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My dad was nearly driven to tears because Bob Dylan and Hanna barbera had subsequent boners for him, and for one another

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We all know while the Beatles were smoking Mary Jane in England, Bob Dylan was on just about every drug in the book, and, was making his experiences known in his music. Meanwhile, while the flint stones were still in an experimental phase and Hanna barbera was producing offshoots of Warner bros creations by the dozens, this infamous and not so familiar character came to realization. This has become a burdensome funeral dirge and thorn in my dads side and I don’t see why these strange fucking people are perpetrating their misguided fantasies, with me or my father in their crosshairs. I know Bob Dylan and the Beatles were virtually new borns when the production “Flirty Birdy” came out, but let us commence to saying that these things too come in their relative ways. Time is like a river, and history repeats itself. And if the glove don’t fit, you must acquit. Now let’s all put aside the bad humor and cook this turkey…

for science…


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