shots freeing Lupin and Zenigata of the handcuffs, wow - talk about some magic bullets. Oh well. It was fun to watch. Shippuden - Yes, Ten Ten's jutsu is a variation on the summoning jutsu. Did Naruto really need to have that explained to him? She showed skill and ingenuity in wielding an impractically-large weapon in combat, as well as in clearing the traps to find the weapon-maker's stash. I laughed when she shoved the assistant dude aside while he was on fire. The order for kunai and shuriken sounded fairly large. I feel like that's the kind of order which would need to be placed well ahead of the delivery date rather than expecting him to have that kind of completed stock on hand. However, the order in the present will likely be far larger. OS - Gene was being a moody jerk for most of the episode. It's a good thing for him that his friends and allies are understanding people who wouldn't let him face death alone. Yeah, Gene knows a prostitute's pitch when he hears it. Thus, it is entirely possible that he will be her client next time. Shimi's apprentice was fairly weak, but Shimi/Leilong himself was skillful enough to put everyone out of action without killing them. I think that it was a combination of Leilong liking our group as people and perhaps the start of a mid-life crisis for him which was at least emphasized by his talk with Gene, if not sparked by it. He was even a decent guy to warn them about the existence of the other six assassins who would now come for them. However, I'm doubtful about him being able to hold his breath under the dirt long enough for our group to leave after burying him. CB - I don't think that Lin and Vicious were mocking Spike with the tranquilizer rounds. I would like to think of it as Lin being sentimental and unwilling to kill someone he viewed as one of his mentors. Now, why he bothered to bring that ammunition in the first place, when there was no reason for him to expect that he would encounter Spike, is the real question. It's easy to forget in clashes between Spike and Vicious that Vicious, as a former military member, was trained in combat and killing. Spike, on the other hand, as near as we can tell, simply picked up his skills along the way in his former life of crime, where he had to get good at killing others before they could kill him as a matter of survival. Back in college, when I would watch this episode late on Saturday nights, if my roommate wasn't around (which he frequently wasn't), I would turn the volume up really high and bask in the beautiful audio of Space Lion. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Goda thanking Saito for his excellent work earlier strikes me as a smug jab in the guise of acknowledging his skill. What a dick. Further dickery on his part was setting up the GSDA trooper by pointing out the pistol that was nothing more than a pipe. Goda deliberately provoked the trooper to fire on the civilians. I see two ways to interpret Kaybuki's answer to Aramaki's question regarding her knowledge of the underground nuclear facility Togusa discovered. The first is that, in a room full of other governmental officials who presumably have a duty to the public trust, she couldn't admit to having prior knowledge of the top secret operation underway there. The second is that she truly didn't know and was being kept out of the loop by other nefarious parties acting as a de facto shadow government operating at least without her knowledge, if not actively undermining her authority.
  17. Dimension W v7 and Nichijou v. 1-2 and in v. 3. I think it's worth repeating that the manga treatment of DW goes into greater detail, and thus tells a more coherent story than the anime did. After seven volumes, I'm still not through the end of the anime content. Nichijou is quirky fun, and I love that Buddy is there when Yukko really needs comforting. I also feel like Nano's key will be with her to the end of the story.
  18. Witchy: First, your son has a good handle on most of what happened. Second, when Asta produced his devil-magic sword and hit the chain dude, smashing him through a distant wall, the guy's chains disappeared, which freed Yuno and presumably the two snobby guys. Kite probably could bore Gon to sleep with the sheer volume of tales of Ging being a jerk or overall bad person, and I'm almost certain that Gon stayed awake for several days during one of the stages of the Hunter exam. I didn't bother to pay attention to the new detective guy's name. I doubt we'll see him again in this series. DBS - Pan is a cutie patootie. When she learned to fly, she sure had a serious look on her face. Here's hoping for Gohan and Videl's sake that Pan forgets how to fly before the end of the day. Goku's energy control going wonky seemed highly contrived. Plus, even if Bulma is Goku's oldest friend and his tactless candor is well known to her, he was way out of line to talk about her body like that. Vegeta would've been well within his husbandly boundaries to punch Goku right in the nose for that. Additionally, Goku's crazy; Bulma is still a shapely woman. Piccolo is a wonderful nanny/babysitter. He pays such good attention to details. DBZK - Evil Buu bouncing back Good Buu's candy beam with breath alone strikes me as implausible, but it does show that what Piccolo said about Evil Buu taking most of the power in the split was true. Evil Buu being impatient for his promised fight could be considered a jab at the readership for wanting to get to the big fights sooner than the character-building lead-ups would allow. I liked the detail that Elder Kai turned the page of his manga in the direction that one would when reading a properly formatted manga. BC - Even if Asta's sword was a spell, it's still a sword. Between its size and his strength, the would-be thief should've died from the injuries Asta inflicted with that strike, even if the sword's edge is dull. Asta is nothing if not persistent. He's been asking Sister Lily to marry him for at least a decade. I wonder if their fellow orphan girl feels overlooked. She looks like she's close in age to Asta and Yuno. In the flashback, that was a powerful bonding experience for the boys, but what kind of jerkwad, even when drunk, thinks it's a good idea to accost and rob a young child in order to afford more booze? At least Asta's tenacity eventually made him realize the kind of scum he was being to punch another young child several times. In the OP, I saw several pretty females, Hopefully at least one of them will be what I consider age-appropriate eyecandy (like Bulma, Fujiko, Anko, Mito, and I could name more from our shows, but I'll stop there). JoJo: SC - Even if I'm willing to grant that Dan and the Lovers know enough about the brain to trigger a pain response corresponding to a certain part of the body at-will, it would be an entirely different set abilities to take over some of Joseph's brain cells, change their configuration and coloration, and make them move in a coordinated fashion. Thus, the "clones" of the Lovers are really, really stretching suspension of disbelief. That's also ignoring that there would be no ordinarily visible light inside Joseph's brain, unless the Stands themselves emit such light, in which case it would be very easy to find the Lovers, since it would be the one emitting light. In all, the abilities shown by the Lovers strike me as highly unlikely and logically inconsistent. Oh, and Joseph not only would have some (likely and/or hopefully minor) degree of brain damage from his brain cells being attacked, as well as possibly having a stroke from the Lovers frantically digging an opening into one of the blood vessels in his head. I'm glad that Kakyoin was able to save the little girl from the Lovers, but it wouldn't have been necessary had Jotaro simply used S.P. to crush the Lovers into a smear on its fingertips. For me, the damage this would've done to Dan would've been as satisfying as the beating S.P. gave him, if not more so. I'm glad that Joseph was able to destroy his flesh bud with hamon. I wonder if he's taught Jotaro how to use hamon yet. It would be a good idea to teach at least the basics of hamon weaponization to each of the three young fellows during the journey, since any of them could be attacked by Dio or a flesh bud-wielding attacker. MSG: IBO 2 - I can understand Takaki quitting out of guilt, and it's nice that Orga is looking into setting him up with another job, but I feel like either former enemies will seek Takaki out or he'll eventually feel compelled to go back to assist his comrades. I hope a peaceful future awaits him and Fuuka, but I don't expect it. Trust is a dangerous thing. When it is deserved and honored, great things are possible, such as Iron Flower being poised to be the group that will bring self-government to Mars, should McGyllis' plan succeed. When it is betrayed, like Radiche did, people are hurt, or even die, senselessly. I'm fine with Makenai offering to make Kudelia his protege, which is my interpretation of their scene together. The masked guy who is almost certainly Gaelio should've cautioned Julieta about moderating devotion to a master by citing what happened to Ein, even if it had to be in detail, because his fate was terrible and she really doesn't want to repeat that. Azee is a total sis. She feels the vibe Ang detected long ago regarding Akihiro and Lafter. I'm willing to support her having a fling with him. It would be hypocritical of Naze to expect her to be his exclusively when he sleeps with a large number of women. HxH - I'm willing to grant that Ging may have foreseen Gon's clever plan. Ging was part of the group that devised the card system, after all. Still, I consider it another mark against Ging as a parent that he wouldn't want to meet his son's friend(s), especially after Gon had to meet no fewer than five of Ging's friends in the game and had to fight for his life against one of them. To my consideration, Ging also would've rewarded Gon for being selfish after a friend would've need to help him with the plan by making Magnetic Force the card which would've transported Gon to Ging, which would only transport Gon, while Accompany would transport Gon and his friend(s) to Kite. Selfishly using people like that is a terrible lesson to teach a child, and it might be part of why so many people don't like Ging, even if they do respect his skills. Sure, sure - Ging is one of the top ten Hunters in the world, but he's an awful person. It looks to me like the boys will have a new mentor/ally in Kite. I'm fine with that. Regarding the Chimera Ants (C.A.), they must be formidable indeed to land a bite on Killua, and one that drew blood, even. The huge queen having a ravenous appetite and needing to give birth to the C.A. King don't strike me as good things at all. If the boys are going to fight these things, then it will be a different kind of conflict than what Gon has known so far. His fights have been in furtherance of another goal, like passing the Exam, earning money to bid on the Greed Island copy, or clearing the game for the cards, experience, and reward. This seems to me like it will be fighting for their own and others' survival. Lupin - Haaa, the hotshot Japanese detective guy not only fell for Fujiko and Jigen's ruse, but he also had to take a big bite of the humble pie which Zenigata has as his usual dessert. I'm curious as to why Fujiko's hair was so much darker for part of the episode than it has been and returned to being at the end. Plus, I do not fault the new detective guy at all for taking a closer look at her. Additionally, I highly doubt Fujiko would be able to bind her spectacular boobs well enough to convince anyone she had the flatter chest of Zenigata, and there's also the (likely) height difference to consider. There's no way that the group assembled to catch Fujiko and Lupin after they escaped in the armored vehicle could've fired that cannon that many times in that amount of time. The projectile, even if hollow, was far too big and heavy for those people to load it that quickly. Even seasoned artillery crews with proper equipment to load those cannonballs would likely take a minute or longer to be reload it. Also, if the cannonballs weren't hollow, then one hit from a projectile that size would probably have wrecked the vehicle and killed our couple, especially if it hit the front of the cabin like we saw. The new detective guy's policewoman associate (no, not the young assistant) was a pretty lady. Lupin's airfare to get to Japan the next day would've been rather expensive. Shippuden - Setting my doubts about a chakra virus aside, the debacle of capturing Naruto was entirely unnecessary. All Tsunade had to do was send one member of the medical corps to his apartment with a hazmat suit for Naruto to wear and a letter containing orders for him to come in for examination and observation. What we saw was an absurd overreaction that actually would've put the public in greater danger of exposure had he truly carried this virus. I tend not to judge Tsunade as harshly as others for her job performance as Hokage, but in this case, yes, she was bad at her job. What I take away from Sakura's symptoms is that she's allergic (somehow?) to Naruto's bodily secretions, so that would be a big ding against the prospects of them getting together for the Naruto x Sakura shippers. OS - Mouse guy and his crew were a poor excuse for Hans Gruber and his associates, but at least these guys didn't meet quite so gruesome ends. I'm not sure about Gene crashing into the space station. Yes, the breach emergency protocols worked just fine, but he did damage the station. While 1. bounties doubtlessly exist for mouse guy and most, if not all, of his crew, and 2. our group may get an additional reward for thwarting the heist, they'll also likely get a bill for the damages to the station, and I would anticipate that to exceed their various incomes for this adventure. At least the fact that they took on a job for the spaceport will still likely get them a discounted parking rate. CB - Something to remember about the junkyard guy saying he'd rather hook up with a spiny armadillo is that armadillos are, along with humans, one of the few species which can contract leprosy. Thus, he was saying that outside of the disgusting bestiality aspect and the discomfort of the encounter itself, he was also willing to risk exposure to a horrible, disfiguring, and potentially lethal disease rather than bother with making a move on a woman. The on-board refrigeration going out due to lack of coolant strikes me as something which could only be remedied by adding more coolant. Jet saying it would take until the next day says to me that he had contacted a merchant and either had scheduled delivery or pickup in the vicinity of that timeframe. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Ruriko, don't be stupid. Look at the conditions of where you are and think of the living conditions of the people there. It's highly unlikely that a group of men standing around in the day have not needed to resort to crime, and it's known that black market natural organs are still a thing, so going with this group down an alley shows remarkably poor judgment. You're lucky that an honorable member of law enforcement happened to look your way as that happened and he chose to intervene on your behalf. I'm not certain that a taser glove device exists currently, but I feel like it could be created with the technology we have today. Kotan was right. Just because the Japanese Miracle was dispersed to counteract the fallout in the atmosphere doesn't mean that contained locations with minimal outside airflow wouldn't still be contaminated. Thus, the guy with a mostly-natural body was still in deadly danger when he took the job cleaning up the interior of that nuclear site, necessitating the radioactive exposure patch.
  19. Ang: I think you're onto something with Asta not being human, but I think it's a little too early to call the show a dumpster fire. I know that mentioning his name might be a sensitive subject for you, but with Avdol no longer being with them, they need all the intelligence that Kakyoin can bring. I fully agree on Akihiro getting vengeance being good, and I wouldn't mind Lafter having a fling with him either. I may have clutter in the house, but at least it's not piles of literal garbage like Dune, so I can feel you there. I'm inclined to agree with your assessment of Biscuit's parent performance. Yeah, the car's steering getting temperamental was a bit of a stretch on suspension of disbelief for me, but it was an otherwise fine episode. Witchy: I am simultaneously horrified and impressed by your son's reactions to Asta. I feel like Dan's comeuppance will be better than the beating that the guy who impersonated Kakyoin suffered. Since Ging leaves a negative impression on a lot of people and has, as far as we can tell, been a terrible person for most, if not all, of his adult life, then perhaps it's a good thing that he left Gon to be raised by Mito and grandma, since Gon has, so far, turned out to be a great kid. DBS - This felt like filler. Also, are we sure Goku didn't suffer additional damage to his brain beyond mellowing his Saiyan bent toward destruction? Thanks for providing a useful disguise, Hercule. The idea of someone else out there being stronger than him may have been necessary for Goku, but I thought that Vegeta wanting to surpass Goku would've been enough motivation for him. DBZK - Yay, the puppy lived! Also, Buu saved Hercule, even though he shouldn't have needed it, since the way the thrill-killer landed on his neck after being knocked off that cliff should've killed him. Evil Buu didn't mess around with the thrill-killer. I've finished the Dragon Ball manga, and the events of this episode were greatly drawn out. BC - Yuno strikes me as a decent guy for the most part, but he was a little too aloof at points. Asta, on the other hand, wow. I started to feel exhausted for those having to interact with him before the commercial break. Ritalin was made for kids like that. The other grimoire-seekers laughing at Asta made me mad for him. If magical potential is inherent to humans, then he's literally lacking something that he should naturally have. It's not his fault he has no magical potential. It'd be like mocking someone with a birth defect. What a bunch of dicks. In light of what we learned from the chain dude, if magical potential is a thing for humans, then Asta, while under tremendous stress, getting a grimmoire with a five-leaf clover, and that being associated with the Devil, says to me that this story is borrowing elements from both Blue Exorcist and Naruto (or maybe just BE), with the son of Satan wanting to be best magician of all. It also looks like his grimoire will give us a series title next episode. JoJo: SC - The concept of haggling for everything is unappealing to me. It strikes me as unjust and underhanded on the part of the seller, since there's no way for a first-time client to know what they will accept, and one person, based on their sense of value regarding the goods and general sentimentality, may end up paying more for the same amount of product compared to another person. Blaming the buyer for not being shrewd enough to get a better deal is a jerksome sentiment, and throwing out an initial price that's exorbitant is dishonest. Plus, if the customer's initial counter-offer is what the merchant considers way too low, meaning possibly under cost, they might get offended and either raise the price or outright refuse to sell to the customer at all. Haggling also prolongs the transaction unnecessarily, potentially, if not likely, making other customers wait during the process. so yeah, forget that haggling nonsense. I thought Enya said she was the last of Dio's lackeys. Maybe I misunderstood her. Maybe she was lying. I'm not sure. Anyway, Dan killing her by activating a flesh bud was unexpected, but it should come as no surprise that Dio would have a contingency plan for an ally betraying him, even though Enya didn't. As for her protestations that she and Dio trusted one another completely, she may have trusted him, but Dio trusts no one other than himself. The tentacle death was gruesome and seemed rather protracted to me. Dan told Team Joestar way too much about The Lovers. S.P. may be fast enough to punch a hole through Dan's head, killing him instantly. Also, recall that The Lovers is manipulating Joseph's nervous stimuli. It feels like he's getting hit when Dan is hit, but it can't inflict the corresponding physical damage to, say, a leg that Dan suffers when he kicks some object with his shin. Thus, Dan's body is taking damage, meaning The Lovers is taking damage, while Joseph only feels in his brain a more intense pain response. Thus, The Lovers, which is already weak in direct combat, will be further diminished when H.G. and S.C. find it. Also, I have my doubts that either The Lovers or Dan knows enough about the brain to manipulate specific nerves or clusters of ganglions in the brain to simulate damage to a particular part of the body on-demand. Jotaro spanning that drainage ditch was an amazing feat of strength in itself, let alone with Dan stepping and bouncing on him. MSG: IBO 2 - I can understand McGyllis, in his official capacity, having to fight Arbrau and Iron Flower forces. Since Aston didn't know not to attack, I can't fault McGyllis for defending himself. However, I am 100% behind Akihiro getting his vengeance, since Mossa set up not only Aston, but likely dozens of other Iron Flower members, to die in attrition combat. I feel like Lafter was glad for Akihiro that he could avenge his adopted brother's death. I can also appreciate Takaki being the one to execute Radiche for his complicity in the plot to weaken Iron Flower. It was Takaki's responsibility to look out for his comrades, and many of them died because he trusted the wrong people. I can understand if he wants to be relieved of such duties going forward. It'll be rough going in the Uno home for a while as they grieve for their fallen friend. I feel like at least parts of the ships that go between Earth and the other colony regions must have artificial gravity that can be varied during voyages to acclimate colonists to Earth gravity. Otherwise, even as buff as Akihiro looks, he'd have a very difficult time shoving Radiche around, let alone lifting him off his feet. HxH - I'll admit I was surprised that Gon earned the highest score. He must've spent a lot of time studying the cards and in general paying more attention than I did. Good for him. I was also surprised that the people around our group were, for the most part, respectable in that they wanted to make an offer on the last card to the winner. Wait. That's a crummy deal. We and Gon know that the game exists in the physical world. That means the cards actually work. Gon had collected over 100, and all he gets to keep for clearing the game is three. I would imagine that Elena did something to the mini-book and ring to let Gon use them outside of the island. However, if he ever goes back into the game with that book, I don't see why he couldn't use it to take other cards out of the game as long as he uses Leave. Killua was a good friend. He used his only card to smuggle out a non-specified slot card so Gon could make use of the information he had to find Ging. Plus, I feel like the Paladin's Necklace will be useful in general, outside of the sly plan the boys had. I wonder if Ging knew that he did, in fact, leave one clue which Gon could use to find him when he took tiny Gon into the game those years ago. I wonder if Mr. Battera honored the one billion apiece payment to our trio, since they did manage to take a card from the game for each of them. I feel like he would, provided they were at his mansion when they left. Wow, Ging's friends are slobs. Is there no such thing as a landfill or a garbage incinerator on Greed Island? Also, forget your crazy Welsh spelling, Dune. Oh, good. The dude with the gross creature on him was able to defuse Genthru's ability, so he should be free of the creature. That's nice. What isn't nice is that he's likely off with Hisoka to remove Kurapika's nen curse on Chrollo. Lupin - I'm okay with Lupin playing a part in Fujiko's scheme to get a cut of the sale of a valuable car. I'm also okay with him ditching the plan for sentimentality. I doubt that he could, by intention, toss his radio in such a way that it landed so that the microphone button was pressed, but oh well. It resulted in a transmission to the other radio that sparked fond memories for the couple. Nora looked like she had a smile on her face when she died, so I guess that's good for her and her husband. In other words, this was like the police chasing Mr. Simpson in his white Bronco, only the focus was on preserving the vehicle rather than the person's safety. Also, had Lupin drove recklessly with maneuvering or vehicle speed, then public safety would've trumped the concerns for property safety, and in that case, no, Zenigata and the police under his command would not be properly liable for damages to the vehicle, but Lupin would've been instead, and good luck to the guy on collecting from an international fugitive. Good on Zenigata for discovering the plot to raise the car's price and arresting the guy for his part in the conspiracy. Shippuden - Gaara slowly earning the trust of his men by fighting alongside them and controlling the automatic reactions of Shukaku is fine. However, I have a lot of trouble believing that the young Team Kakashi could best that many Anbu-level shinobi. Yes, yes, it was mostly Gaara deploying his sand that took them out non-lethally, but our Konoha shinobi had to do some of the work. Maybe it's that the Suna shinobi were trying not to kill anyone but Gaara, so as not to ruin the new alliance, and that hindered them enough for Team Kakashi to prevail. Those poor genin with Gaara couldn't even walk on water yet. It sucked for them to get their pants and shoes wet like that. OS - Friendly relations with alien species would be crucial to humans not only prospering in space, but surviving as a species. Good on Gene for scoring that date with the race official lady. She is pretty. Thanks for detecting the source of the mind-control that changed Gene's point of aim several times. She sure is lucky that her engineered nature made her immune to the alien cactus' effects. It's a shame that they can't accept more legit jobs due to the Outlaw Star's limited cargo capacity. Also, Suzuka's lead on the quick-draw performance sounded like it was worth Gene's time, since they didn't make any money on any of the other gigs. CB - Spike forgetting about the food in the refrigerator is a good warning to us all: know what is in containers in a refrigerator, and when in doubt as to it's freshness, throw it out. It's not worth the food poisoning. As for Ed eating the creature, she likely got sick later, but her digestive process probably compromised it to the point that it would no longer be capable of independent motion. Spike's idea about a mutated creature also shows the importance of proper shielding on spacecraft and space stations, because without a planet's e/m field and atmosphere to protect them, any lifeform is more susceptible to radiation damage and, eventually, mutations with prolonged stays in space. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - Between Goda having to correct Aramaki about how to pronounce his name in an earlier episode and Ishikawa needing to research the logo, I think that kind of ambiguity is a flaw with kanji. I wonder if the original line where Togusa said to write it so outsiders could read it was him saying to write in hiragana or katakana. I've read in articles and editorials that typical handgun rounds lack the power to stop someone with one or two hits. Between the mass of the bullet and the powder charge, there simply isn't enough energy involved. When we introduce the durability of a military-grade prosthetic body like Kuze's, it's no wonder that the Major emptying her magazine into him did little more than stun him momentarily from the force of the impacts. However, I feel like rifle rounds, like against a natural person, would be much more effective, but those would be more difficult to keep on target, even for a full cyborg like the Major or Batou.
  20. Dragon Ball v. 34 - 42 (end). It was a little sad reaching the end, knowing that there was no more story (except Super) to have. I'm eager to hear the Kai version of Vegerot. Also, Spice and Wolf v. 13 The exchange rate being far favorable to those with silver seems backward. Debau Co. runs a mine that produces silver. It would make sense to me for there to be a glut of silver, meaning it would take more to exchange for a gold coin.
  21. The motion swish behind Grimmjow's head looked to me like he was sitting up rather than walking. but eh. For a moment, I forgot that the Menoly speaking isn't the one we know from the two comics, but rather is some cheerful kid who apparently died from some illness.
  22. Now that you mention it, I do remember you doing that previously. I just didn't recall what it was. Sounds like a lot of effort for a petty jab, especially when it was an away game for OSU. The expansion of the block made me change my alarm for Saturday night.
  23. Okay, I'll bite. What's with the strikethroughs on the "m's? Regarding the Black Clover promo, two things strike me. First, the guy being unable to use magic in a world where it's widespread makes me think of Rock Lee being a ninja with no ninjutsu, i.e. he has a tremendous handicap. However, the guy wanting to be this Wizard King complicates it further, since it would be like Rock wanting to be the Hokage when he only has taijutsu, which would verge on delusional. Second, this strikes me as a show which I wouldn't seek on my own, but since Toonami will put it in front of my face, I intend to watch it. DBZK - Children aged seven and eight years may resist the idea of naps, and they probably don't truly need them daily, but one every now and then will do them good, and especially so after two tough fights in one day and getting knocked out by a grown man. If Bulma was eavesdropping to assure Goku was treating Trunks well in instructing the boys and barged in after having Trunks lower his power to match Goten, then I'm going to guess she was otherwise occupied the day Super Saiyan Vegeta punched Trunks in the face in the Gravity Room. Buu destroying a city one building at a time and terrorizing individual victims actually bought Trunks more time to search for the Dragon Radar. Plus, it's not really necessary to fret stopping Bobbidi. Krillin could probably manage it, or even Chaotzu were he there. Buu is the only actual problem for the Z Fighters. I don't really get the limitation on Goku's time on Earth being tied to how much power he used, but eh. It might just be my proclivity toward redheads, but I can't blame Buu for singling out that woman in the city to ask for a kiss. For this show's character designs, she was a hot mama. Buu needs more fiber in his diet if he must strain that much to poop. It's entirely to be expected, since we haven't seen him eat anything other than sweet treats. The cakes probably had the most fiber of anything he consumed. After a day of Buu rampaging through cities, I don't know why people wouldn't flee population centers to hide miles and miles away in the countryside. Yes, he did destroy a small town when making his house, but that was more due to chance that he was tired and looked for the closest relatively flat place. Goku may have remained pure in his intentions such that he could ride kinto'un, but he became aware of perversity thanks to Master Roshi, and that insight did give Goku the savviness to bargain with the Elder Kai. Also, in the manga, the panels for the boys performing fusion up to the botched parts looked like they were recycled, and in one panel Krillin said "hey, wait a minute! What's Toriyama pulling?! These panels have gotta be photocopies!" In that panel, Toriyama's drawn version of himself appeared in the background and said, "um... Mr. Editor... ? You don't have to pay me for this page... Really..." Mr. Satan did make legitimate sly attempts to kill or defeat Buu, but he just couldn't overcome Buu's powers. Kibito and Shin need to be careful about feeding Goku, because he'll eat practically anything and everything that's offered to him, so he could devour their entire food supply and still have room for more.
  24. In the last few weeks, I finally caught up with the pages on DA that I'd neglected to read for nearly two years. The repeated shifting of scenes does seem very soap-operatic, but in light of the way Hunter is writing this chapter, it makes some sense. I do like that we now have translations of some of Chappi's "hops," and I can't help but hear her voice in my head in a happy kind of sing-song meter. I particularly liked giving Kuukaku more backstory than the manga ever did, making her selfless in protecting Ganju. As for the paradox stuff, I'm curious to see how that will resolve in Ichigo's case, but poor Aizen (and Gin, because it changes nothing for him) stabbing through the crucial "not" in the note to his younger self.
  25. Yes, I laughed that she commanded the zombies to laugh. I think it is, because he sounds like he has the same voice. If it's not Gaelio, I'll be surprised. Yes, Gon is far too casual about suffering horrible injuries and immense pain than anyone should be. Wouldn't we all? Witchy: You make a good point about Avdol. The advice about enemies could apply to both Team Joestar and our Hunter trio - that's synchronicity. I feel like the writers took some liberties with Leonardo's badassity here, but I'm perfectly willing to let it slide. DBS - For a moment, I thought Grand Zeno wasn't going to say anything other than "mm-hm." As for him being powerful enough to destroy all 12 universes, I have no idea why he would. Unless he's also able to create universes, he'd have nothing to rule if he did destroy them. A tournament with all the universes would take quite some time, I would think. Goku is sure lucky he's so likeable in his irreverent familiarity. I would think that either guard could take down all of the fighters present when they were healed and rested in a matter of moments. Good eye, 18. You gave Monaka what he needed to inspire the epiphany about the last Super Dragon Ball. Dang, that Dragon sure was huge. I feel like its mere presence would cause gravitational disturbances which would throw millions, if not billions, of star systems in the galaxies around it into chaos. Beerus wishing for Champa's Earth to be restored, with the population intact, was not only a nice gesture toward Champa, but it also would eliminate Champa's motivation to get Beerus' Earth. DBZK - Yep, Super Saiyan Gotenks was also rash in his overconfidence and youthful exuberance. What else would you expect from an 8-year-old? I'm beyond this episode in my manga reading, so I know that the puppy wasn't yet named Bee at this point, but I'm still going to call it that. Bee is a nice, friendly puppy which didn't deserve to be shot. However, when we consider something that the episode omitted, it's no surprise that the dude would shoot a dog - that thing is that the man and his cohort shot an elderly couple and 37 other people over the nine pages preceding shooting Bee, because he "always wanted shoot people! Here's (his) chance!!" Since the world was now ending, there were no long-term consequences to discourage him, and if the world didn't end, the deaths would likely be attributed to Buu's rampage of death and destruction. Another difference in the manga and the anime is that the words Buu says in the manga make him seem not only more intelligent, but also more vicious than in the anime. Maybe that's an effect of the dub giving him a high-pitched voice, but there's no getting around Buu's insight in the line to Bobbidi, from when Goku went to face Buu to buy Trunks time to get the Dragon Radar, "seal me... and he kill you," said with what strikes me as a sinister grin on his face. I don't understand how the chocolate Buu pulled from his pants wasn't at least partly melted. JoJo: SC - The scene with Jean intruding on Enya in the room where she tried to kill Hol and unintentionally making all those infuriating comments seemed like it dragged on and on and on. Once Hol, whose survival is effectively shenanigans, pulled himself out from under the sofa, Jean blew it in that he didn't attack Enya directly with Silver Chariot (S.C.). S.C.'s blade may not be able to cut the fog of Justice, but Justice also would be unable to block the blade, meaning this is an instance of a Stand being able to beat a Stand-user in order to beat the other Stand. We and Team Joestar all know that Stand's can interact with physical objects, including people. Had Jean simply thought of that, he could've been spared the chase by the zombies, hiding in a filthy bathroom, injury, exposure to a source of horrible infections, and humiliation. Jotaro, however, was clever to set a trap with his questions. I'm not sure about S.P. inhaling the fog to deprive Enya of oxygen for long enough to render her unconscious, but eh. I think that not killing her will be a decision they regret later. Of course Hol stole their vehicle and still plans to side with Dio, but that may be because Dio would kill him for fleeing after taking payment should he ever find Hol, but Dio might let Hol live in the hopes that he'd be a useful distraction when facing Team Joestar. Also, I only noticed this episode that Justice also has two right hands. I need to watch more closely. MSG: IBO 2 - The obvious answer to being denied landing at any Arbrau-controlled spaceport is simply to land somewhere in Arbrau territory that isn't a city or spaceport, Eugene. Just run it by Orga first to see if he has a better idea. If I understand this correctly, Rastall sent to dude with the black jacket to undermine Iron Flower and the SAU. That it thwarts McGyllis' secret dealings with Iron Flower is a bonus, but not the primary objective. The undermining effort taking the form of getting Iron Flower members killed off slowly in an attrition battle while manipulating them psychologically to keep fighting strikes me as particularly slimy. Hey, show? Can you telegraph that Aston and Takaki are going to die any more blatantly? With all the talk about wanting to go back to a peaceful life raising Fuuka and her wanting her brother to come back safely, it's a near certainty that he'll die in the next episode, especially if McGyllis, in his official capacity, is coming to the battlefield. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Aston and Takaki both die in the next episode. Frankly, I'd be surprised if one or neither of them die. Of course Akihiro passes the time lifting weights. Plus, Mikazuki gave good advice and insight to Hash about resting if all his other tasks were completed. I find it interesting that the medical beds on Earth work more slowly than the Martian ones, but they repair the damage more completely. It says to me that the focus on and around Mars is to get the soldiers back into the fight as quickly as possible. HxH - The hell, Gon? I understand that you were aware that Angel's Breath was available, but that only works if you survive. Losing a hand and having another wrist badly burned could be fatal injuries if not treated promptly, and you were gambling that you would be able to inflict enough damage to Genthru with one kick that he wouldn't be able to finish you in short order in your diminished state. Yes, it worked, but I have no idea how it worked mechanically, since the damage to your right wrist doubtlessly would've included blood vessels and nerves to your hand. Since the surface flesh was charred black, then the deeper tissues would also have been damaged. With compromised circulatory and nervous structures, I have no idea how he would've been able to channel energy from the rest of his body to his hand to use in defeating Genthru. Also, Gon's pain tolerance must be astounding. I don't remember whether Biscuit, Gon and Killua are aware that the game occurs in the physical world, but Angel's Breath is straight up magic. I very much doubt that even the most skillful nen-healers would be able to COMPLETELY REGENERATE A LOST APPENDAGE, but Angel's Breath did it in seconds. Plus, since they had up to four copies to use, I think they wasted them. None of the injuries, outside Gon's, were so severe that the person wouldn't be able to heal (almost) completely on their own. Sure, the black-haired Bomber might have some trouble breathing deeply or in high-stress situations, but he'd be able to live a mostly normal life, even for a Hunter (if he is one). If our trio knows that they are in the physical world and the cards still work, then they should've saved the other three cards. There's no telling if those would be useful later. I can understand Card 0 being unlocked once one team had gathered Cards 1 - 99, but a pop quiz to determine who would get Card 0 doesn't sound right to me. Let's say that a team, like our trio, gathered the cards through effort and amicable trades. If some other player or group gets lucky on answering the questions (let's face it: Gon isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, so he's at a distinct disadvantage in a test arrangement like this, even when he can consult with teammates or the information on the cards), then they could be awarded what is likely the only instance of Card 0, which is likely immune to cloning or the card that steals cards from an open book within a certain range. Since it was said that the card would go to the player with the most correct answers, I would imagine that time will be a factor, because the first quiz with every question answered correctly couldn't be outdone by anyone after them. Regardless of whether the player or group that wins Card 0 is deserving, they would then be a target for every other competing player or group in the game until they could get out of the game, and they will likely be required to leave through the official portal rather than using the Leave card in order to be recognized as having cleared the game. At least Mr. Battera did right by the players in that he'll pay each (surviving) player one billion for their efforts. I feel like that and the 50 billion offer being rescinded are pieces of information which should be made known to the players prior to the start of the quiz. Lupin - That was cruel, MI6. You put Nyx's blond daughter in danger to assure you would score a tranquilizer shot on him. It had to be a dart, because any number of sniper rounds would not only punch through Nyx and still hit the girl, but he would also be jolted forward by the impact much more than we saw. Still, it worked to capture Nyx so he could be coerced into cooperating to recover the list. I understand that a list of personnel is necessary, and I do applaud that it was stored on a physical medium which had to be stolen by physical intrusion rather than on a server which could be hacked. I like that the disc also bore the software of a call-home program to alert MI6 to its location. However, they had to rely on the tracker on Nyx to clue them to the exact location. The bombers wouldn't have been able to reach the location in such a short amount of time if they needed to rely on the call-home program. That means that the intel about who had the disc and where they were was already in MI6's possession, so the only reason to send Nyx was to try to recover the disc quietly. Thanks for the assist, Goemon and Jigen. That was some manly-looking slugging between Nyx and Percival. I'm impressed that Leonardo was able to breach that facility to prevent Nyx from finishing Percival, but I don't understand why he would intervene. Lupin holding that information would be a good way to keep other law enforcement agencies from pestering him and his crew, but the list would eventually become outdated and thus useless to compel MI6 to keep those other agencies off Lupin and company's backs. Shippuden - Vendetta permits sound a lot like the Avenger of Blood, including that the family of the slain person could choose another relative to pursue the slayer. However, I feel like the Avenger in this case shirked his duty. Whether the story the pursued offered was true or not (especially in light of the slain man's refusal to honor his debt being the cause of the scuffle), it's not the pursuer's decision to make alone about whether to call off the vendetta. The slain man's immediate family needs to know this and make a decision about whether to maintain the vendetta or not. Also, the twin who was actually involved in the manslaughter going into hiding is much like going to a City of Refuge, albeit informally and not alone. Still, the scoundrel twin taking on his brother's identity to draw the heat off his brother was a good turn, and he doesn't deserve to die for it. OS - Yes, two-on-one is sneaky and underhanded - also called a classic MacDougall tactic. I'm fine with Gilliam shutting down to prevent damage to or co-opting it, but if the ship's A.I. is off, then how could the main computer be still be active for Harry to infiltrate? Maybe it's because Melfina was in her interface tube and can conduct some ship functions on her own. Still, I feel bad for her for having to face Harry's intrusion alone. Thanks for stopping Harry before he could accost Melfina more, Gene, even though you had no idea it was happening. The Outlaw Star having a breaching tube was something I forgot, but I am curious as to whether there are safety systems involved to keep the ship sealed if the other ship tries to fly away and breaks the tube in the process. I would expect so. Gwen Khan is completely shady, but I feel like some of his odd character here was due to the dub script, though I didn't compare his subbed lines to his English dialogue. CB - It took me several viewings before I figured out what the odd structures at the water's edge were, but now I know they're placed along shorelines in places which are very susceptible to erosion in order to slow that process. We know it's been a few years since Jet left the police, but it amazes me how all the guys he knows are older than him, and so much so that Donnelly could be considered like another father-figure, not just a respected senior officer and mentor. GitS: SAC 2nd Gig - In other words, this wasn't just a problem of the technology running out of control with regard to legitimate external inputs, but it was also a failure of the pilot both to recognize that something was wrong with him and report that he wasn't feeling well. That said, if the guy has never had a heart attack, he wouldn't necessarily recognize what was happening to him. It's also a failure of the technology in the form of the pilot's cyberbrain continuing to function without a functional circulatory system. Also, Goda. The answer is Goda finding a convenient target whose murder via micromachine could be disguised as an accident to set up his scheme. This means that later on, he was a conspirator in a plot to murder an SDA pilot and hijack several pieces of military equipment. Defection aside, he was guilty of murder and treason, so shooting him as he attempted to flee the country could be considered justified.
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