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In the interest of inter-party communication I am going to post a list of common words and phrases and what they really mean.

bipartisanship, both parties agreeing to screw over the poor.


family values, making gay people and women miserable


religious freedom, making gay people, atheists, and women miserable


pro life, making women miserable


strong borders, making brown people miserable


illegal immigration, I hate brown people


supply side economics, making poor people miserable


lying/liberal media, [[jews]]


alt right, nazis


libertarian, fascist


liberal, nice conservatives


conservative, insane conservatives


moderate, a person who compromises their ethics


socialists, social democrats


communists, tankies


climate skeptic, person who hates science


small government, feudalism


tough on crime, making minorities miserable


war on drugs, war on minorities and hippies


freedom of speech, freedom to be a bigot


freedom, free of lice


he tells it like it is, he is extremely racist


what they don't want you to know, inane bullshit


the truth, a series of absurd lies.


make american great again, make it dumber and more racist


sheeple, people who aren't paranoid schizophrenics off their meds.



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