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I am so lucky


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I have a good boss. I was afraid to take this position because my old boss was awesome. His boss is now my boss too, and he's pretty awesome too. 

I know how bad shitty bosses can be, so I'm not taking this for granted.

Not sure how i got this far but I'm gonna work the fuck out of his job. Plus, I get business cards too! 

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I started a new job a couple months ago. New boss is awesome. I hated my last boss/es they were garbage people, just as people. I didn't interact w them much, but everyone who did hated them bc they are garbage people and garbage bosses. Crazy what a difference it makes just in terms of your general motivation and give a fuck and attitude. 

New boss starts me off at more money than I would ever feel comfortable asking or hoping for, ie a living wage, shares his nice weed w me at the end of shifts, holds normal views about the world, good to talk to, and by every account a decent person in general. 

Literally ready to lay down my life for the business. As you said, work the fuck out the job. Just bc garbage incarnate is not at the helm 

Edited by Nabloom
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32 minutes ago, Nabloom said:

I started a new job a couple months ago. New boss is awesome. I hated my last boss/es they were garbage people, just as people. I didn't interact w them much, but everyone who did hated them bc they are garbage people and garbage bosses. Crazy what a difference it makes just in terms of your general motivation and give a fuck and attitude. 

New boss starts me off at more money than I would ever feel comfortable asking or hoping for, ie a living wage, shares his nice weed w me at the end of shifts, holds normal views about the world, good to talk to, and by every account a decent person in general. 

Literally ready to lay down my life for the business. As you said, work the fuck out the job. Just bc garbage incarnate is not at the helm 

My old boss is like that. When i was his right hand man we'd figure out work stuff and then just chat about stuff. He's cool as shit and I'm glad i still get to work with him. He was stoked about me taking this position too. I think he made sure I got it. I get to play a bigger role in keeping his and another zone running smoothly, so it works out great.

Honestly though the reason i respect my old boss so much is I've seen him get extremely pissed, just absolutely livid, pull it back when talking to the person involved, and figure out how to lift them up if he could, rather than break them down. That's the mark of a leader. 

Human garbage bosses suck. Worst part is they can be charming at times. When I worked for Amazon, I burnt out. I wanted to like the bosses but all they cared about were numbers and looking good. There were a few people in charge that were decent, but the higher up you went the more shitty the people could be. You could do such a piss poor job stowing an item that you broke it, and no one would ever care, but if you didn't make numbers they'd be on your ass. I could make the numbers but i need to do a good job, and working so hard while no one else gave a shit was too much. 

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