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Seriously though

Killa Ounze

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Between the I assume brain damage from wrestling and toxic relationships(let's just say a lot of shots to the old cranium rattling the very thing that sent water boy into a blind rage towards The Colonel from KFC who tried to teach him about it).

and the mental wear of life and drugs  ...emboldened by repeated loss of love ones to friends from everything from cancer, to accidents, to drugs and more I should be absolutely insane.

Then there are the so far failed dreams, and of course the life long burden of manic and depression and ADD...

I should of in fact went out like so many wrestlers and nfl players who decided fuck me and fuck it's a pain in the ass... or treated the world like my own private Batman theatrical release(dark knight rises)...

but instead I'm here with my own version of Crow T Robert, Tom Servo, Gypsy, and Cambot...

so like Joel Robinson, I say when life give you lemons, buy vodka then make spiked lemonade...

(this has been a complete waste of time by a previously officiated adultswim helper, move along)

(nothing to see here)





Edited by Killa Ounze
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