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This story are all things that happened that night. 

My brother turned 31, and wanted to go to a hibachi restaurant. The nightmare part is him having his friends and girlfriend there. His girlfriend is very white trash, so is his one friend, the other friend though is more along the lines of a sexual deviant. No matter the situation he will talk about sex. By whatever misfortune we received a waiter who spoke no english. To make it more difficult for the poor guy my brothers GF who is almost 40 begins speaking with an engrish accent saying things like brocoray and behff. This led white trash friend to do the same. I know enough japanese to find my way around a menu and told him what they wanted. After he left I told them to knock it off and we're lucky they are cooking the food in front of us, or else you would probably be eating a lot of spit. Sexual deviant friend chimes in with a "nah they just have it soaking in dog ass in the back" white trash friend chimes in with "don't you mean cat". They don't seem to understand that even if you don't know the language, you can tell when someone is being condescending towards you. Shortly later Sexual Deviant friend wants us to do shots, that's fine. What wasn't fine was that my brother screams out KAMIKAZE. My reaction was "oh no", to which the order came up we want Kamikaze. The guy looked confused so to make it clearer our white trash friend said "Yeah you know Pearl Harbor". Before I could even react to that, To make it crystal clear for the waiter my brothers white trash GF spelled it out for him C-U-M-M-Y-C-U-Z-Z-I, with full on confidence. I do point out that she is a fucking retard and to stop talking. My brother tells me to be nice... 

To make this worse we are at a hibachi table. Across from us is a child having a birthday. At this point I'm sure it can't get worse. Sexual Deviant begins to talk about this new strap-on dildo he got because he likes to get pegged...Once again there is a child across the table from us. My brother pulls out a bottle of Jack and cracks it open. I was like The Fuck are you doing? He was like it's "byob". I explain that a restaurant with a bar is never byob. The place that is byob is one that I do go to often and am thankful that my brother did not pick it. Really I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out. 

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