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I made that thread about Riverdale the other day but as it turns out the comics have gotten just as wannabe edgy as this new show(''o_O'')


mainly in the form of a bunch of spin-offs drawn in off model artstyles

such as

Afterlife with Archie:afterlife_with_archie_09_2nd_cover_francavilla_low.jpg?w=774

a zombie apocalypse comic attempting to emulate the walking dead


Archie vs. Predator:image27.jpg

basically just predator killing every archie character in gruesome ways(I understand Kevin, as well as everyone else, was written as shallow stereotypes in this comic so that could explain his portrayal in Riverdale)


"Jughead":width=389 height=600https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--SY1FtVkT--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/1460728658481483042.png[/img]

a spin-off just for Jughead, was used to confirm that Jughead is asexual (that said he apparently flirts with kevin a lot in this comic)


life with Kevin:465387._SX400_QL80_TTD_.jpg

a spin off starring an older (and scruffier) Kevin keller who has moved to new york (Possibly because he was tired of being the only Gay person in Riverdale)




there's also a comic version of Riverdale from what I understand



basically Archies is trying super hard to be edgy

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