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Here we can discuss lore of horror. This can range from in story backgrounds given through a series, or the inspirations that the creators took to create them.



Since the film IT will be out soon I figured it would be good to start there.


IT/Pennywise/Robert Gray/The Spider/The Eater of Worlds is the main antagonist of the story. The characters origin is actually explained through the Dark Tower series and some of IT's monologues to the Losers. IT speaks briefly of the Deadlight what other of his world call Prim. Prim is a rift dimension that is our interpretation of Hell.  This world is detailed in the Dark Tower series which is also in the process of being filmed.


Pennywise's race is known as were-spiders. Through the Dark Tower we learn of how Pennywise came to be. King Arthur's wife Rowena wanted to have a child but was barren, Arthur in turn had an affair which netted him a son to carry on his legacy.  Rowena was outraged and wanted revenge against this woman. She sought aid from a witch to help her become pregnant and rig a festival drawing that would make Arthur's mistress the selection for sacrifice. However Rowena being barren meant that she could only serve as an incubator, still she agreed and would carry the child unknowing of who the real mother may be. The real mother was the Crimson Queen of the Prim, and Rowena gives birth to a were-spider. The people then sacrifice Rowena and forget the lottery all together, the Were-Spider escaped. 


This give Pennywise a family tree of sorts and an interesting lineage. The Crimson Queen was the mother of The Crimson King who goes by other names two of which being Satan and The Lord of Spiders as the Crimson King himself is a Spider Demon. Pennywise is now shown to be the Crimson Kings half brother literally the brother of Satan. Another sibling of his is named Dandelo; a comedian who thinks that people taste best when they can't stop laughing. Roland who is the protagonist of Dark Tower is also related to Pennywise through many degrees of separation due to being a direct descendant of King Arthur.


The Prim/Dead Lights where Pennywise is from is shown in another film called the Mist. In the Mist a rift is open by the government into IT's world. Much like Lovecrafts obsession with Aquatic-cronenbergs, King is a fan of the Insectoid variety for the bulk of his universe. 

  • 2 months later...


The Prim/Dead Lights where Pennywise is from is shown in another film called the Mist. In the Mist a rift is open by the government into IT's world. Much like Lovecrafts obsession with Aquatic-cronenbergs, King is a fan of the Insectoid variety for the bulk of his universe.


where did you come across this info? I can't find anything on it and it's never been said where the mist in 'The Mist" actually comes from...only assumed it was released from another dimension.


The Dark Tower Wiki

Stephen King Wiki

And some Forum discussions on the wiki's


There is a group called The Shop in the Kingverse; pretty much the govt men in black equivalent. They are usually at least mentioned in the background or shown in most of kings work. Their largest role was in Firestarter, but they were also the govt agents that showed up in the Tommyknockers and at the end of the Mist, and mentioned in The Stand, The Langoliers, the Golden Years, and Lawnmower Man.  The Shop was working on something called Project Arrowhead which was meant to punch a hole into another dimension. The dimension that they tapped into was the Prim of the dark tower series. This hole leaked out the Mist and the lesser entities that live within it.


Truth is that the arrowhead project is a lot of speculation, but it was mentioned in the books, and I doubt that King would have mentioned it in the Mist unless it had something to do with the proceeding events. As well as the Arrowhead Project was based in the same town as the Mist outbreak.




Dark Tower depiction of Lesser entities in the prim



pretty sure it was mentioned in The Mist because king wanted it to have some background plot ...good on him for working with what he has going for him, but going by what is seen in the movies and made for tv series ? the movie ending sucked ass compared to the original which was at least open ended for the sake of possibility.  from what i'm hearing about the tv series pilot for 'The Mist' it's not very good either...essentially Silent Hill with far less monsters..




I haven't seen the Mist tv series yet. It's a shame that no one can really capture Kings depictions. Anytime he gets to have more input on a project they cut the shit out of it's budget and it ends up looking like hell. King's mini series also suffer from being poorly paced. They usually spend a little too much time on character observations, that are overall meaningless due to them cutting major parts of those stories. Hell even with IT they cut out the part where IT realizes that he is bound to the weaknesses of whichever form he takes. In the book he is a Werewolf when they hit him with silver. Then the only reason why can hurt IT later is because they receive help from the Turtle.


Still for the Mist I think it makes sense for it to be the same realm. Just something like that does a lot for world building, and since he was never heavy handed with it, it's something for fans to speculate about.


King put a lot of basins in place to catch potential flaws in his stories. The Langoliers devour the past, this prevents any powerful entities from tampering with timelines like Randall Flagg or the Crimson King. There is also the Todash Highway which connect infinite alternate realities. The Dark Tower is the key that holds all realities. The Crimson King's goal is to bring down the Tower and merge all the universes into one for him to rule. King has even said that due to him hating loose ends in stories, should he ever die before he has finished the Dark Tower series; that he has written a contingency story where the Crimson King succeeds thus destroying all of time and space.


There are some things that get a little confusing due to the multiverse. Most of which I think will be assumption on my part. Many people have theorized that the appearence of IT post being beaten by the losers club is due to him not being killed in a number of universes; like his appearance in Tommyknockers and Dreamcatcher, oddly enough both involving aliens. My belief is that entities of the Prim are excluded from the multiverse. They were born prior to the creation of the multiverse and live in the prim or reside in mid-world where the tower is located.  The Prim and Mid-word don't have multiple universes as they host the Dark Tower which is the Anchor to all of the multiverse. Creatures like IT or Randall Flagg just travel to a universe through the Todash space. His survival could be one of many outcomes. One is that the Losers club really couldn't kill him and he was just weakened. The other is that they did Kill him in which case he just ends up being sent back to mid-world. This is seen when the Priest from Jerusalems/Salems lot later kills himself and ends up in mid-world, and multiple times with Randall Flagg.


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