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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. We DO have Episode 604 next week. But that's the ONLY One Piece Episode we get in February.
  2. Same, but we've got 30 minutes of PRIMAL until they start!
  3. And I guess we continue this absurd nonsense next week! ON to Primal for now!
  4. It's almost like EVERYONE is hilariously out of character!! 😅🤣
  5. I don't even know when I've seen Hinata like this last! An AXE!? WTH!?!
  6. So the next 50 or so episodes are kinda like Gurren Lagann Episode 26 over and over and over again!?
  7. "Raise a toast to lard 4th!?" 🤔🤣
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