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More than 20 years later, Skeet Ulrich still makes my skin crawl.

Since the time of watching Skeet Ulrich in The Craft and SCREAM (2 Horror Films that he played in with Neve Campbell in 1996), he always gave me creepy vibes.

He always looked like a younger, sociopathic version of Johnny Depp.

It's amazing that Skeet Ulrich was never casted for the role of Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. Not that Christian Bale did a bad job or anything.

I was sold on his role of Patrick Bateman. He still creeps me the fuck out, too.

As for Skeet Ulrich, the stare in his eyes always looked sociopathic. He also has a history of playing a creep in films, whether they are Horror or Thriller.

After re-watching SCREAM earlier, I started realizing that his character, Billy Loomis reminded me of a particular high school creep, who attended summer school with me in the Summer of '98.

That creep had the same hair style as Billy Loomis with the same crazy eyes. He always stared at me inside/outside of class and would follow me around in the hallways during our breaks.

Looking back, I really should've went to summer school with pepper spray or something inside my purse. More than 2 decades later, the thought of Skeet Ulrich and that creep still make my skin crawl.



Edited by PurgatoryGirl
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