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Holy shit... Looked at my laptop date... Happy Birthday, Toonami!!!


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Twenty years ago today, Toonami premiered on Cartoon Network!!! Isn't that just grand? I was a little kid and that was such a long ass time ago. I remember the days of Voltron, Thundercats, Robotech, Jonny Quest, the old shet like the Centurions and the Galaxy Trio. Remember that? Ah it brings back so many memories. I remember when Cartoon Network first got shows like Batman and Beetlejuice (bleh never liked it really). I remember the summer when Cartoon Theatre premiered. Ah remember it so vividly. Balto, An American Tail, The Land Before Time. Yeah Cartoon Theatre in the 90s was when I first saw those, all amazing movies. Oh man, Toonami, so many memories. Where do I even start? I loved watching Voltron back in the old days, every weekday, man I loved Voltron. The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest!! <3 I remember the early Sailor Moon days. I can't remember jack about the actual show though it's been so long. Swat Kats, well it wasn't on Toonami, but how could you watch Cartoon Network back then and not now about this RADICAL f-cking cartoon?



Man, so many good memories. The Moltar, TOM, and TOM 2 days were the best. I know a lot of people think the TOM 3 Era was good, but Adult Swim opened my eyes up to the truth. I watched Yu Yu Hakusho religiously on the original ASA, back when you had to wait a fckng week to see it.... (hmmmmmmm kinda like JUST RIGHT NOW with present-day Toonami) and when they brought it to Toonami I was pissed. They took out the Smile Bomb intro ("Walking in a crowd etc etc etc) first of all, anyway, seeing YYH and Rurouni Kenshin debut on Toonami in the TOM 3 era made me realize what edited BS Toonami actually was. I was oblivious to it until Adult Swim Action, but it made me realize WTF was going on with these editing standards to cater to 7-12 year old kids. Yeah I was still decently young back then, but once you get introduced to rated R movies, you ain't tryna see no fcking G-rated BS.





I stopped watching Toonami for a while, especially during the 2003/04 era, yeah I checked in for Gundam SEED and GT sometimes, but the revelation of what a watered down product it really was pissed me the f off. So, when Toonami moved to Saturdays, I gave it more of a serious look again, and when it acquired Naruto, I started watching it regularly for the first time in over a year, and it was definitely geared toward babies, but I actually appreciated what it was about at its core. It didn't have to be all gunho and serious. People wanted it to be deadly like during the Outlaw Star, Blue Sub #6, Big O days, but basically you can't show that sh-t during normal hours.



Yeah I appreciate Toonami a lot, but right now Toonami's f--king up big time putting Gundam Unicorn at 2am, WTF is that. Look, man, for you kids who aren't about it, Gundam was huge in the early 2000s. There was a time when Gundam was all over CN in the post-Wing days, on Toonami weekdays, the midnight run, and on Adult Swim Saturdays. Now it's f--king treated like the red-headed stepchild and you f--king praise Dragon Ball Super and Samurai Jack? HOLY SH--!!! Those series can't even hold a candle to a decent Gundam series. Wow f--k that. Unreal. Anyway, Happy Birthday, Toonami!! Much appreciated

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