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the stupidiest people in the world call customer service LOL

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customer: im checking on my withdrawal

me: ok *puts on hold and checks* Ok you are trying to do a withdrawal on a whole life policy. YOu can only do a withdrawal on a universal life policy, sir. I would have to send you the correct form for that.

customer: ive done a withdrawal on it before!

me: thats not possible - it had to be something else... *looks over policy* i dont see you taking any money out of this policy, sir

customer: i did it last month

me: i dont see anyhing being done last month. do you have another policy. with us?

him: no i dont. and i did pull money out last month!!
me: theres nothing showing in here that i can see

him:  well get me someone who can see it!!

im supposed to say that everyone has the same system but that just causes more back and forth so i never do this. i get him a supervisor who tells him the same thing and she takes over the call.

i instant message her a few minutes asking her WTF .. lo and behold... the idiot DID have another policy!! how the hell can you forget having an a WHOLE nother account!!! moron!!


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