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IP Banned from OKC on computer and cell phone

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Yeah man. Gonna log into OkCupid from my local library, cop a hot 18 year old chick or two, and then do some research to find the mod(s) who banned me so that I can knock him the fck out!!!! ?????


Good idea

Go to a local library make threats against employees of OKC for banning you

Have your face recorded on camera so the police can find you easier


Just go on timber and find a fuckbuddy





Nothing I did was ban worthy. They'll pay for this!  :)


Harassing female members

Constantly making moves even after denied


I wouldn't be shocked if a member you were hitting on there was a member on here and reported you to the site admin


Good idea

Go to a local library make threats against employees of OKC for banning you

Have your face recorded on camera so the police can find you easier


Just go on timber and find a fuckbuddy



Not threats lol. I'm dead serious. They're not gonna do me like this, homie. I'm throwing haymakers once I find out who was behind it all!!



Not threats lol. I'm dead serious. They're not gonna do me like this, homie. I'm throwing haymakers once I find out who was behind it all!!


Assault and battery

That's a nice charge to have when applying for a job


Employers do background checks and that would cost you a good job


Does that sound worth it to you?


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