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I kinda think my cousin is hot...so what? MEGA THREAD

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Guest Knife_Hands

Check this out....https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_coupled_cousins

LOL Charles Darwin's family was practicing natural selection and shit....and lol his freaking son and daughter married each other....bwhahahahah

My professor in my genetics class was married to his second cousin, and in some states, marrying your second cousin is legal...the probability of genetic defect in 2nd cousin is only 2-3% higher than in a random pairing....

Anyway, the reason cousin marriage is frowned upon...discuss.

Maybe this should be in rants or DF, don't know....

But cousin sex is kinda hot, found out I was related to one of my ex-girlfriends lately.

Guest Knife_Hands

Ok, after rereading, I think Darwin's stepdaughter and son married...still...LOL!!!

Guest Knife_Hands

Rudi Guiliani is married to his second cousin.


Guest Knife_Hands

Saddam Hussein and his 1st cousin....awesome!!!


Guest Knife_Hands

John Kerry was married to a distant cousin.

Guest Knife_Hands
3 minutes ago, The Beast Milk said:

nah.  I mean there is too vast of a selection to "keep it in the family"

If you're looking for a mate for life, I think it's probably better for cousins because they share part of the same psyche and think it's probably easier to understand each other because instead of searching randomly for somebody that "clicks" with you and your values, the psyche is already bred into your mate, but that's not guaranteed of course.

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