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Everything is real all the time, every potential moment and occurrence that we can imagine and that we can't are all eternally co-existent  in a weird sort of ultimately timeless now that always looks the same because it always contains every possible phenomenon all at once... Yes, you are in a simulation, but so are the people running that simulation. You and they are simulations in an infinite number of timelines, and not just simulations but also things like video games and television shows. Time is real, there's just ultimately no external barometer telling us "what time it is" compared to any other time unless we slice away most of the multi-verse and focus on one part of it. This, that, these, those, it's all really the same thing and most of it that we an see simply seems to have forgotten that. Kind of like an origami square, there are a multitude of ways to fold it, but it's all the same square. When you look out at the world, you're looking at you, and that's the real you, the you that goes on of itself.  There's no perfect enlightenment to seek after; whatever you experience, by jove, there you've arrived! It took a long time to get here, if you think about it. If you think about it, the multi-verse must be awash with all kinds of crazy assed shit to make you feel REAL uncomfortable, and here we have this cozy reality where events strike an interesting balance between chaos and predictability that keeps us enthralled even at the notion of being bored. Or taking a walk in the rain. Did you ever just take a walk in the rain and cry with gratitude that nothing else was even going on?

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